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  1. #1
    Community Member Xiongrey's Avatar
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    Oct 2013

    Default Artificer Revamp and Third Tree

    I have placed a where ever the text diverts from what is currently on live to make it easier to spot the changes.

    There is a lot of talk that Arcanotechnicians are getting a pass this update, so maybe I'm too late, but I have to try. I am presenting ideas here for the 2 trees to be updated without significant work. I am also presenting an idea for the 3rd tree along with spell and dog revamps. I think this is in line with whats currently in the game and more in the realm of what the Devs might be willing to implement. The Battle Engineer's and Arcanotechnician's Tier 5's are pretty darn lackluster. I would like to get rid of the movement speed penalty from the rune arm, freeing up a Tier 5 spot there and adding more options for builds that go primarily into one of the other 2 trees. One of the major problems with Artificer's is the fact that they have 2 fairly unique class abilities, the dog and runearm, that are both pretty ineffective without enhancements, but you get stuck deciding which you are going to make effective and which one will suck. Most go for the rune arm because the dog's AI is terrible so its hard to justify focusing your AP into it. Adding a third tree is just going to exacerbate this issue. The issue could be remedied a lot if the dog's own personal enhancements did anything real for it, then Arcanotechnician would just be icing on the cake. I think all stats, saves, AC, HP, DR, PRR/MRR, doublestrike, and Fort enhancements should be in his own tree, then the Arcanotechnician tree could add new capabilities to it, such as Automated Repairs, and my new breath weapon idea. See each section below, and feel free to criticize.
    Last edited by Xiongrey; 02-08-2016 at 11:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Xiongrey's Avatar
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    Default Battle Engineer

    Battle Engineer: Your equipped rune arm grants you +8 Universal Spell Power and +1% doublestrike/doubleshot when it is charged to Charge Tier 1.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 0 Requires: Artificer Level 1

    Infused Weapons: Your equipped weapon in your main hand gains +1 to its Enhancement bonus. Additionally, you gain +1 bonus to your attack roll to confirm a critical hit, and a +1 bonus to the damage of your critical hits (before multipliers) per enhancement bonus of your equipped weapons (capped by your Artificer level). Your equipped rune arm grants you an additional +8 Universal Spell Power and +1% doublestrike/doubleshot when it is charged to Charge Tier 2, for a total of +16 USP and +2% doublestrike/doubleshot.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Battle Engineer, Artificer Level 3

    Infused Armor: Your equipped armor gains +1 to its Enhancement bonus. Additionally, your equipped armor grants you +1 PRR/MRR per enhancement bonus of your equipped armor (capped by your Artificer level) and -10% ASF. (Artificer Infusions are not affected by ASF, but this assists with scroll use.) Your equipped rune arm grants you an additional +8 Universal Spell Power and +1% doublestrike/doubleshot when it is charged to Charge Tier 3, for a total of +24 USP and +3% doublestrike/doubleshot.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Infused Weapons, Artificer Level 6

    Infused Weapons: Your equipped weapon in your main hand gains an additional +1 to its Enhancement bonus, for a total of +2. You also gain a +1 to your critical multiplier. Your equipped rune arm grants you an additional +8 Universal Spell Power and +1% doublestrike/doubleshot when it is charged to Charge Tier 4, for a total of +32 USP and +4% doublestrike/doubleshot.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Infused Armor, Artificer Level 12

    Infused Armor: Your equipped armor gains an additional +1 to its Enhancement bonus, for a total of +2. Your equipped armor also grants you an additional +1 PRR for a total of +2 per enhancement bonus of your equipped armor and an additional -10% ASF for a total of -20%. (Artificer Infusions are not affected by ASF, but this assists with scroll use.) Your equipped rune arm grants you an additional +8 Universal Spell Power and +1% doublestrike/doubleshot when it is charged to Charge Tier 5, for a total of +40 USP and +5% doublestrike/doubleshot.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Infused Weapons, Artificer Level 18

    Master Engineer: You gain +2 Intelligence and +2 Constitution. The Enhancement bonus of your armor and your equipped weapon in your main hand are each increased by an additional +1, for a total of +3. Your equipped weapon in your main hand is now a Spellcasting Implement, providing a +3 Implement bonus to Universal Spell Power for every +1 Enhancement bonus on the weapon. You now gain a bonus to your evocation DCs equal to your Rune Arm's charge.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 40 Requires: Infused Armor, Artificer Level 20

    Tier One
    Requires Battle Engineer, Artificer level 1

    Weapon Training: Select either Crossbows or Hand and a Half Weapons. Gain bonuses to Attack and Damage Rolls with the selected weapon types.
    Crossbow Training: +1 to attack rolls with all crossbows. +1 to damage with non-repeating crossbows.
    Hand and a Half Training: +1 to attack and damage rolls with Bastard Swords and Dwarven Waraxes. Your Glancing Blows with these weapons also have a +2% chance of producing magical weapon effects such as Flaming.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Field Engineer: +1/+2/+3 Concentration, Disable Device and Open Locks. +1/ +2/+3 to Saving Throws you make against traps.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Attack Boost: Activate this ability to gain +4/+6/+8 Action Boost bonus to your attack rolls for 20 seconds.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Thermal Venting: You have optimized the magical venting of your rune arms. After firing, your cooldown is 10%/20%/30% faster.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Item Defense: You have a 25%/50%/75% chance to negate potential item wear.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Tier Two
    Requires Artificer Level 2, 5 APs spent in tree

