If you don't have Harper, HE can be a viable alternative to human if you're building around sneak atks as well as crit dmg. E.g.
HE Tempest
Ranger 20
True Neutral Half-Elf
34pt Tome Level Up
---- ---- --------
Strength 8 +2 4: DEX
Dexterity 18 +2 8: DEX
Constitution 18 +3 12: DEX
Intelligence 10 +2 16: DEX
Wisdom 8 +2 20: DEX
Charisma 8 +2 24: DEX
28: DEX
1 : Precision
1 HalfElf: Half-Elf Dilettante: Rogue
1 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Undead
3 : Dodge
5 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Giant
6 : Quicken Spell
9 : Improved Critical: Slashing
10 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
12 : Empower Healing Spell
15 : Past Life: Rogue
15 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Construct
18 : Toughness
20 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Elemental
21 Epic : Overwhelming Critical
24 Epic : Epic Toughness
26 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
27 Epic : Epic Reflexes
28 Destiny: Elusive Target
29 Destiny: Embodiment of Order
30 Epic : Epic Damage Reduction
30 Legend : Scion of: Ethereal Plane
Enhancements (80 AP)
Tempest (44 AP)
- Shield of Whirling Steel, Tempest, Graceful Death, Deflect Arrows, Whirlwind, Dervish
- Improved Reaction II, Whirling Blades
- Improved Parry III, Improved Dodge II, Whirling Blades, Haste Boost III
- Storm Dancer, Critical Mastery III, Whirling Blades
- Storm Tempest, The Growing Storm III, Whirling Blades
- Dual Perfection, Cuts: A Thousand Cuts III, Whirling Blades, Dance of Death III
Deepwood Stalker (26 AP)
- Far Shot, Sneak Attack, Exposing Strike, Advanced Sneak Attack
- Stealthy III, Tendon Cut III
- Survivalist, Improved Weapon Finesse
- Survivalist, Thrill of the Hunt III, Favored Hunter III
- Survivalist, Killer III
Half-Elf (10 AP)
- Versatile Nature, Human Dexterity, Human Damage Boost
- Improved Dilettante: Rogue
- Improved Recovery, Improved Dilettante: Rogue
Destiny (24 AP)
Legendary Dreadnought
- Extra Action Boost III, Attack Boost III, Constitution
- Damage Boost III, Constitution
- Critical Damage III
- Volcano's Edge
- Advancing Blows, Devastating Critical
- Master's Blitz
Twists of Fate (35 fate points)
- Sense Weakness (Tier 4 Fury)
- Balanced Attacks (Tier 3 Primal)
- Hail of Blows (Tier 2 Flowers)
- Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
- Brace for Impact (Tier 1 Sentinel)
Sneak atks: 6d6 HE & DWS enhs (avg 21 pts of dmg) + 15 Sneak of Shadows + 45-ish SotEthereal Plane (Hide 135, which should be doable on DEX rgr build) = 81 pts of SA. Not sure how much SA you can add from gear now, but lets say +10 to make it 91 SA. Melee Power with ToEE set + max Blitz should be ~140; so 3.1 (210 "effective" MP) * 91 SA = 282 SA. [EDIT: 170 MP while 1000 Cuts active, so 3.55 * 91 = 323 SA during Cuts.] Between Exposing Strike and Imp Deception gear, I wouldn't expect it to be hard to keep mobs almost constantly vulnerable to SAs, too, so that should be plenty of extra DPS.
EDIT: obviously, you're no TWF Assassin in terms of total SA dmg; but a rog won't be spamming DoD to multi-hit mobs, will she?