Monk Stance Changes
Sun Stance: +2/2/3/4 Strength, On Hit: +1/1/1/1 Ki, On Crit: +2/3/4/5 Ki, +2/5/7/10 Melee Power. -2 Wisdom
Ocean Stance: +2/2/3/4 Wisdom, +1/2/3/4% Dodge, +2/3/4/5 Saves, +0/0/1/1 passive ki generation +2/5/7/10 Universal Spell power. -2 Strength
Shintao Core
To Seek Perfection: You continually seek physical and spiritual betterment, reaping many benefits. You receive +2 Wisdom. The bonuses you have against attacks from tainted creatures improve to +3. You may now have two monk stances active at the same time while unarmed or with only handwraps equipped as weapons
Tier 1
Remove: Deft Strikes
Add: Improved Stances I:
(2 AP)
- Wind Stance: Gain +5% Offhand proc chance
- Mountain Stance: Gain +5 PRR
- Sun Stance: Gain +5 Melee Power
- Ocean Stance: Gain +5 Universal Spell Power
Tier 2
Remove: Iron Skin
Add: Improved Stances II:
(2 AP)
- Wind Stance: Gain +5% Offhand proc chance (Total +10%)
- Mountain Stance: Gain +5 PRR (Total +10)
- Sun Stance: Gain +5 Melee Power (Total +10)
- Ocean Stance: Gain +5 Universal Spell Power (Total +20)
Tier 3
Add: Improved Stances III:
(2 AP)
- Wind Stance: Gain +5% Offhand proc chance (Total +15%)
- Mountain Stance: Gain +5 PRR (Total +15)
- Sun Stance: Gain +5 Melee Power (Total +15)
- Ocean Stance: Gain +5 Universal Spell Power (Total +30)
Tier 4
Move: Instinctive Defense to 4th column, and remove Iron Skin requirement.
Add: Improved Stances IV:
(2 AP)
- Wind Stance: Gain +5% Offhand proc chance (Total +20%)
- Mountain Stance: Gain +5 PRR (Total +20)
- Sun Stance: Gain +5 Melee Power (Total +20)
- Ocean Stance: Gain +5 Universal Spell Power (Total +40)
Tier 5
Meditation of War Requires: Improved Stances IV
(2 AP)
- Wind Stance: +10% offhand double strike, +5% To Hit
- Mountain Stance: +10 PRR, +3% HP
- Sun Stance: +10 Melee Power, +2 Damage
- Ocean Stance: +10 Universal Spell Power, +5 Max Dodge bonus
Violence Begets Violence: Every time you are hit combat gain +1 insight bonus to critical threat range until you successfully critically hit. Every time you are not hit by an opponents attack you gain +1% Dodge and Max Dodge until you successfully critically hit, this stacks up to 20 times.
My thoughts on the other monk trees.
Ninja Spy