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  1. #41
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunzi2010 View Post
    Sorry mate.
    apologies if your not happy with my response, but again people like you banning stuff cos your dying just leads me to wonder why you want it banned? is it because your dying?
    make a warlock yourself.
    PVP if I had it my way would be banned, its a total waste of time and brings nothing to this game.
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Some people dont think its a waste of time. I am now able to save hurl, so Im not dying by it. Its just not fair the melees like a barbarian. And I have a shield for caper. But what about a monk who wants to pvp and the monk is fist build? He cant put the shield on and fight. A barbarian cant save a high hurl DC. It makes the pvp so unfair for some classes. The thing is, its not fun to hide in a corner and spam hurl or jump down out of nowhere and spam people on a bard when they have nobody to take them out. PvP just isnt a majority thing. Doesnt mean its not part of the game though. Just like you love questing, I love pvp'ing. These things being banned from pvp would do no harm to caper or hurl in quest. It'll just make pvp better.
    The King

  2. #42
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erofen View Post
    1. Obviously you are having trouble reading because I specifically said I do enjoy it sometimes. I used to do it frequently.

    2. I did not remember, so I asked. Once again I do pvp, but not just on one toon so do not remember which toons were affected by that type of stuff or why.

    3. Barbarian is not stopped from having a high will save. Heck they could jump down and ear smash those pesky bards/warlocks.

    4. I missed that sorry, but if they are stalking you, you can report them.

    5. YMMV

    6. Read first paragraph.

    7. You refusing to issue their own medicine back to them or stop pvping is your problem, not Turbine's.

    8. They do exist, they may just be in the minority... just like you and the other people who want dev time spent on pvp.

    I will repeat this for the sake of clarity: I DO enjoy pvp, but DO NOT want dev time wasted on it.
    It isnt a waste of time if it satisfies some people. 99% of the time you report someone, nothing happens (100% if player spends money). How is the barb gonna earsmash the warlock if they are hurled because the warlock is at the bottom corner???? Bards dont pvp anymore unless they are a spammer. And my reading is quite fine bud. And why would I do something to someone, when I want the thing banned???? Makes no sense. So maybe you should go re-read. Because obviously you have trouble with it. If someone spends money on the game, they aint getting banned. And what is a monk fist build supposed to do if a bard comes? They cant really even fight at all with the shield on. Its not like the quest are going to end because they spend such little time on fixing pvp a little. They could make hurl and caper banned from pvp and it wouldnt hurt quest at all. Like globe of invulnerability, you cant cast it in pvp, and quest wasnt affected by that. You can use it in quest. So spending such little time to make pvp a better wouldnt harm anyone. You questers dont even think about the pvpers. Asking for something so little and you gotta hop all over it. Its mainly a questing game, but there is pvp in it. If pvp is in the game, then they need to spend some time to improve part of their game.
    The King

  3. #43
    Community Member Erofen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derfy View Post
    It isnt a waste of time if it satisfies some people.

    99% of the time you report someone, nothing happens (100% if player spends money).

    How is the barb gonna earsmash the warlock if they are hurled because the warlock is at the bottom corner????

    Bards dont pvp anymore unless they are a spammer.

    And my reading is quite fine bud. And why would I do something to someone, when I want the thing banned???? Makes no sense. So maybe you should go re-read. Because obviously you have trouble with it.

    If someone spends money on the game, they aint getting banned.

    And what is a monk fist build supposed to do if a bard comes? They cant really even fight at all with the shield on. Its not like the quest are going to end because they spend such little time on fixing pvp a little. They could make hurl and caper banned from pvp and it wouldnt hurt quest at all. Like globe of invulnerability, you cant cast it in pvp, and quest wasnt affected by that. You can use it in quest. So spending such little time to make pvp a better wouldnt harm anyone. You questers dont even think about the pvpers. Asking for something so little and you gotta hop all over it. Its mainly a questing game, but there is pvp in it. If pvp is in the game, then they need to spend some time to improve part of their game.
    1. But since that is at the expense of the majority of people they could be satisfying by working on another thing with their time it very much so is. The more people they satisfy the more $ coming in. Sure if they had time to waste, but we are hard-pressed for quality content nowadays and they need every second they can get.

