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  1. #1
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Default 10 Free Astral Shards for Everyone! Suggestion for 10th year of DDO

    Why not seed the Astral Shard economy?? Giving away some coinage is the perfect way to jump start spending and desire/consumption!

    I suggest, in this here suggestion forum, that Turbine gives 10 free AS to anyone who logs on during the 10th Year anniversery.

  2. #2
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    Why not seed the Astral Shard economy?? Giving away some coinage is the perfect way to jump start spending and desire/consumption!

    I suggest, in this here suggestion forum, that Turbine gives 10 free AS to anyone who logs on during the 10th Year anniversery.
    10 is absolutely nothing!

    Make it 100 and you might just be on to something.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    10 is absolutely nothing!

    Make it 100 and you might just be on to something.
    At the very least

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  4. #4
    Community Member lifestaker's Avatar
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    I would like the logic of rewarding people who are playing, but reward those that have played for a long time with something more. Astral shards are kinda meh to be honest. XP weekends and things along that lines are nice but again are kinda meh for they happen all the time so hold nothing special. Free items are the best road in my eyes. Birthday cakes per character were nice, but auto granted items per character have been short lived as of late.

    So.... how about go big logic. Non VIP players are granted vip status for 10 days. VIP players are granted bonus points, and special items (would say ottos boxes or something along that line, but they would most likely be BTA and be hard to convince logically form a business standpoint) based off the length of time that the account has help VIP status (reflect back several years). Points and shards would be nice, but would make me feel better if there was more. Have real events, not just run after a dev while watching his twitch feed. And maybe a forgiveness period for those that wish to reactivate old accounts that may have been locked out years ago for questionable activity (might be able to get more people back into the game if they could have their old characters back.)
    I would have a sig, but Someone might be offended by it so I will just list characters.
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  5. #5
    Community Member knightgf's Avatar
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    Meh, despite how many times the developers bungle up the game, I think they have something in mind for us that is worth more than 10 astral shards. However, if they have no idea, I think they should hire 10 developers to make the game better. Why give away half a million dollars on gifts for every character when they can spend it on making the game better for all of us?

  6. #6
    Community Member Enerdhil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifestaker View Post

    So.... how about go big logic. Non VIP players are granted vip status for 10 days. VIP players are granted bonus points, and special items (would say ottos boxes or something along that line, but they would most likely be BTA and be hard to convince logically form a business standpoint) based off the length of time that the account has help VIP status (reflect back several years)
    So if you're short on content you'll be encouraged to buy vip by 10 days trial (and if you're not no lifer 10 days means nothing). If you already unlocked everything via TP you're useless and you'll get nothing. If you're already vip you'll be encouraged to subscribe it forever to get special rewards. So you're offering 10th birthday based on making more money? I don't think it's a good way to celebrate anything.
    Last edited by Enerdhil; 02-06-2016 at 10:50 AM.

  7. #7
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Above any trinket of celebration...

    Personally I would love to see them schedule Trivia Events at various times on the Servers as part of the Tenth Anniversary doing giveaways. Nothing big but maybe things like unique cosmetics or 250 TP, or say 2 hours running quest/raid with a Developer. Its 10 years, let the Devs take some time to be in the game interacting with the players.

  8. #8
    2016 DDO Players Council Tahkhesis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post
    Why not seed the Astral Shard economy?? Giving away some coinage is the perfect way to jump start spending and desire/consumption!

    I suggest, in this here suggestion forum, that Turbine gives 10 free AS to anyone who logs on during the 10th Year anniversery.
    This reminds me of when W gave everyone 50 bucks. I forget why, but I'm like 90% sure I used it to buy Turbine Points, haha.

    That's all I got, no strong feelings one way or another. But if it--or something like it happens--I'd hope it was called a Shard Exchange Stimulus Payout.

    That's it for me. I'll be here all week. Try the veal.
    Who run Bartertown?

  9. #9
    Community Member lifestaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enerdhil View Post
    So you're offering 10th birthday based on making more money? I don't think it's a good way to celebrate anything.
    As much as it might be a shock, Turbine is a business. The games of DDO and LOTR are games that they offer use of as a way to make money. They put new content out and fix things to make people stick around so they can make money. They put on promotional events on weekends when more people play to encourage people playing the game and wanting more so that they can make money. Why is it so hard to think that they would use an anniversary as an event to encourage people to play the game, so that they can make money?

