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  1. #1
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Memory Usage 95%???

    Just came back after over a year away, loaded up game, played for maybe an hour or two, game locked up. Ran task manager, 90-95% ... I have 8GB RAM, was running windows 8.1... This kept happening, and only way to fix was reboot PC. Nothing else running, no other processes taking up large portions, all added up to less than 1GB RAM. After a few days like that, I made the decision. I formatted, returned PC to factory default, fully updated windows, even got win10 update. Nothing on PC besides ddo and windows. It's still happening. It never happened with any other games or apps. Tested RAM no overheating or faults, tested GPU, same. What's up with ddo now vs a year ago?

  2. #2
    Community Member Drecas's Avatar
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    I can't answer your question but DDO has always suffered from a pretty bad memory leak. It is especially noticeable if you switch toons a few times. I have 12 gigs of ram and my computer nearly crawls to a halt if I switch toons a few times.

  3. #3
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    While I have a lot of toons, I very VERY rarely log any on except my main. I have 6-7 years solid, plus a bit of money, invested in her, so, I always feel like the others exist, but don't 'really' exist. Point is, switching toons isn't an issue. I'm really at a loss, I've tried several diagnostic programs, some even cost money, and cannot figure it out. That's why I posted here, because maybe a developer will look and know something that will fix the problem.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    7.6GB of RAM usage for DDO after only an hour or 2 doesn't sound right at all, neither does having to reboot your machine as you should just be able to kill the DDO process.

    From my understanding DDO is still a 32 bit game and so can't use over 4 gig under Windows, maybe that has changed though and I missed the memo. In the past if it hit 4GB it'd just crash itself back to desktop, under Wine and possibly the Mac client you can go past that 4GB limit though; I think the highest I ever hit was 6.8GB after over 6 hours of play, going to a ton of different places and swapping toons once or twice.

    Was it dndclient.exe, awesomium_process.exe or something else hogging the RAM? Are you sure it was the RAM that was at 95% and not CPU?

  5. #5
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    Nothing under any manager/viewer shows anything very extreme. I've tried with Awesomium, and without (killing the processes), dndclient reaches about 1.5 GB used, and that's all. It has to be a memory leak, or an incompatibility issue, etc. Not certain, but PC can run for infinity without ddo loaded, and never goes higher than 25% with everything I can find to run, running. Something about ddo, and has to be something that changed in last year or so, because I ran ddo a year ago on this exact same PC with no problems. PC is the same. So, ddo has to have made a change somewhere.

  6. #6
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Livmo's Avatar
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    Default It happnes

    One of the computers I use is 8.1 with only DDO on it and I have to reboot sometimes as well. I have 8 GB of ram.

    I usually get this when I switch accounts and/or too many toons allot. It seems I also spawn allot of Awesomeness as well when I open the DDO Store more than once.

    When I cycle thru my accounts and toons and/or use the store allot I reboot afters, before I settled into game play.

  7. #7
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livmo View Post
    One of the computers I use is 8.1 with only DDO on it and I have to reboot sometimes as well. I have 8 GB of ram.

    I usually get this when I switch accounts and/or too many toons allot. It seems I also spawn allot of Awesomeness as well when I open the DDO Store more than once.

    When I cycle thru my accounts and toons and/or use the store allot I reboot afters, before I settled into game play.
    Yeah, when I first talked to guys on TS about this (before format), they said as much as well. However, I really only play one toon, and might open the store every two days? So, unfortunately, that doesn't apply... Is there a conflict between ddo and nvidia? Maybe run it in Win7 compatibility? Something is odd, and I can't figure it out.

  8. #8
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    In case it is relevant, I had ddo on my internal HDD before format, and after, put it on a clean external. Just another thing to check off the list. Not RAM, not GPU, not HDD. Have thought about formatting my SSD I use on my Xbox, but I really feel that would just be a waste of time. Just trying to go through, and if there's a possibility of it being part of my rig, fixing it/testing it... But no luck yet. Can we get a turbine employee to assist here?