    2. Once again YMMV but that second statement is SOOOOOO FALSE. There are plenty of people that spend money (and lots of it) that get banned with the rest. That is just a conspiracy.

    3. Get a higher save or wait for them to put it on cooldown? This game is not balanced based off pvp. Has been this way since the beginning. There is always some mega pvp build that makes all the newbies cry because they are not as viable in pvp even if they better in questing. If you want to be as viable join their club. You choosing not to for whatever reason (yes I am aware what it is... you post the same stuff on like every reply) is on YOU.

    4. Nice generalization, but it is false. Whether or not they a minority, they do exist.

    5. I said if you did not want to do something to get back at them you can always leave, but nice bait mate.

    6. See 2nd paragraph.

    7. You have posted this on like every single reply, but as for your last statement... It was thrown into the game and made clear that no time would be spent improving it.
    Orien: ~Erofen (30 Assassin Rogue) ~Erofenlock (30 EB Warlock) ~Erofenmonk (30 Light Monk) ~Erofentrap (30 Roguerficer (1st TR/Legend Build ever)) ~Erofenbarb (30 Barb) ~Erofenbless (30 FvS Chest Blesser) ~Erofenthree (30 Bard Dualbox) ~Erofenten (30 Barb Triplebox)
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Um, I'm almost afraid to ask, but exactly just what is 'sneak humping'? Kex! Stop It! O.o

  4. #44
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    Disable these things and the brawling area will become fair again...

    Nerve Venom
    - Got to be Construct or Undead or you're out of luck. Nothing else can save you. Really OP considering all the ways it can be proc'd on you.

    Throat Dagger
    - Knock-down + damage + unable to cast after you get back up? No save. Not even Celestial Spirit saves you. Super cheap and encourages people to spec in non-PvP ways.

    Wizard Past Life Missiles
    - Inferior casters should not be allowed instakill shiradi force procs. Also, it bypasses Shield and Nightshield. That's silly and unfair.

    Adrenaline Overload
    - If you didn't use Meld or Udying Vanguard you're dead. This ability encourages ledge-hopping.

    Hurl through Hell
    - While savable, it is still unfair to toons such as a 20barbarian which would have to chase you down.

    Meld Into Darkness
    - 100% dodge is ridiculous. You still have Dodge/PRR/DR without it. If spell absorption is gone, it shouldn't be too much of an issue to fight back against this. Especially if they can't use Adrenaline Overload.

    Undying Vanguard
    - Going in with 10k HP gives an unfair advantage, especially if the cheap CC effects are removed.

    Spell Absorption
    - Since we're disabling Meld, disable spell absorption too. Only fair.

    Disable Construct
    - Only disable this if you're not disabling Throat Dagger. You can put on two uncleansed blank green steel items and get yourself out of it, but if they DC and follow up with TD you're done for.

    AoE Spells
    - Spamming Ice Storm to drain absorption (should not be allowed in there) as well as get shiradi procs (also should not work in there) is bad. A single player can cover the entire pit with that spell.

    Ruin/Greater Ruin
    - So you drain someone's spell absorption and instakill them? Not really fair. Personally, I think these spells cost too much SP to have for PvE but I know a lot of people still find room for it. I'd only take them if I had enough force spellpower and even then I'd only use it on bosses. This spell would need to be disabled in PvP if spell absorption went away for sure.

    Song of Capering
    - Sure you can use the House Phiarlan Shield for this (or go undead) but some people are rangers and they use bows. They have no room for this. Then there's always the few times you take your shield off and some bard you didn't notice coming in hops down for a freebie.

  5. #45
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    Default Shield Block

    Quote Originally Posted by Derfy View Post
    . But what about a monk who wants to pvp and the monk is fist build? He cant put the shield on and fight. A barbarian cant save a high hurl DC. It makes the pvp so unfair for some classes. .
    I'm confused by this statement.
    You do know that a shield is not required to actively block? I have been blocking with a bow this life.