    Weapon Training: Select either Crossbows or Hand and a Half Weapons. Gain bonuses to Attack and Damage Rolls with the selected weapon types.
    Crossbow Training: +1 to attack rolls with all crossbows. +1 to damage rolls with all repeating crossbows, +2 to damage rolls with non-repeating crossbows.
    Hand and a Half Training: +1 to attack and damage rolls with Bastard Swords and Dwarven Waraxes. Your Glancing Blows with these weapons also have a +4% chance of producing magical weapon effects such as Flaming.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Weapon Training (Tier 1)

    Wrack Construct: Choose one (Cooldown: 12/8/4 seconds):
    Wracking Strike: Melee Attack: +1[W]. On Damage: Deals 3d6/6d6/9d6 extra damage (scales with 200% Melee Power) to constructs and living constructs, and -25% fortification and immunity to sneak attack for 20 seconds.
    Wracking Shot: Ranged Attack: Ranged Attack: +1[W]. On Damage: Deals 3d6/6d6/9d6 extra damage (scales with 200% Ranged Power) to constructs and living constructs, and -25% fortification and immunity to sneak attack for 20 seconds.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements

    Damage Boost: Activate this ability to receive a +[10/20/30]% Action Boost bonus to damage for 20 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds.)
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements

    Thaumaturgical Conduits: You have made improvements to the efficiency of your rune arms. Your rune arms build charge [10/20/33]% faster.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements

    Tier Three
    Requires Artificer Level 3, 10 APs spent in tree

    Weapon Training: Select either Crossbows or Hand and a Half Weapons. Gain bonuses to Attack and Damage Rolls with the selected weapon types.
    Crossbow Training: +1 to attack rolls with crossbows. +1 to damage with non-repeating crossbows.
    Hand and a Half Training: +1 to attack and damage rolls with Bastard Swords and Dwarven Waraxes. Your Glancing Blows with these weapons also have a +6% chance of producing magical weapon effects such as Flaming.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Weapon Training (Tier 2)

    Disable Construct: Activate: Target construct or living construct is dazed for 10/20/30 seconds. This effect is removed on damage. Using this ability on a target already affected by it will extend the duration. (Cooldown: 25 seconds)
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements

    Extra Action Boost: You can use each of your action boost 1/2/3 additional times per rest.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements

    Arcane Capacitors: When moving, your Rune Arm's charge decays 25% slower than normal.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Thaumaturgical Conduits

    Constitution, Dexterity, or Intelligence: Choose one:
    +1 Constitution
    +1 Dexterity
    +1 Intelligence
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

    Tier Four
    Requires Artificer Level 4, 20 APs spent in tree

    Weapon Training: Select either Crossbows or Hand and a Half Weapons. Gain bonuses to Attack and Damage Rolls with the selected weapon types.
    Crossbow Training: +1 to attack rolls with all crossbows. +1 to damage rolls with all repeating crossbows, +2 to damage rolls with non-repeating crossbows.
    Hand and a Half Training: +1 to attack and damage rolls with Bastard Swords and Dwarven Waraxes. Your Glancing Blows with these weapons also have a +8% chance of producing magical weapon effects such as Flaming.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Weapon Training (Tier 3)

    Battle Mastery: Choose one:
    Endless Fusilade: Action Boost: You may activate this ability to enchant your crossbow to instantly reload itself for 6 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds.)
    Haste Boost: Activate this ability to receive a 30% Action Boost attack speed bonus for 20 seconds. (Cooldown: 30 seconds.)
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Weapon Training (Tier 4)

    Rune Arm Overcharge: The patterns of magic making up your rune arm are clearer to you than ever. Your stable charge tier is increased to charge tier 2.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 No requirements

    Arcane Capacitors: When moving, your Rune Arm's charge decays 50% slower than normal.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Arcane Capacitors (tier 3)

    Constitution, Dexterity, or Intelligence: Choose one:
    +1 Constitution
    +1 Dexterity
    +1 Intelligence
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Constitution, Dexterity or Intelligence (Tier 3)

    Tier Five
    Requires Artificer Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 APs spent in tree

    Advanced Weapon Attachment: Activate to attach your currently equipped weapons to yourself, giving you superior control over them. Until you unequipped these items or rest, they deal +0.5[W] damage and gain an Insight bonus to damage and the DC of tactical feats equal to 1/2 of your Intelligence modifier . (Cooldown: 3 minutes) (Note: Selecting this locks out Warforged/Bladeforged Weapon Attachment. Also as an Insight bonus, does not stack with Know the Angles. Antirequisite: Divine Might.)
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Construct Essence or Warforged Traits

    Rune Arm Overcharge: The patterns of magic making up your rune arm are clearer to you than ever. Your stable charge tier is increased to charge tier 3.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Rune Arm Overcharge (Tier 4)

    Rune Arm Rapid Fire: (Action Boost) Cooldown: 3 minutes. For the next 15 seconds, your Rune Arm instantly charges to its maximum Charge Tier, allowing it to be fired rapidly, though it must still go through its normal cooldown before recharging. *Idea courtesy of Ligraph
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Battle Mastery