  9. #9
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    Bump, problems still occurring. Would like some assistance from someone in the tech support for this game?

  10. #10
    Uber Completionist
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    I had similar problems until I turned off Superfetch - the description is it "Maintains and improves system performance over time" however when I turned it off, my memory usage got back to normal

    You can turn it off by going to:
    Computer Management > Services > Superfetch
    then turn the Startup status to disabled
    Shalera Dagen - Triple Epic and Triple heroic Completionist. Life too many to count...

  11. #11
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    Well, tried that, still same problem =/

  12. #12
    Community Member Garix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Avalon- View Post
    Bump, problems still occurring. Would like some assistance from someone in the tech support for this game?
    "If you are experiencing technical issues, post to this forum for help from other players. NOTE: For official technical support, please visit"

    You'll not get much help from Turbine within this forum. You'll need to put a ticket into their support system.
    Leader of Shrodingers Cat Support Group a Husband and Wife guild on Orien.
    Tolkiens Law: Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    Dresdens corollary:
    Screw subtle!

  13. #13
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garix View Post
    "If you are experiencing technical issues, post to this forum for help from other players. NOTE: For official technical support, please visit"

    You'll not get much help from Turbine within this forum. You'll need to put a ticket into their support system.
    I've got a ticket submitted, not getting any responses.

  14. #14
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    I think if you have less than 16 gigs of ram, you may see games like ddo use more and more memory. Now, I have had 16 or more gigs of ram since I came back to DDO. So for me, I never really experienced a memory issue. I think this is mainly due to how windows and other apps use and request memory.

    Most apps in windows ask for memory and windows says they get 2 gigs of ram to use. Then the program starts buffering and loading that memory with data.

    Windows itself uses 3-4 gigs of ram for itself.

    If your video card uses shared memory (most budget NVidia cards do), that will also consume some as well (1 - 2 gigs).

    Those three basic memory users will reduce the 8 gigs down to 2 to 4 (depending on app state). So DDO asking for memory will get the same response, however ddo uses more than 2 gigs in most cases, so the windows response is to give it 4.

    In an 8 gig bank of memory, you have more than ran out of straight memory to use. So windows uses some hard disk in a page file to manage all of this.

    Now, with all that said, seeing 95% memory usage is a bit on the rough side. Because even when an app asks for memory and gets 2 or 4 gigs, it is not consuming it. It is given a map index for that amount of memory, which is short-cutted essentially, on or in the page file. So memory usage remains low as the page file does most of the work. Now if the page file is disabled, then raw memory will be more consumed.

    However, if in the past you had less memory usage, doing the things you did with formatting and whatnot would rule any configuration options out.

    So, in your case, You could be in either situation. What is the specs of your machine? If you could put the output of a dxdiag into a [code ] [ / code] block (no spaces between the square brackets), then I could highlight some concerning components.
    Last edited by Seikojin; 01-30-2016 at 11:27 PM.

  15. #15
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    I'll work on getting that on here... But, I've run ESO, SWTOR, and a lot of other games with next to no problems, and when I quit those games, the PC goes right back to what it was before I played the game. DDO goes up to 95% or more, and no matter how high it goes, when I exit the game, the usage remains exactly what it was until I reboot, or (and this is something I found by looking around) run a .vbs script for freeing up memory... But that only drops the RAM % by about 12% (1GB of 8)... So, if I'm at 96%, it drops to 84%. Enough to be reasonably able to perform a soft boot, rather than hard boot my machine over and over because of an unknown memory leak issue in DDO. And the configuration I used didn't matter, because when I came back, I was using the exact same configuration to no avail, this was pre-format.

