Looking for a heroic stone or box. Send me a tell in-game or send PM.
Toons: Tvux or Nilaz
Looking for a heroic stone or box. Send me a tell in-game or send PM.
Toons: Tvux or Nilaz
Proud Leader of Majestics.
Toons: Nilazgrc, Tvux , Diytox, Nilaz, Allyourtraps
Interested in Majestics? Check out our casual guild at majestics.shivtr.com
Still looking for a box.
Proud Leader of Majestics.
Toons: Nilazgrc, Tvux , Diytox, Nilaz, Allyourtraps
Interested in Majestics? Check out our casual guild at majestics.shivtr.com