    Rune Arm Overload: Spell Point Cost: 30/25/20 Cooldown:12/8/6 seconds. Activate to fire a powerful Rune Arm blast at its current charge level. This blast has +10% Spell Critical Chance and +50% Spell Critical Damage. Your Rune Arm will not start recharging until after the cooldown period of this ability has expired.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 30 Requires: Rune Arm Overcharge (Tier 5), Arcane Capacitors (Tier 4)
    Last edited by Xiongrey; 02-08-2016 at 02:32 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Xiongrey's Avatar
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    Oct 2013

    Default Arcanotechnician

    Arcanotechnician: Every point spent in the Arcanotechnician tree provides you with +1 Universal Spell Power and Spell Points.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 0 Requires: Artificer 1

    Palliative Admixture: Creating an infused potion of magical energy, you hurl it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small area that provides nearby allies with 20 Temporary Hit Point, 10 Temporary Spell Points and 10 Universal Spell Power. These last one minute per Artificer Caster Level, or until affected creatures rest. (Activation Cost: 5 Spell Points. Cooldown: 30 seconds.)
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Artificer level 3, Arcanotechnician

    Thaumaturgical Battery: Whenever you cast an infusion or spell, you capture a portion of that infusion or spells' energy as 1 Temporary Spell Point. This Temporary Spell Points lasts for one minute, until consumed by another infusion or spell, or until you rest.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Artificer level 6, Palliative Admixture

    Lightning Bolt: You gain the spell Lightning Bolt as a Spell Like Ability.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Artificer level 12, Thaumaturgical Battery

    Critical Admixture: Creating an infused potion of magical energy, you hurl it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AoE that deals 6d8+8 positive energy damage to nearby living allies and enemy undead. This infusion is affected by Artificer Knowledge: Potions and 200% Ranged Power. This SLA requires no material components. (Cost: 5 spell points. Cooldown: 12 seconds.)
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Artificer level 18, Lightning Bolt

    Arcane Empowerment: The patterns of the most complex magical formulae are like children's drawings to you. You gain +4 Intelligence and +15 Spellcraft. You treat any non-scroll activated equipped item that casts spells (such as wands, rods, armor, or other activated items) as if they were staves, increasing their caster level to equal yours as well as increasing Save DCs to (10 + your Intelligence bonus + level of spell) if it would be an improvement. These increases are applied after Artificer Knowledge, so do not stack. These Items also benefit from your Spell Power and Spell Critical Chance.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 40 Requires: Artificer level 20, Critical Admixture

    Tier One
    Requires Arcanotechnician, Artificer level 1

    Static Shock: Spell Like Ability: Static Shock (Cost: 4/3/2 spell points. Cooldown: 12/8/4 seconds)
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Energy of Creation: Your studies have increased your maximium Spell Points by 30/60/90.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Uncaring Master: Your Iron Defender is expendable in your eyes - you can always rebuild it later. You no longer take damage or lose spell points when it dies. As a result of a lack of affection, your Iron Defender has grown more self-reliant. He gains +30 Universal Spell Power.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Spell Critical: Your Electric, Fire, and Force spells have an additional 2% to critically hit.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Wand And Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75] to the effectiveness of your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells. Adds +1/+2/+3 to the save DC's of your offensive wands.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Tier Two
    Requires Artificer Level 2, 5 APs spent in tree

    Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats. Reduce the spell point cost of using that Metamagic.
    Efficient Empower: Using the Empower Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.
    Efficient Quicken: Using the Quicken Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/4 fewer Spell Points.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements

    Imbued Defender: Your Iron Defender stores the power of a volatile thunderstorm deep within. Occasionally, this dynamic power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with a massive lightning strike. Whenever your Iron Defender vorpals, He deals 10d20 (+5/10/15 per Iron Defender Level) electrical damage to all nearby enemies. This is affected by the Iron Defender's Spell Power.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements

    Spell Critical: Your Electric, Fire, and Force spells have an additional 2% to critically hit.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Spell Critical (Tier 1)

    Shocking Vulnerability: Each Electric spell you cast has a 5% chance of applying 1/1d2/1d3 stack[s] of Vulnerable to each affected enemy.
    Vulnerable - Target takes 2% more damage for 6 seconds. This effect stacks up to 10 times and loses one stack on expiration.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements

    Tier Three
    Requires Artificer Level 3, 10 APs spent in tree

    Lightning Sphere: Spell Like Ability: Lightning Sphere (Activation Cost: 8/6/4 spell points. Cooldown: 15/10/5 seconds.)
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: Static Shock

    Efficient Metamagic: Choose one of the following Metamagic feats. Reduce the spell point cost of using that Metamagic.
    Efficient Empower: Using the Empower Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.
    Efficient Quicken: Using the Quicken Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/4 fewer Spell Points.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: Efficient Metamagic (Tier 2)

    Automated Repairs: You have installed automated repair systems in your Iron Defender. It repairs itself/and you/and nearby allies 4d4 (+1 per Iron Defender Level) points of damage every 18/12/6 seconds. This is affected by your Iron Defenders Spell Power.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: Imbued Defender

    Spell Critical: Your Electric, Fire, and Force spells have an additional 2% to critically hit.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Spell Critical (Tier 2)

    Intelligence: +1 Intelligence
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

    Tier Four
    Requires Artificer Level 4, 20 APs spent in tree

    Blast Rod: Spell Like Ability: Blast Rod (Activation Cost: 12/8/6 spell points. Cooldown: 18/12/6 seconds.)
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 20 Requires: Lightning Sphere

    Efficient Heighten: Using the Heighten Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2 fewer Spell Point(s) per heightened level.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 2 Progression: 20 Requires: Efficient Metamagic (Tier 3)