  16. #16
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Here is the DXDIAG (Have to break it into smaller pieces, more posts, but then I can upload it, forums doesn't like a huge post for some reason):

    System Information
          Time of this report: 1/31/2016, 14:00:50
                 Machine name: AVALON-PC
             Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-bit (10.0, Build 10586) (10586.th2_release.160104-1513)
                     Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
          System Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
                 System Model: XPS 8500  
                         BIOS: A09
                    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3350P CPU @ 3.10GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.1GHz
                       Memory: 8192MB RAM
          Available OS Memory: 8154MB RAM
                    Page File: 1344MB used, 15000MB available
                  Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
              DirectX Version: 11.3
          DX Setup Parameters: Not found
             User DPI Setting: Using System DPI
           System DPI Setting: 144 DPI (150 percent)
              DWM DPI Scaling: UnKnown
                     Miracast: Not Available
    Microsoft Graphics Hybrid: Not Supported
               DxDiag Version: 10.00.10586.0000 64bit Unicode
    DxDiag Notes
          Display Tab 1: No problems found.
            Sound Tab 1: No problems found.
            Sound Tab 2: No problems found.
            Sound Tab 3: No problems found.
            Sound Tab 4: No problems found.
              Input Tab: No problems found.
    DirectX Debug Levels
    Direct3D:    0/4 (retail)
    DirectDraw:  0/4 (retail)
    DirectInput: 0/5 (retail)
    DirectMusic: 0/5 (retail)
    DirectPlay:  0/9 (retail)
    DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)
    DirectShow:  0/6 (retail)
    Display Devices
              Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GT 620
           Manufacturer: NVIDIA
              Chip type: GeForce GT 620
               DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
            Device Type: Full Device
             Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1049&SUBSYS_097710DE&REV_A1
         Display Memory: 5056 MB
       Dedicated Memory: 979 MB
          Shared Memory: 4076 MB
           Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
           Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor
          Monitor Model: NS-L42X-10A
             Monitor Id: BBY4220
            Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz)
            Output Type: HDMI
            Driver Name: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um
    Driver File Version: 10.18.0013.6143 (English)
         Driver Version:
            DDI Version: 11.3
         Feature Levels: 11.0,10.1,10.0,9.3,9.2,9.1
           Driver Model: WDDM 2.0
    Graphics Preemption: DMA
     Compute Preemption: DMA
               Miracast: Not Supported
    Hybrid Graphics GPU: Not Supported
         Power P-states: Not Supported
      Driver Attributes: Final Retail
       Driver Date/Size: 12/16/2015 12:00:00 AM, 17104016 bytes
            WHQL Logo'd: Yes
        WHQL Date Stamp: 
      Device Identifier: {D7B71E3E-5309-11CF-9164-7A291CC2C735}
              Vendor ID: 0x10DE
              Device ID: 0x1049
              SubSys ID: 0x097710DE
            Revision ID: 0x00A1
     Driver Strong Name: oem127.inf:0f066de3c760f7d2:Section007:\ven_10de&dev_1049&subsys_097710de
         Rank Of Driver: 00D10001
            Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_A ModeMPEG2_C ModeVC1_C ModeWMV9_C 
            DXVA2 Modes: DXVA2_ModeMPEG2_IDCT  DXVA2_ModeMPEG2_VLD  DXVA2_ModeVC1_D2010  DXVA2_ModeVC1_VLD  DXVA2_ModeVC1_IDCT  DXVA2_ModeWMV9_IDCT  DXVA2_ModeH264_VLD_Stereo_Progressive_NoFGT  DXVA2_ModeH264_VLD_Stereo_NoFGT  DXVA2_ModeH264_VLD_NoFGT  DXVA2_ModeMPEG4pt2_VLD_Simple  DXVA2_ModeMPEG4pt2_VLD_AdvSimple_NoGMC  
       Deinterlace Caps: {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                         {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                         {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                         {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                         {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                         {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                         {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                         {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                         {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                         {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                         {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                         {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                         {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                         {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                         {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                         {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                         {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                         {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
           D3D9 Overlay: Supported
                DXVA-HD: Supported
           DDraw Status: Enabled
             D3D Status: Enabled
             AGP Status: Enabled
               MPO Caps: Not Supported
            MPO Stretch: Not Supported
        MPO Media Hints: Not Supported
            MPO Formats: Not Supported