    From the wiki:
    Player characters can actively block by holding the block key (default: left shift). While blocking, a character gains +2 Armor Class, has increased Damage Reduction, and is immune to most special attack and weapon effects. This includes, but is not limited to, Scorpion/Spider Poison, Wraith Constitution Drain, and damage enchantments such as Crippling, Flaming, Wounding, Maladroit, and even Bane.

    A shield is not required to actively block, although blocking with a shield provides significantly more bonus DR than blocking without one. All benefits mentioned above apply regardless of the character's equipment. A player can block and gain its benefits even while prone.

    And now I see a post mentioning the Phiarlan Shield with the enchantment absorb.

    kk, nothing to see here I guess.
    Last edited by NostraVar; 02-16-2016 at 02:14 PM.

  6. #46
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erofen View Post
    1. But since that is at the expense of the majority of people they could be satisfying by working on another thing with their time it very much so is. The more people they satisfy the more $ coming in. Sure if they had time to waste, but we are hard-pressed for quality content nowadays and they need every second they can get.

    2. Once again YMMV but that second statement is SOOOOOO FALSE. There are plenty of people that spend money (and lots of it) that get banned with the rest. That is just a conspiracy.

    3. Get a higher save or wait for them to put it on cooldown? This game is not balanced based off pvp. Has been this way since the beginning. There is always some mega pvp build that makes all the newbies cry because they are not as viable in pvp even if they better in questing. If you want to be as viable join their club. You choosing not to for whatever reason (yes I am aware what it is... you post the same stuff on like every reply) is on YOU.

    4. Nice generalization, but it is false. Whether or not they a minority, they do exist.

    5. I said if you did not want to do something to get back at them you can always leave, but nice bait mate.

    6. See 2nd paragraph.

    7. You have posted this on like every single reply, but as for your last statement... It was thrown into the game and made clear that no time would be spent improving it.
    Ok. The game could fix pvp in no time. Im saying that some things make it unfair. Then you want to have 100% of time spent on the game focused on things you do. If you loved pvp, you would be doing the same thing. Im not saying spend 100% of the time on pvp. Just saying the could improve it in no time. Apparently you dont understand what im saying, a few spammers just spam pvp and makes it unfair for other players. I got the saves now to save but not fair for a lot of players. Im not saying ban warlock powers because it can kill me and ban caper because it can kill me, because I assure you I can kill any pvp'er there is. My guildie uses caper and it helps us out, but I dont like the fact that the person is taken out of the fight. Caper somewhat helps my guild in pvp, but I still think its unfair. Same for hurl. And pvp is a minority so people act like they shouldnt do anything for it. Its still part of the game and needs to be improved. So instead of spending 100% of time on quest, why not spend like 95%(Quest) - 5%(PvP)???? I love pvp and I still think that questing could be improved and fix bugs, but they are doing that all the time. Take just a tiny tiny break from that, and focus on another part of the game. So instead of me leaving or making someone else leave doing something they love (PvP), why not spend just a little time fixing the pvp, so nobody has to leave and people can fight more fairly? I mean, all the things you cant use in pvp, why not make hurl and caper 2 of those several things? And I know a lot of guys who gets reported all the time. They spend so much money but will do the things because they know they arent going to get banned. They have yet to be banned though.
    Last edited by Derfy; 02-16-2016 at 02:58 PM.
    The King

  7. #47
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NostraVar View Post
    I'm confused by this statement.
    You do know that a shield is not required to actively block? I have been blocking with a bow this life.

    From the wiki:
    Player characters can actively block by holding the block key (default: left shift). While blocking, a character gains +2 Armor Class, has increased Damage Reduction, and is immune to most special attack and weapon effects. This includes, but is not limited to, Scorpion/Spider Poison, Wraith Constitution Drain, and damage enchantments such as Crippling, Flaming, Wounding, Maladroit, and even Bane.