    Arcane Engine: You have carved arcane symbols on the core engine of your Iron Defender, allowing you to channel Arcane energies through him. He gains 10/20/30 Universal Spell Power and as long as you remain near your Iron Defender you gain this benefit also.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 20 Requires: Automated Repairs

    Spell Critical: Your Electric, Fire, and Force spells have an additional 2% to critically hit.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Spell Critical (Tier 3)

    Intelligence: +1 Intelligence
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Intelligence (Tier 3)

    Tier Five
    Requires Artificer Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 APs spent in tree

    Lightning Motes: Spell Like Ability: Lightning Motes (Activation Cost: 12/8/6 spell points. Cooldown: 18/12/6 seconds.)
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 3 Progression: 30 Requires: Blast Rod

    Master Defender: Choose an element [fire/cold/electric/acid]. Your Iron Defender's breath weapon now does [1d8/1d10/1d12] [fire/cold/electric/acid] damage per Iron Defender level (reflex save DC 20 + Artificer Caster Level + INT modifier + Evocation Bonus for half damage). This is affected by the Iron Defender's Spell Power.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 30 Requires: Arcane Engine

    Ultimate Wand Mastery: [Toggle] Adds an additional +[15/30/50]% to the effectiveness of your wands, but consumes an additional charge per use. This can be reduced by retained essence. Passive: Adds +1/+2/+3 to the save DC's of your offensive wands. (Stacks with Wand and Scroll Mastery)
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 Requires: No requirements

    Evocation Focus: You have trained extensively in Evocation magic, granting a +1 /+2/+3 bonus to your spell DCs of that school.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 30 No requirements
    Last edited by Xiongrey; 02-07-2016 at 01:02 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Xiongrey's Avatar
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    Oct 2013

    Default Renegade Mastermaker

    So this would be the new third tree for Artificers. I know this is similar to whats been proposed by others on the forum, you can chalk it up to great minds think alike or at least inspired by the same source material. So here is the Renegade Mastermaker.

    Core abilities:

    Self Forged: As you incorporate pieces of armor and other reinforcing materials into your body, you become more resistant to physical damage.. You gain +1 PRR per Artificer level.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 0 Requires: Artificer Level 1

    Combat Mindset: You gain 2 Melee and Ranged Power per Renegade Mastermaker core you possess.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Self Forged, Artificer Level 3

    Flash Bang: Magical Trap Attack. You throw a magically imbued grenade at your target that Blinds and Deafens (1 second per caster level) all nearby foes if they fail a Fort save (DC 20 + Caster level + Intelligence modifier + Magical Trap bonus) Activation Cost: 5 Spell Points. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Combat Mindset, Artificer Level 6

    Elemental Turret: Spell Point cost: 30. Magical Trap. Select a type of elemental turret (Acid, Cold, Electric, or Fire). When activated, you place a destroyable turret of that element at your location that lasts for 30 seconds. Its level is equal to your Artificer Caster Level. For every level it has 75 Hit Points and 5 PRR/ MRR. Every 2 seconds the Turret does 1d6 damage per Turret level (affected by Spell Power) to nearby enemies (reflex save DC 20 + Artificer caster level + INT modifier + Magical Trap Bonus for half damage ). Activation Cost: 35 Spell Points. Cooldown: 2 minutes. You can have only one summoned creature at a time. This ability is affected by the Extend metamagic feat.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Flash Bang, Artificer Level 12

    Master Inventor: You gain the ability to initiate the self destruct of your Elemental Turret. Self Destruct: Activate this ability to cause your Elemental Turret to self destruct, causing enemies near your turret to take 1d10+10 [fire/cold/acid/electric based on the element of your turret] damage per Elemental Turret level. This damage is affected by spell power. (reflex save DC 20 + Artificer Caster Level + INT modifier + Evocation Bonus for half damage). Cooldown: 2 minutes. In addition, this ability reduces the cooldowns of Magical Traps by 20%.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Elemental Turret, Artificer Level 18

    Master of the Forge: Your body is left hardened from long hours in the forge and through the various augmentations you have performed on yourself. You gain +4 Constitution, +10 PRR/MRR and Natural Armor, and Fire Resistance equal to your character level.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 40 Requires: Master Inventor, Artificer Level 20

    Tier One
    Requires Self Forged, Artificer level 1

    Battle Fist: Cooldown: 15 seconds. You have augmented your right hand into something resembling a mechanical gauntlet with articulated fingers. When Activated, You make an attack with it that does 1d4 bludgeoning damage per character level. This attack is affected by 200% Melee Power.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 Requires: Construct Essence or Warforged/Bladeforged trait.

    Augmented Flesh: You gain +5/+10/+15 Hit Points +1/+2/+3 Fortitude Saving Throws.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Battlefield Tactician: You gain +1/+2/+3 to your Tactical DC's.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Hydraulic Legs: you gain +3/+6/+10 to your jump skill.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Improved Traps: +1/+2/+3 to the save DC's of Magical Trap attacks. Elemental Traps that you place now have a DC equal to 65%/80%/100% of your Disable Device Skill instead of 50%.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Tier Two
    Requires Artificer Level 2, 5 APs spent in tree

    Runic Plating: You have bolted various pieces of runed armor plating to your body. You gain +10 PRR/MRR
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements

    Repair Amp: You gain 10% repair amplification
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Construct Essence or Warforged/Bladeforged trait.