  17. #17
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Sound Devices
                Description: NS-L42X-10A-4 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
     Default Sound Playback: Yes
     Default Voice Playback: Yes
                Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10DE&DEV_001C&SUBSYS_10DE0977&REV_1001
            Manufacturer ID: 1
                 Product ID: 100
                       Type: WDM
                Driver Name: nvhda64v.sys
             Driver Version: 1.03.0034.0004 (English)
          Driver Attributes: Final Retail
                WHQL Logo'd: Yes
              Date and Size: 9/21/2015 12:00:00 AM, 205456 bytes
                Other Files: 
            Driver Provider: NVIDIA Corporation
             HW Accel Level: Basic
                  Cap Flags: 0xF1F
        Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000
    Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0
     Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
                  HW Memory: 0
           Voice Management: No
     EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
       I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
    Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No
                Description: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
     Default Sound Playback: No
     Default Voice Playback: No
                Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0887&SUBSYS_10280545&REV_1003
            Manufacturer ID: 1
                 Product ID: 100
                       Type: WDM
                Driver Name: RTKVHD64.sys
             Driver Version: 6.00.0001.7544 (English)
          Driver Attributes: Final Retail
                WHQL Logo'd: Yes
              Date and Size: 6/24/2015 12:00:00 AM, 4518136 bytes
                Other Files: 
            Driver Provider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
             HW Accel Level: Basic
                  Cap Flags: 0xF1F
        Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000
    Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0
     Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
                  HW Memory: 0
           Voice Management: No
     EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
       I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
    Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No
                Description: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
     Default Sound Playback: No
     Default Voice Playback: No
                Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0887&SUBSYS_10280545&REV_1003
            Manufacturer ID: 1
                 Product ID: 100
                       Type: WDM
                Driver Name: RTKVHD64.sys
             Driver Version: 6.00.0001.7544 (English)
          Driver Attributes: Final Retail
                WHQL Logo'd: Yes
              Date and Size: 6/24/2015 12:00:00 AM, 4518136 bytes
                Other Files: 
            Driver Provider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
             HW Accel Level: Basic
                  Cap Flags: 0xF1F
        Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000
    Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0
     Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
                  HW Memory: 0
           Voice Management: No
     EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
       I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
    Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No
                Description: Speakers (Logitech USB Headset)
     Default Sound Playback: No
     Default Voice Playback: No
                Hardware ID: USB\VID_046D&PID_0A44&REV_0127&MI_00
            Manufacturer ID: 65535
                 Product ID: 65535
                       Type: WDM
                Driver Name: USBAUDIO.sys
             Driver Version: 10.00.10586.0000 (English)
          Driver Attributes: Final Retail
                WHQL Logo'd: Yes
              Date and Size: 10/29/2015 12:00:00 AM, 131584 bytes
                Other Files: 
            Driver Provider: Microsoft
             HW Accel Level: Basic
                  Cap Flags: 0xF1F
        Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000
    Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0
     Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