    A shield is not required to actively block, although blocking with a shield provides significantly more bonus DR than blocking without one. All benefits mentioned above apply regardless of the character's equipment. A player can block and gain its benefits even while prone.

    And now I see a post mentioning the Phiarlan Shield with the enchantment absorb.

    kk, nothing to see here I guess.
    I understand your misunderstanding.

    What I meant was the shield blocks the stun. A fist build monk cant fight with a shield on. Just blocking with a normal weapon wont block the stun. The shield itself blocks the stun, and you have to be wearing it.
    The King

  8. #48
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Textuality View Post
    Disable these things and the brawling area will become fair again...

    Nerve Venom
    - Got to be Construct or Undead or you're out of luck. Nothing else can save you. Really OP considering all the ways it can be proc'd on you.

    Throat Dagger
    - Knock-down + damage + unable to cast after you get back up? No save. Not even Celestial Spirit saves you. Super cheap and encourages people to spec in non-PvP ways.

    Wizard Past Life Missiles
    - Inferior casters should not be allowed instakill shiradi force procs. Also, it bypasses Shield and Nightshield. That's silly and unfair.

    Adrenaline Overload
    - If you didn't use Meld or Udying Vanguard you're dead. This ability encourages ledge-hopping.

    Hurl through Hell
    - While savable, it is still unfair to toons such as a 20barbarian which would have to chase you down.

    Meld Into Darkness
    - 100% dodge is ridiculous. You still have Dodge/PRR/DR without it. If spell absorption is gone, it shouldn't be too much of an issue to fight back against this. Especially if they can't use Adrenaline Overload.

    Undying Vanguard
    - Going in with 10k HP gives an unfair advantage, especially if the cheap CC effects are removed.

    Spell Absorption
    - Since we're disabling Meld, disable spell absorption too. Only fair.

    Disable Construct
    - Only disable this if you're not disabling Throat Dagger. You can put on two uncleansed blank green steel items and get yourself out of it, but if they DC and follow up with TD you're done for.

    AoE Spells
    - Spamming Ice Storm to drain absorption (should not be allowed in there) as well as get shiradi procs (also should not work in there) is bad. A single player can cover the entire pit with that spell.

    Ruin/Greater Ruin
    - So you drain someone's spell absorption and instakill them? Not really fair. Personally, I think these spells cost too much SP to have for PvE but I know a lot of people still find room for it. I'd only take them if I had enough force spellpower and even then I'd only use it on bosses. This spell would need to be disabled in PvP if spell absorption went away for sure.

    Song of Capering
    - Sure you can use the House Phiarlan Shield for this (or go undead) but some people are rangers and they use bows. They have no room for this. Then there's always the few times you take your shield off and some bard you didn't notice coming in hops down for a freebie.
    I agree with you. I just listed 2 of the things I think are most unfair. But you see how freakish people get about banning 2 things, I have no clue how mad they would be if I said remove all those things. But I agree with you, to restore pvp to 100%, they would have to ban all of those things. Banning hurl and caper would make it a step closer to being normal and at best. If they would spend more time on pvp, I would say ban all those things you listed. So nice point.
    The King

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derfy View Post
    I agree with you. I just listed 2 of the things I think are most unfair. But you see how freakish people get about banning 2 things, I have no clue how mad they would be if I said remove all those things. But I agree with you, to restore pvp to 100%, they would have to ban all of those things. Banning hurl and caper would make it a step closer to being normal and at best. If they would spend more time on pvp, I would say ban all those things you listed. So nice point.
    Banning only Hurl and Caper would give any PvP build without it the same advantages as they already get.

    I've seen 3arti,4pal,13wiz bladeforged go into PvP using TR MM and Throat Dagger. They spend 6 AP to go undead and their saves are too high for Hurl. Even an 80 CHA would be a 70 Hurl DC which lets them save. They get kills with shiradi procs and Ruin. If you're a fleshy you get Nerve Venom'd. If you're a construct they Disable Construct you. If you're undead that helps, but they still knock you down with Throat Dagger and fire off enough TR missiles to instakill you with a force proc.