    Advanced Hydraulics: you gain another +3/+6/+10 to your jump skill and your movement speed is increased by 3/6/10%.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: Hydraulic Legs

    Force Cage: Cooldown: 12 seconds. Interruptible. Spell Resistance: No. Magical Trap Attack: Place a magical trap at your position that lasts for 120 seconds. Enemies that step into the trap are Immobilized for 6/12/18 seconds. Strength DC (10 + Artificer Caster Level + INT modifier + Magical Trap Bonus) Negates. An Immobilized enemy gets a save chance every 6 seconds.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements

    Tier Three
    Requires Artificer Level 3, 10 APs spent in tree

    Repair Amp: You gain 10% repair amplification
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires Repair Amp (Tier 2)

    Runic Plating: You have bolted various pieces of runed armor plating to your body. You gain +10 PRR/MRR
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Runic Plating (Tier 2)

    Temporal Distortion Field: Cooldown: 2 minutes. Spell Resistance: No. Magical Trap Attack: You create an immobile distortion field in a large area around you that last for 6/12/18 seconds. This area pulses every 2 seconds with chaotic temporal and gravitational forces. With every pulse, enemies in this area take 1d4 (per Artificer caster level) untyped damage (scales with Force Spell Power), no save, and reduces their movement speed by 50% and their reflex saves by 2/4/6 for 6 seconds, Fort (DC 20 + Artificer level + INT modifier + Magical Trap Bonus) negates penalties but not damage.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: Force Cage

    Strength, Constitution, or Intelligence: Choose one:
    +1 Strength
    +1 Constitution
    +1 Intelligence
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

    Tier Four
    Requires Artificer Level 4, 20 APs spent in tree

    Haymaker: (Tactical Melee Attack) Cooldown: 15 seconds. You lunge forward at a target with a devastating punch. Target is stunned for 6 seconds if it fails a (DC = 10 + Artificer levels + Highest Ability Modifier + Tactical DC modifiers and Stunning modifiers) Fortitude save negates.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Battle Fist

    Repair Amp: You gain 10% repair amplification
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Repair Amp (Tier 3)

    Runic Plating: You have bolted various pieces of runed armor plating to your body. You gain +10 PRR/MRR
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Runic Plating (Tier 3)

    Gas Grenade: Cooldown 2 minutes. Spell Resistance: No. Magical Trap Attack: Throw a magical grenade at the selected enemy. Creates a bank of fog that nauseates living targets and obscures sight. Living creatures in the cloud become Nauseated. A successful Fortitude save negates the Nauseated condition. Fortitude (DC 20 + Artificer Caster Level + INT Modifier + Magical Trap Bonus) to Negate. This condition lasts as long as the creature remain in the cloud, and offers a recurring save every 6 seconds to negate the effects. Nauseated creatures experience stomach distress. They are unable to attack, cast spells or do anything else requiring attention. The only thing a Nauseated creature may do is move about. The cloud also obscures sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment. Attackers have 20% miss chance. This occurs regardless of if the creature makes it's fortitude saving throw. Red and Purple Named creatures are immune to Nausea. However the 20% concealment is a separate portion of this spell, and thus does function versus red and purple named.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Temporal Distortion Field

    Strength, Constitution, or Intelligence: Choose one:
    +1 Strength
    +1 Constitution
    +1 Intelligence
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Strength, Constitution or Intelligence (Tier 3)

    Tier Five
    Requires Artificer Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 APs spent in tree

    Battle Fist Slam: (Tactical Melee Attack) Cooldown: 30 seconds. You slam your Battle Fist (using the Grandmaster of Flower's Drifting Lotus animation) into the ground dealing 1d6 (per character level) force damage and knocking down nearby enemies. Reflex save (DC 20 + Caster level + Highest Ability modifier + Tactical DC modifiers) for half damage and negate Knock Down. The damage is affected by 200% Melee Power.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Haymaker

    Elder Elemental Trap: Cooldown: 20 seconds. Interruptible. Spell Resistance: No. Magical Trap Attack: You have bound a powerful Fire Elemental to this plane of existence. You place a device at your feet that lasts for 120 seconds. When enemies get near, it releases this enraged Elemental from this plane with such force and ferocity that it creates a large explosion of magical energy sending fragments of the device and nearby debris flying through the air. It deals 5d4/5d8/5d12 fire and 5d4/5d8/5d12 force damage per Artificer caster level to all nearby enemies, and causes them to bleed (1d4 per Artificer caster level every 2 seconds) for 18 seconds. The fire and force damage are affected by Spell Power, the bleed damage is affected by 200% ranged power. Reflex (DC 20 + Artificer Caster Level + INT Modifier + Magical Trap Bonus) for half elemental damage. Fortitude (DC 20 + Artificer Level + INT Modifier + Magical Trap Bonus) to Negate Bleed.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 30 Requires Gas Grenade.

