I have a surplus of TF weapons, and am selling them off. I have 10 tier 1 Great axes, 10 tier 1 Great clubs, and 8 tier 1 Khopeshs. The prices are 75k plat each, 125k for a pair of Khopeshs. Ping me here or in game. Policegirl.
I have a surplus of TF weapons, and am selling them off. I have 10 tier 1 Great axes, 10 tier 1 Great clubs, and 8 tier 1 Khopeshs. The prices are 75k plat each, 125k for a pair of Khopeshs. Ping me here or in game. Policegirl.
Proud member of the ArchAngels guild, Thelanis.
Policegirl Killz, Porklord Meatfield, Pilfering Pirate.