    Also, I have seen a 4pal,16wizard that goes undead fail against Hurl almost every time. They do the same as the build I just listed above. Why should their low saves not work to my advantage? I am against removing Hurl and Song of Capering (for which I have a House P shield) UNLESS they remove ALL instakill(or crazy damage) and CC abilities.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Textuality View Post
    Banning only Hurl and Caper would give any PvP build without it the same advantages as they already get.

    I've seen 3arti,4pal,13wiz bladeforged go into PvP using TR MM and Throat Dagger. They spend 6 AP to go undead and their saves are too high for Hurl. Even an 80 CHA would be a 70 Hurl DC which lets them save. They get kills with shiradi procs and Ruin. If you're a fleshy you get Nerve Venom'd. If you're a construct they Disable Construct you. If you're undead that helps, but they still knock you down with Throat Dagger and fire off enough TR missiles to instakill you with a force proc.

    Also, I have seen a 4pal,16wizard that goes undead fail against Hurl almost every time. They do the same as the build I just listed above. Why should their low saves not work to my advantage? I am against removing Hurl and Song of Capering (for which I have a House P shield) UNLESS they remove ALL instakill(or crazy damage) and CC abilities.
    They should remove all the instakills but if people freak out about 2 things, they gonna have a heart attack about a list of things. If it was up to me, I would ban that whole list you posted, but I would have so many hate comments I couldnt even deal with.
    The King

  11. #51
    Community Member Hiponic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derfy View Post
    Like no joke, I have been followed to every tavern by warlocks and all they do is spam hurl. This game is just coming out with things that is so cheap for pvp and just ruins it. Then when you try to fight someone, some level 15 iconic who clearly made the character to stun in pvp jumps down and uses disable construct, then before you can get out of it, they song of capering you and keep you stunned. Song of capering is just making people make level 15's and not playing the game. Hurl just makes a lot of people go warlock and never spend a drop of money on the game because they got what they want and spam hurl. But if hurl was banned, people would spend money to go different things and the same goes for caper. If you ban caper, then the people who just make level 15's and not spend any money or what so ever, will stop doing this and actually spend money to level a build they actually care for.
    This isnt new lol.

    So while your at it...Ban Slayer arrow, Adrenaline Rush, Bard Songs, Endless Fussilade, 10k Stars, Any Wiz/Sorc spell thats able to do over 1k Damage.
    Or you know.. Stay out of this games Garbage and publicly known unbalanced "pvp" if thats what you can call it.

    It's like a mini game in the game. Your playing pong while the real game loads. PRESS START BRO

    Honestly the people who sit and do that are trolling.. Your doing your fair share to keep the troll alive lol
    Just a fly caught in the web, So watch where you fly.
    Not to mention the fact that there are several PVP area's.
    Don't want to get bullied after school, Watch where your walking.

    So in all. Instead of asking them to take anytime, be it a few minutes of code or a couple weeks. We should be asking for a actual PVP System. Anything short of that is a waste of time,money,resources,and form posts.
    Thank you good nite!
    Last edited by Hiponic; 02-16-2016 at 08:45 PM.
    Nefatron - Nefron - Nefrous - Ya Know What... Just Call Me NEF ~ Ghalland ~

  12. #52
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hiponic View Post
    This isnt new lol.

    So while your at it...Ban Slayer arrow, Adrenaline Rush, Bard Songs, Endless Fussilade, 10k Stars, Any Wiz/Sorc spell thats able to do over 1k Damage.
    Or you know.. Stay out of this games Garbage and publicly known unbalanced "pvp" if thats what you can call it.

    It's like a mini game in the game. Your playing pong while the real game loads. PRESS START BRO
    Well maybe if you have read the comments you see people about to have a heart attack from how much they be freaking out. If I added 10 more things, they would pass out and die.
    The King

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derfy View Post
    Well maybe if you have read the comments you see people about to have a heart attack from how much they be freaking out. If I added 10 more things, they would pass out and die.
    I'm not suggesting to ban anything. I'm making a point of how silly this post is.
    There IS NO PVP IN DDO.. Want to go beat up your buddies in a fun mini game? Sure we have that.
    Actual PVP where there is scores, gear, balancing, a system involved is no where in this game.