    Miniature Magefire Cannon: [Toggle] (Spell like ability) You create a miniature Magefire Cannon that attaches to your shoulder and attacks nearby enemies. This Cannon is indestructible and every 15/10/5 seconds the Cannon fires a missile of magical energy (as per the spell Chain Missile) that unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d2+3 force damage. For every 2 Artificer caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, up to 10 missiles. (At level 19.) After striking your target, the missiles explode outwards, striking other creatures near the primary target. The cannon uses 50% of your Force Spell Power and Spell Critical effects for its attacks. The Cannon will only attack enemies that have already been damaged, and will not attack fascinated or mesmerized foes, and always attacks the enemy with the fewest hit points in range. All threat generated by the Cannon is applied to you. Cost: 30 spell points. Cooldown: 6 second.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 30 No requirements

    More Machine Than Man: You gain 20% repair amplification and +25% stacking fortification but suffer a 25% penalty to your positive energy healing.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Repair Amp (Tier 4) and Improved Construct Essence or Warforged/Bladeforged trait.
    Last edited by Xiongrey; 02-08-2016 at 09:13 PM.

  5. #5
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    Default Spells

    Deadly Weapons: Your targets currently equipped weapons deal +1(W) and bestows +3 Melee and Ranged Power to the wielder. At Caster level 20, this bonus becomes +2(W) and +6 Melee and Ranged Power. At Caster level 25, this bonus becomes +3(W) and +9 Melee and Ranged Power. An item can have only one temporary artificer enchantment at a time.

    Elemental Weapon: (Target: Self only) The weapon currently equipped in your main hand gains hit effect: 1d6 elemental damage of your choice. At caster level 20, and again at caster level 25 , this spell grants an additional 1d6 damage of the chosen element. This spell is affected by spell power. No longer counts as a temporary item enchantment.

    Tactical Detonation: Causes an unstable ball of plasma to streak towards your enemy. The ball explodes on impact, knocking enemies to the ground and dealing 1d3+3 fire damage per caster level (a successful Reflex save reduces the fire damage by half and negates the knockdown effect) and 1d2+2 force damage per caster level (no save) to targets in the area.

    Blade Barrier: Maybe raise the max caster level to 20 for all casters?

    Thundering Armor: make the damage affected by spell power, I don't believe it does atm.

    * I think the epic feat Master of Artifice takes care of rest just fine, but add Lightning bolt to it.
    Last edited by Xiongrey; 02-09-2016 at 12:16 AM.

  6. #6
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    Default Iron Defender

    A quick and dirty on how this might go.

    Core Abilities:

    Core 1: Your Iron Defender gains +1 PRR/MRR per level.

    Core 2: Your Iron Defender gains +1 AC per level.

    Core 3: Your Iron Defender gains +1 to all saves equal to half his level..

    Core 4: Your Iron Defender gains a +1 Critical Threat Range.

    Core 5: Your Iron Defender gains a +1 to its Critical Multiplier.

    Core 6: Your Iron Defender now Vorpals on a 19 or 20.

    Tier 1:

    Stealthy Tactics:
    AP: 1 Ranks: 4

    Danger Avoidance: +2 reflex per rank
    AP: 1 Ranks: 4

    +2 to all stats per rank.
    AP: 2 Ranks: 4

    Armor Plating: +4 AC per rank.
    AP: 1 Ranks: 4

    Fearsome Tactics:
    AP: 1 Ranks: 4

    Tier 2:

    AP: 1 Ranks: 4 Requires: Stealthy Tactics

    Ruthless Deception: +3d6 sneak attack
    AP: 1 Ranks: 4

    Good/Evil Dog: (Multiselector)
    AP: 1 Ranks: 1

    Reinforced Armor: +50 Hit Points per rank.
    AP: 1 Ranks: 4

    Menacing Growl:
    AP: 1 Ranks: 4 Requires: Fearsome Tactics

    Tier 3:

    +2 Dex per rank.
    AP: 2 Ranks: 4 Requires: Distraction

    AP: 1 Ranks: 4

    Law/Chaotic Dog: (Multiselector)
    AP: 1 Ranks: 1

    Shattering Strikes:
    AP: 1 Ranks: 4

    +2 Strength per rank.
    AP: 2 Ranks: 4 Requires: Menacing Growl

    Tier 4:

    Mithril Defender: Your Iron Defender gains a dodge bonus equal to his level.
    AP: 4 Ranks: 1 Requires: +2 Dex

    Universal Spell Power: +5/+10/+15/+20 USP
    AP: 2 Ranks: 4

    Fortification: +20 per rank
    AP: 2 Ranks: 4

    Doublestrike: +5/+10/+15/+20% Doublestrike
    AP: 2 Ranks: 4

    Adamantine Defender: Your Iron Defender gains Damage Reduction / Adamantine equal to his level.
    AP: 4 Ranks: 1 Requires: +2 Strength

    Tier 5:

    Swift Defender: Your Iron Defender gains Evasion. At second rank your Iron Defender gains Improved Evasion.
    AP: 4 Ranks: 2 Requires: Mithril Defender

    Armored Defender: Your Iron Defender gains +20PRR/MRR. At second rank your Iron Defender gains +40 PRR/MRR for a total of +60 PRR/MRR.
    AP: 4 Ranks: 2 Requires: Adamantine Defender
    Last edited by Xiongrey; 02-11-2016 at 01:25 PM.

  7. #7
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    As a quick note, would it be possible to put the bits where your trees are different from the existing ones in italics or similar? Just to make it easier to spot the changes.

  8. #8
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    best I could do is adding , I don't really know how to do the other stuff, I've been playing since 2006 but just started in the forums this week.

  9. #9
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    Well, I think I got most of it filled in, the rest is based on feedback. It can be difficult keeping your wants in check, it can be too easy to ask for too much without considering balance. I think I got it nailed pretty good.