                  HW Memory: 0
           Voice Management: No
     EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
       I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
    Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No
    Sound Capture Devices
                Description: Microphone (Logitech USB Headset)
      Default Sound Capture: Yes
      Default Voice Capture: Yes
                Driver Name: USBAUDIO.sys
             Driver Version: 10.00.10586.0000 (English)
          Driver Attributes: Final Retail
              Date and Size: 10/30/2015 02:17:19, 131584 bytes
                  Cap Flags: 0x1
               Format Flags: 0xFFFFF
    Video Capture Devices
    Number of Devices: 0
    DirectInput Devices
          Device Name: Mouse
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: n/a
    Vendor/Product ID: n/a
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Keyboard
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: n/a
    Vendor/Product ID: n/a
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro Hot Keys
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x045E, 0x002B
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro Hot Keys
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x045E, 0x002B
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Logitech USB Headset
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0x0A44
            FF Driver: n/a
          Device Name: Controller (XBOX One For Windows)
             Attached: 1
        Controller ID: 0x0
    Vendor/Product ID: 0x045E, 0x02D1
            FF Driver: n/a
    Poll w/ Interrupt: No
    USB Devices
    + USB Root Hub (xHCI)
    | Vendor/Product ID: 0x8086, 0x1E31
    | Matching Device ID: USB\ROOT_HUB30
    | Service: USBHUB3
    | Driver: USBHUB3.SYS, 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 534368 bytes
    +-+ Generic USB Hub
    | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x045E, 0x001C
    | | Location: Port_#0004.Hub_#0003
    | | Matching Device ID: USB\USB20_HUB
    | | Service: USBHUB3
    | | Driver: USBHUB3.SYS, 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 534368 bytes
    | | 
    | +-+ Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro Composite Device
    | | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x045E, 0x002B
    | | | Location: Port_#0001.Hub_#0004
    | | | Matching Device ID: USB\VID_045E&PID_002B
    | | | Service: usbccgp
    | | | Driver: usbccgp.sys, 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 159072 bytes
    | | | 
    | | +-+ Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro
    | | | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x045E, 0x002B
    | | | | Location: 0000.0014.0000.
    | | | | Matching Device ID: USB\VID_045E&PID_002B&MI_00
    | | | | Service: HidUsb
    | | | | Driver: hidusb.sys, 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 38400 bytes
    | | | | Driver: hidclass.sys, 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 154624 bytes
    | | | | Driver: hidparse.sys, 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 40448 bytes
    | | | | 
    | | | +-+ Microsoft USB Internet Keyboard Pro
    | | | | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x045E, 0x002B
    | | | | | Matching Device ID: HID\VID_045E&PID_002B&MI_00
    | | | | | Service: kbdhid
    | | | | | Driver: kbdhid.sys, 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 36864 bytes
    | | | | | Driver: kbdclass.sys, 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 62304 bytes
    | | | 
    | +-+ USB Input Device
    | | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC063
    | | | Location: Port_#0002.Hub_#0004
    | | | Matching Device ID: USB\Class_03&SubClass_01
    | | | Service: HidUsb
    | | | Driver: hidusb.sys, 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 38400 bytes
    | | | Driver: hidclass.sys, 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 154624 bytes
    | | | Driver: hidparse.sys, 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 40448 bytes
    | | | 
    | | +-+ HID-compliant mouse
    | | | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC063
    | | | | Matching Device ID: HID_DEVICE_SYSTEM_MOUSE
    | | | | Service: mouhid
    | | | | Driver: mouhid.sys, 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 32256 bytes
    | | | | Driver: mouclass.sys, 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 59232 bytes