    So when people post about banning something in PVP it makes no sense. If it actually accounted for anything sure.. But it's just a mini game. Dev's dont care.
    and until a system is in place and some balancing comes out.. Most of the players dont ether.
    Cause we know the obvious. There is no PVP in this game lol.
    Nefatron - Nefron - Nefrous - Ya Know What... Just Call Me NEF ~ Ghalland ~

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derfy View Post
    Ok. The game could fix pvp in no time. Im saying that some things make it unfair. Then you want to have 100% of time spent on the game focused on things you do. If you loved pvp, you would be doing the same thing. Im not saying spend 100% of the time on pvp. Just saying the could improve it in no time. Apparently you dont understand what im saying, a few spammers just spam pvp and makes it unfair for other players. I got the saves now to save but not fair for a lot of players. Im not saying ban warlock powers because it can kill me and ban caper because it can kill me, because I assure you I can kill any pvp'er there is. My guildie uses caper and it helps us out, but I dont like the fact that the person is taken out of the fight. Caper somewhat helps my guild in pvp, but I still think its unfair. Same for hurl. And pvp is a minority so people act like they shouldnt do anything for it. Its still part of the game and needs to be improved. So instead of spending 100% of time on quest, why not spend like 95%(Quest) - 5%(PvP)???? I love pvp and I still think that questing could be improved and fix bugs, but they are doing that all the time. Take just a tiny tiny break from that, and focus on another part of the game. So instead of me leaving or making someone else leave doing something they love (PvP), why not spend just a little time fixing the pvp, so nobody has to leave and people can fight more fairly? I mean, all the things you cant use in pvp, why not make hurl and caper 2 of those several things? And I know a lot of guys who gets reported all the time. They spend so much money but will do the things because they know they arent going to get banned. They have yet to be banned though.

    I'm curious: How are you able to tell how much these reported players spend?

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hiponic View Post
    I'm not suggesting to ban anything. I'm making a point of how silly this post is.
    There IS NO PVP IN DDO.. Want to go beat up your buddies in a fun mini game? Sure we have that.
    Actual PVP where there is scores, gear, balancing, a system involved is no where in this game.

    So when people post about banning something in PVP it makes no sense. If it actually accounted for anything sure.. But it's just a mini game. Dev's dont care.
    and until a system is in place and some balancing comes out.. Most of the players dont ether.
    Cause we know the obvious. There is no PVP in this game lol.
    Wrong. The devs coded in Capture the Flag YEARS ago.

  16. #56
    Community Member Derfy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cronusdeathspell View Post
    I'm curious: How are you able to tell how much these reported players spend?
    When they buy VIP every year. Are constantly buying otto's boxes. I cant tell you the exact amount they spend but you can tell when someone spends money.
    The King

  17. #57
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    For pvp to be right everything should work including stealth and assasinate, area effect spells EVERYTHING. otherwise nothing should work and everyone should just beat each other down with fists.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  18. #58
    Community Member Hiponic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Textuality View Post
    Wrong. The devs coded in Capture the Flag YEARS ago.
    Oh fun! Now just tell me where to go and play Capture the flag and Ill retract my PVP statement.

    Oh it's not accessible? I see.
    Nefatron - Nefron - Nefrous - Ya Know What... Just Call Me NEF ~ Ghalland ~

  19. #59
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Personally I don't like having any ability not available in PvP.

    Now I'm not going to disagree that there isn't balance between classes/builds in DDO.

    Now Turbine has restricted AoE effects from the brawling pits that could be spammed and I understand this.

    But I don't really consider the Brawling pits PvP, its more a free for all.

  20. #60
    Community Member nomaddog's Avatar
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    I have long thought that one of the airship amenities should be a pvp pit. Gives you an opportunity to best up on friends without having jerks ruin your party.
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