  10. #10
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    What is the intention of Self-Forged tree? A S&B Vanguard-like tree?

    In addition, there should be something in Self-forged that makes the character take repair healing. Most of the enhancements are useless for fleshies. Maybe add Construct Essence to a core.

    If the devs want to go this route, I like the look of what you've proposed, but think it still might be a bit low on the power scale.

    I would (personally) prefer a Crossbow/Engineer tree, a Runearm tree, and a Caster tree. But if the devs don't want to do that this is nice.

    Also, since you apparently read my post, what did you think of the 2 runearm idea?
    Ligraph, Andonar and Inos on Khyber.

  11. #11
    Community Member Xiongrey's Avatar
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    I saw the Battle Engineer as an Artificer that modifies his weapons and equipment so he may be more effective in combat, an Arcanotechnician is one who modifies his defender, his spells, and his wands, and the Self Forged is one that modifies himself, he sees the flaws in his own design, whether he is made of flesh or not, he sees his body as weak. He logically would make improvements. While the self forged does have a shield line, its an alternative, not a replacement, to the rune arm. I could see Battle Engineer builds that use the shield line from Self Forged, or an Arcanotechnician that uses a shield with wands. Or a Self Forged that uses his battle fist with the rune arm from Battle Engineer. I was trying to add options and variety instead of pigeon holing them. By getting rid of the movement speed penalty from rune arms, it opens many option to the other trees, it would no longer be seen as mandatory to go 5 tier's deep in Battle Engineer, as now there is compelling reasons for going only 4 tiers deep in the rune arm line. You would only miss out on the stable charge tier 3 from what's currently on live. Easily dealt with, IMO. I can see potential for multi-classing too. Vanguards might pick up some Self Forged for the bonuses to shields. Mechanics might too. Or Mechanics might pick up 2-4 levels of Battle Engineer instead. Eldritch Knights might like some of the Self Forged Tree. Would the Self Forged tree be more compelling if I removed the requirements from the Battle Fist and Subdermal armor? It could easily be said that while yes, you have modified your body, you have not done so enough to warrant receiving benefits from repair spells.

    Concerning the balance of my trees, you may be right, what would you change to bring on par with the power scale?

    I love lots of your ideas, I'm just worried that they may be too ambitious. That's not a bad thing unless you consider that they may not be implemented simply because of the difficulty coding.
    Last edited by Xiongrey; 02-07-2016 at 11:56 AM.

  12. #12
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    Default Shield Line

    If no one likes the shield line I put into the Self Forged Tree, I could replace it when I get some ideas of what to replace it with. I was just trying to come up with compelling uses for the fact that Artificer's get general shield proficiency at 1st level. And I thought it was a way to get some of the benefits of the rune arm, without the wonky targeting in close combat. It also served as a way for Artificer's to gain a little more survivability. Something they are a little short on, especially the melees. Unless of course you went bladeforged/warforged. I wanted fleshies to be viable melee Artificer's too, which the new construct essence line helps a little with.

  13. #13
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    I removed the requirements for Subdermal Armor.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xiongrey View Post
    I saw the Battle Engineer as an Artificer that modifies his weapons and equipment so he may be more effective in combat, an Arcanotechnician is one who modifies his defender, his spells, and his wands, and the Self Forged is one that modifies himself, he sees the flaws in his own design, whether he is made of flesh or not, he sees his body as weak. He logically would make improvements. While the self forged does have a shield line, its an alternative, not a replacement, to the rune arm. I could see Battle Engineer builds that use the shield line from Self Forged, or an Arcanotechnician that uses a shield with wands. Or a Self Forged that uses his battle fist with the rune arm from Battle Engineer. I was trying to add options and variety instead of pigeon holing them. By getting rid of the movement speed penalty from rune arms, it opens many option to the other trees, it would no longer be seen as mandatory to go 5 tier's deep in Battle Engineer, as now there is compelling reasons for going only 4 tiers deep in the rune arm line. You would only miss out on the stable charge tier 3 from what's currently on live. Easily dealt with, IMO. I can see potential for multi-classing too. Vanguards might pick up some Self Forged for the bonuses to shields. Mechanics might too. Or Mechanics might pick up 2-4 levels of Battle Engineer instead. Eldritch Knights might like some of the Self Forged Tree. Would the Self Forged tree be more compelling if I removed the requirements from the Battle Fist and Subdermal armor? It could easily be said that while yes, you have modified your body, you have not done so enough to warrant receiving benefits from repair spells.

    Concerning the balance of my trees, you may be right, what would you change to bring on par with the power scale?

    I love lots of your ideas, I'm just worried that they may be too ambitious. That's not a bad thing unless you consider that they may not be implemented simply because of the difficulty coding.
    That would work too. My ideas weren't really designed to be implemented as they are, just as a brainstorming kinda thing.

    Only thing I'm seeing now is that BE is going to be significantly less powerful than a mechanic.

    Mechanic with GXBow:
    +1 Damage, +1 SA
    +2 Crit Mult
    +2 Damage, +2 SA
    (+2 Damage, +1 SA)x4
    +6 Damage, +1 SA
    5d6/2 DPS scaling with 200% MP
    +10 Ranged Power
    +10% Doubneshot
    +3 SA, +2[W], Vorpal on 19-20
    +10 Ranged Power, +30% Ranged Alacrity (assuming it stacks)

    That comes out to:
    +17 Damage
    +11 SA (11d6 damage that scales with 150% RP)
    +2.5d6 Damage per Second scaling with 200% MP
    +2 Crit Mult
    +20 RP
    +10% Doubleshot
    +30% Attack Speed
    +1 Vorpal Range
    Which is a lot.