  18. #18
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Gameport Devices
    PS/2 Devices
    Disk & DVD/CD-ROM Drives
          Drive: C:
     Free Space: 888.0 GB
    Total Space: 939.9 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: ST1000DM003-9YN162
          Drive: E:
     Free Space: 290.7 GB
    Total Space: 295.0 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: WDC WD3200AAKS-75VYA0
          Drive: F:
     Free Space: 10.2 GB
    Total Space: 10.2 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: WDC WD3200AAKS-75VYA0
          Drive: L:
     Free Space: 2926.4 GB
    Total Space: 3815.4 GB
    File System: NTFS
          Model: WD My Book 1230 USB Device
          Drive: H:
          Model: TSSTcorp DVD+-RW SH-216BB
         Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:22, 173568 bytes
    System Devices
         Name: Xeon(R) processor E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor DRAM Controller - 0150
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0150&SUBSYS_05451028&REV_09\3&11583659&0&00
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1E26
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E26&SUBSYS_05451028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&E8
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 95584 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 454496 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 500064 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1E2D
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E2D&SUBSYS_05451028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&D0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 95584 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 454496 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 500064 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) H77 Express Chipset LPC Controller - 1E4A
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E4A&SUBSYS_05451028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&F8
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\msisadrv.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 18784 bytes
         Name: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_05451028&REV_07\4&2DF93CA7&0&00E3
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\rt640x64.sys, 9.01.0402.2015 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 589824 bytes
         Name: NVIDIA GeForce GT 620
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1049&SUBSYS_097710DE&REV_A1\4&1136DE53&0&0008
       Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Drs\dbInstaller.exe, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 449656 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Drs\nvdrsdb.bin, 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 1319896 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_desktop_ref4i.inf_amd64_96d9668fb1fbe523\NvCplSetupInt.exe, 1.00.0005.0000 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 96808216 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\coprocmanager\detoured.dll, 2.01.0000.0207 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 11896 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\coprocmanager\nvd3d9wrap.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 158048 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\coprocmanager\nvdxgiwrap.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 105512 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\coprocmanager\detoured.dll, 2.01.0000.0207 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 11896 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\coprocmanager\nvd3d9wrapx.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 187728 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\coprocmanager\nvdxgiwrapx.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 125904 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\license.txt, 8/7/2015 08:10:38, 21910 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\MCU.exe, 1.01.5204.20580 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 841336 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvdebugdump.exe, 6.14.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 392312 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvidia-smi.1.pdf, 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 74021 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvidia-smi.exe, 8.17.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 432432 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvml.dll, 8.17.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 1235576 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\OpenCL\OpenCL.dll, 1.02.0011.0000 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 194680 bytes
       Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\OpenCL\OpenCL64.dll, 1.02.0011.0000 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 206968 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\nvlddmkm.sys, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/18/2015 03:48:31, 12426896 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\nvpciflt.sys, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/18/2015 03:49:15, 40080 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\NvFBC64.dll, 6.14.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 938104 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\NvIFR64.dll, 6.14.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 872056 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi64.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 3603368 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvcompiler.dll, 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 42976888 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvcuda.dll, 6.14.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 20672376 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvcuvid.dll, 7.17.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 2560816 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvd3dumx.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 17104016 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvinfo.pb, 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 35775 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvinitx.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 175368 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvoglshim64.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 151184 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvoglv64.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 31098488 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvopencl.dll, 6.14.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 21131424 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvumdshimx.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 541000 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvwgf2umx.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 19727624 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\NvFBC.dll, 6.14.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 735024 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\NvIFR.dll, 6.14.