    As far as VIP being nothing if you paid for everything already, well maybe that is an entire other issue. Personally I think VIP should offer more then non VIP when it comes to rewards, for have more of a standard investment into the game. They should get more then 10% xp vs the people who got everything out of the store. But, you fail to see it from the F2P person that does not own everything. 1 or 2 weekends of seeing what they don't have might make them play the game more and stay longer.
    I would have a sig, but Someone might be offended by it so I will just list characters.
    Vicinity, Proximity, and far to many bank toons too list.
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    Ravensguard, Ghallanda

  10. #10
    Community Member Enerdhil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifestaker View Post
    As much as it might be a shock, Turbine is a business. The games of DDO and LOTR are games that they offer use of as a way to make money. They put new content out and fix things to make people stick around so they can make money. They put on promotional events on weekends when more people play to encourage people playing the game and wanting more so that they can make money. Why is it so hard to think that they would use an anniversary as an event to encourage people to play the game, so that they can make money?

    As far as VIP being nothing if you paid for everything already, well maybe that is an entire other issue. Personally I think VIP should offer more then non VIP when it comes to rewards, for have more of a standard investment into the game. They should get more then 10% xp vs the people who got everything out of the store. But, you fail to see it from the F2P person that does not own everything. 1 or 2 weekends of seeing what they don't have might make them play the game more and stay longer.
    Trust me, it would be a pure pleasure for me to see any moves encouraging players to play. But the shape described by you is not encouraging to play, but straight to pay. I'm playing this game for a few years. I heard a lot about encouraging to pay (and play only to keep paying), but i never heard about looking for new players, advertising, etc.

    Of course i understand DDO is not created by charity organisation and they have to make money. We're not talking about random event, but about 10th anniversary. For a lot of players and devs it's huge part of their lifes. I belive when you're celebrating your birthday money&gifts are not the only thing you are thinking about. It's just not one more commercial event.

    I got nothing against improving vip bonuses, personally i find them really not encouraging to become vip. But on the other hand i don't understand your thinking that someone unlocking via TP is worse than being vip. If someone will buy points in market and unlock everything (quests, tomes, races, classes, bank) it'll be more than few years of being vip, i've got no idea why if you really want to reward someone for paying for game, you're going to reward only the ones who spend money in single way - by buying vip. Honestly i think you're VIP and all what this is about is getting more bonuses for being vip, not celebrating anything. And i got nothing about it as far as we speak about permanent bonuses, but you know... birthday... anniversary... 10 years of the game... In my opinion it's really not only about add-ons based on $s spend on game.

    If we speak about f2ps... Nowadays the system is much more f2p friendly than few years ago, when i was starting my adventure. As f2p i started the game 4 times and i always stuck at lvl 14 and no ability to do anything without paying for game/mindless farming TP. The problem is that nobody is starting game and paying for it in the same day, as you noticed ability to see is a huge chance to make someone premium/vip. If you'll look at all games, including ddo, there's same path everything happens - game is p2p>game is getting older/unpopular>game become b2p>game become f2p> still less and less players> game become more f2p and there's more for paying for it. Even with more friendly f2p system population in ddo is not growing, so i think first thing that must be done is expanding playerbase, not pushing current one to pay.

    Edit: seeing more players staying in game would be a triple pleasure for me, but atm i just see players disappointed and leaving the games (both: old players and new ones). There's almost no new players in game. 75% of new names i see on my server are just new alts of someone who is already playing for a long time, and almost everyone new in game find it sami dead/noone to play with.
    Last edited by Enerdhil; 02-06-2016 at 05:38 PM.

  11. #11
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    If they do this, they'd need to do it in a way which prevented people from collecting those shards many times over.

    I don't think 10AS would contribute to inflation on the ASAH in the same way that handing out larger amounts might. It's a useful amount for getting people started, and in the same way a drug dealer might give you your first taste for free, it would no doubt lead to some people buying shards in the future.

    Maybe they could also give out a special anniversary item with some minor but useful bonus or effect. What would be nice about that is, we'll still have that item (if it's any good) long after the shards have been forgotten.


  12. #12
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    Sure, why not. It would let people easily start to sell on the asah and realize how easy it is to accumulate shards.

  13. #13
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    Id rather see them get rid of the ASAH for the 10th anniversary.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Id rather see them get rid of the ASAH for the 10th anniversary.
    For them to do that they would need to make PP worth a **** again..

    I used to refuse to use the ASAH just on "principle".. but now that I have 3 characters with "Capped" PP... AS is the only currency in the game worth a **** to me now.

    IE.. why I am pushing for them to make PP a key ingredient of cannith crafting...

  15. #15
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahkhesis View Post
    This reminds me of when W gave everyone 50 bucks. I forget why, but I'm like 90% sure I used it to buy Turbine Points, haha.

    That's all I got, no strong feelings one way or another. But if it--or something like it happens--I'd hope it was called a Shard Exchange Stimulus Payout.

    That's it for me. I'll be here all week. Try the veal.
    They have some kind of big thing in the works. No details aside from what Sev put in the producer's letter, tho.

    I wouldn't be averse to free xp stones like they did for MOTU release tho
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