    Battle Engineer (LGS Repeater):
    +3 Enhancement Bonus to Weapon (total of 17).
    +17 Seeker
    +1 Crit Mult
    +5 Doubleshot
    +40 USP
    +3 Enhancement bonus to Armor (total ~17)
    +34 PRR/MRR
    -20% ASF
    (+1)x4 Damage
    +~20 Damage (assuming this Insight bonus stacks with gear)

    Runearm stuff:
    -10% CD
    -33% Charge Time
    -50% Movement Loss
    Rapid Fire with 8.3% uptime

    As you can probably see, Mechanic is going to be MUCH better than BE. I think there needs to be a bit more power in BE for anyone to consider going pure arty atm. Mechanic is a good tree to compare to.

    EDIT: just saw this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Xiongrey View Post
    Concerning the balance of my trees, you may be right, what would you change to bring on par with the power scale?
    I would add some lightning on-hit damage (but then I'm overly partial to elemental on-hit stuff). That way it's different from Mechanic, but around the same power (with spellpower, elemental damage goes through the roof). Only worry is having a GXBow user with Mechanic t5s and Lightning Arrows from BE... I really like the Advanced Weapon Attachment though.

    Another nice thing about damage on-hit is it heavily favors repeaters (assuming you want BE to be the repeater tree).

    Also, having cores make weapon effects scale with some % of spell power would be neat (if it can be implemented). 900 SP isn't that hard to get, so having effects scale with only 10% would about double their damage. Especially with LGS, that's a lot.

    800 Spell Power, 6d6 Damage on Hit (repeater)
    189 Damage on hit.
    567 Damage per shot.

    With Scion of The Plane of Air:
    +2d20 Damage
    +another 567 Damage per Shot.

    So in total, you are getting 1134 Electric Damage each time you fire the repeater. 378 per Bolt. Which may be enough, idk.
    Last edited by Ligraph; 02-07-2016 at 01:50 PM.
    Ligraph, Andonar and Inos on Khyber.

  15. #15
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    Don't forget deadly weapons, which I guess could be added to both sides of the comparison, but look at the seeker with the enhancement bonus to the weapons, and figure in the improved crit multiplier. I had changed the crossbows to receive a boost to damage every tier instead of every other which I know is only like 2 more damage, but it all adds up. Add in the spell damage from rune arm blasts. I think with my proposed changes, it might be closer than you think. Even if it isn't, this isn't a PVP based game. They aren't always competing, I would rather have fun playing a class that feels different (both mechanically and playstyle) than other classes, even if both are ranged. A Battle Engineer, Mechanic, Arcane Archer. and even Throwers, should be different in the ways they obtain their end goals. But I also see your point, they shouldn't feel gimped in later content. What would you suggest?
    Last edited by Xiongrey; 02-07-2016 at 02:10 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xiongrey View Post
    Don't forget deadly weapons, which I guess could be added to both sides of the comparison, but look at the seeker with the enhancement bonus to the weapons, and figure in the improved crit multiplier. I had changed the crossbows to receive a boost to damage every tier instead of every other which I know is only like 2 more damage, but it all adds up. Add in the spell damage from rune arm blasts. I think with my proposed changes, it might be closer than you think. Even if it isn't, this isn't a PVP based game. They aren't always competing, I would rather have fun playing a class that feels different (both mechanically and playstyle) than other classes, even if both are ranged. A Battle Engineer, Mechanic, Arcane Archer. and even Throwers, should be different in the ways they obtain their end goals. But I also see your point, they shouldn't feel gimped in later content. What would you suggest?
    Your right about the runearm. Machination of Madness would do ~1476 damage per shot at t5, with 800 spell power. I don't know the exact CD and charging time, so it might be more of less significant.

    As for Seeker, I think it would be about 68*MP damage per hit, with a Crit Mult of 4. So not a ton, but it's there.

    As for suggestions, see the 2nd part of my post. Probably was editing it in as you were writing this one.
    Ligraph, Andonar and Inos on Khyber.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ligraph View Post
    (but then I'm overly partial to elemental on-hit stuff).
    I am too, it always bothered me that Artificer's outgrow their spells. Like Elemental Weapons becomes garbage when you get Deadly Weapons. And I've always like the Eldritch Knight's Spell Sword ability but I was trying to not copy and paste too much from other classes.

  18. #18
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    any way we could change Elemental Weapons so it can be used with Deadly Weapons, maybe have the damage scale with spell power or caster level?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xiongrey View Post
    any way we could change Elemental Weapons so it can be used with Deadly Weapons, maybe have the damage scale with spell power or caster level?
    I would just add something like elemental arrows to the tree.

    Changing that would probably be quite a bit of code, and being able to give other players elemental damage that scaled with your spell power would probably be a bit OP. If it scaled with their spell power, maybe. I would still prefer it, or at least an upgrade, in the trees.

    EDIT: although something that scaled with your CL and their SP might be neat. IDK, still might be a bit OP.
    Ligraph, Andonar and Inos on Khyber.

  20. #20
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    If the Seeker and doublestrike/ doubleshot was a competence bonus, it would stack with all the bonuses from gear to the best of my knowledge. But then again, a mech dipping into arti could get some of that too.

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