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 681592 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\nvapi.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 3184152 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\nvcompiler.dll, 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 37608568 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\nvcuda.dll, 6.14.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 17164160 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\nvcuvid.dll, 7.17.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 2214192 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\nvd3dum.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 14103608 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\nvinit.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 153208 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\nvoglshim32.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 128696 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\nvoglv32.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 24923768 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\nvopencl.dll, 6.14.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 17568432 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\nvumdshim.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 445728 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\nvwgf2um.dll, 10.18.0013.6143 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 17123736 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvdispco6436143.dll, 2.00.0043.0004 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 1915512 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvdispgenco6436143.dll, 2.00.0021.0002 (English), 12/16/2015 11:59:13, 1564976 bytes
         Name: Xeon(R) processor E3-1200 v2/3rd Gen Core processor PCI Express Root Port - 0151
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0151&SUBSYS_05451028&REV_09\3&11583659&0&08
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 330080 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E02&SUBSYS_05451028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&FA
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\iaStorA.sys, 11.06.0001.1001 (English), 10/27/2012 01:02:10, 651832 bytes
         Name: High Definition Audio Controller
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0E08&SUBSYS_097710DE&REV_A1\4&1136DE53&0&0108
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\hdaudbus.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:18, 79872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\drmk.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:19, 97280 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\portcls.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:19, 333824 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family SMBus Host Controller - 1E22
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E22&SUBSYS_05451028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&FB
       Driver: n/a
         Name: Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 1E10
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E10&SUBSYS_05451028&REV_C4\3&11583659&0&E0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 330080 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) Management Engine Interface 
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E3A&SUBSYS_05451028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&B0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\HECIx64.sys, 8.01.0000.1263 (English), 7/3/2012 09:16:02, 62784 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.0 (Microsoft)
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E31&SUBSYS_05451028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&A0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\USBXHCI.SYS, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 378208 bytes
         Name: High Definition Audio Controller
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E20&SUBSYS_05451028&REV_04\3&11583659&0&D8
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\hdaudbus.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:18, 79872 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\drmk.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:19, 97280 bytes
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\portcls.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:19, 333824 bytes
         Name: Intel(R) 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 4 - 1E16
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1E16&SUBSYS_05451028&REV_C4\3&11583659&0&E3
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 10.00.10586.0000 (English), 10/30/2015 02:17:23, 330080 bytes
         Name: Dell Wireless 1703 802.11b/g/n (2.4GHz)
    Device ID: PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0032&SUBSYS_02091028&REV_01\4&F8FBBDC&0&00E0
       Driver: C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\athw10x.sys, 10.00.0000.0318 (English), 8/13/2015 22:11:48, 4318760 bytes
    DirectShow Filters
    DirectShow Filters:
    WMAudio Decoder DMO,0x00800800,1,1,WMADMOD.DLL,10.00.10586.0063
    WMAPro over S/PDIF DMO,0x00600800,1,1,WMADMOD.DLL,10.00.10586.0063
    WMSpeech Decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,WMSPDMOD.DLL,10.00.10586.0063
    MP3 Decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,mp3dmod.dll,10.00.10586.0063
    Mpeg4s Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,mp4sdecd.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    WMV Screen decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,wmvsdecd.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    WMVideo Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,wmvdecod.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    Mpeg43 Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,mp43decd.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    Mpeg4 Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,mpg4decd.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    DV Muxer,0x00400000,0,0,qdv.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    Color Space Converter,0x00400001,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    LAV Splitter,0x00800004,1,1,,0.65.0000.0005
    WM ASF Reader,0x00400000,0,0,qasf.dll,12.00.10586.0000
    AVI Splitter,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    VGA 16 Color Ditherer,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder,0x005fffff,2,4,msmpeg2vdec.dll,12.00.10547.1000
    AC3 Parser Filter,0x00600000,1,1,,10.00.10586.0000
    MJPEG Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    MPEG-I Stream Splitter,0x00600000,1,2,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    SAMI (CC) Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    VBI Codec,0x00600000,1,4,,10.00.10586.0000
    MPEG-2 Splitter,0x005fffff,1,0,,10.00.10586.0000
    Closed Captions Analysis Filter,0x00200000,2,5,cca.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,msmpeg2enc.dll,12.00.10586.0035
    Internal Script Command Renderer,0x00800001,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    MPEG Audio Decoder,0x03680001,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    DV Splitter,0x00600000,1,2,qdv.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    Video Mixing Renderer 9,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Haali Media Splitter,0x00800001,0,1,,1.13.0138.0014
    Haali Media Splitter (AR),0x00400000,1,1,,1.13.0138.0014
    Microsoft MPEG-2 Encoder,0x00200000,2,1,msmpeg2enc.dll,12.00.10586.0035
    ACM Wrapper,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Video Renderer,0x00800001,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    MPEG-2 Video Stream Analyzer,0x00200000,0,0,sbe.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    Line 21 Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,,
    Video Port Manager,0x00600000,2,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Video Renderer,0x00400000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Haali Video Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,dxr.x64.dll,
    VPS Decoder,0x00200000,0,0,,10.00.10586.0000
    WM ASF Writer,0x00400000,0,0,qasf.dll,12.00.10586.0000
    VBI Surface Allocator,0x00600000,1,1,,
    File writer,0x00200000,1,0,qcap.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    Haali Simple Media Splitter,0x00200000,0,1,,1.13.0138.0014
    DirectVobSub (auto-loading version),0x00800002,2,1,VSFilter.dll,3.00.0000.0322
    DVD Navigator,0x00200000,0,3,qdvd.dll,10.00.10586.0063
    Overlay Mixer2,0x00200000,1,1,,
    Haali Matroska Muxer,0x00200000,1,0,,1.13.0138.0014
    Microsoft MPEG-2 Audio Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,msmpeg2enc.dll,12.00.10586.0035
    WST Pager,0x00200000,1,1,,10.00.10586.0000
    MPEG-2 Demultiplexer,0x00600000,1,1,,10.00.10586.0000
    DV Video Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,qdv.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    LAV Splitter Source,0x00800004,0,1,,0.65.0000.0005
    Null Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,qedit.dll,10.00.10586.0063
    MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x005fffff,1,0,,10.00.10586.0000
    Microsoft AC3 Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,msac3enc.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    Smart Tee,0x00200000,1,2,qcap.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    Overlay Mixer,0x00200000,0,0,,
    AVI Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    AVI/WAV File Source,0x00400000,0,2,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Wave Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    MIDI Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Multi-file Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    File stream renderer,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder,0x005fffff,1,1,msmpeg2adec.dll,12.00.10547.1000
    AVI Mux,0x00200000,1,0,qcap.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    Line 21 Decoder 2,0x00600002,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    File Source (Async.),0x00400000,0,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    File Source (URL),0x00400000,0,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    LAV Audio Decoder,0x00800003,1,1,,0.65.0000.0005
    LAV Video Decoder,0x00800003,1,1,,0.65.0000.0005
    Haali Video Sink,0x00200000,1,0,,1.13.0138.0014
    Infinite Pin Tee Filter,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    Enhanced Video Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,evr.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter,0x00200000,2,0,,10.00.10586.0000
    MPEG Video Decoder,0x40000001,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    WDM Streaming Tee/Splitter Devices:
    Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter,0x00200000,1,1,,10.00.10586.0063
    Video Compressors:
    WMVideo8 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,wmvxencd.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    WMVideo9 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,wmvencod.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    MSScreen 9 encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,wmvsencd.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    DV Video Encoder,0x00200000,0,0,qdv.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    MJPEG Compressor,0x00200000,0,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Audio Compressors:
    WM Speech Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,WMSPDMOE.DLL,10.00.10586.0063
    WMAudio Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,WMADMOE.DLL,10.00.10586.0000
    IMA ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Microsoft ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    GSM 6.10,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    CCITT A-Law,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    CCITT u-Law,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    MPEG Layer-3,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Audio Capture Sources:
    Microphone (Logitech USB Headset),0x00200000,0,0,qcap.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    PBDA CP Filters:
    PBDA DTFilter,0x00600000,1,1,CPFilters.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    PBDA ETFilter,0x00200000,0,0,CPFilters.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    PBDA PTFilter,0x00200000,0,0,CPFilters.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    Midi Renderers:
    Default MidiOut Device,0x00800000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    WDM Streaming Capture Devices:
    Realtek HD Audio Line input,0x00200000,1,1,,10.00.10586.0063
    Realtek HD Audio Mic input,0x00200000,1,1,,10.00.10586.0063
    Realtek HD Audio Stereo input,0x00200000,1,1,,10.00.10586.0063
    Logitech USB Headset,0x00200000,2,2,,10.00.10586.0063
    WDM Streaming Rendering Devices:
    Realtek HDA SPDIF Out,0x00200000,1,1,,10.00.10586.0063
    Realtek HD Audio output,0x00200000,1,1,,10.00.10586.0063
    Logitech USB Headset,0x00200000,2,2,,10.00.10586.0063
    BDA Network Providers:
    Microsoft ATSC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,10.00.10586.0000
    Microsoft DVBC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,10.00.10586.0000
    Microsoft DVBS Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,10.00.10586.0000
    Microsoft DVBT Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,10.00.10586.0000
    Microsoft Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,,10.00.10586.0000
    Multi-Instance Capable VBI Codecs:
    VBI Codec,0x00600000,1,4,,10.00.10586.0000
    BDA Transport Information Renderers:
    BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter,0x00600000,2,0,,10.00.10586.0000
    MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x00600000,1,0,,10.00.10586.0000
    BDA CP/CA Filters:
    XDS Codec,0x00200000,0,0,EncDec.dll,10.00.10586.0000
    WDM Streaming Communication Transforms:
    Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter,0x00200000,1,1,,10.00.10586.0063
    Audio Renderers:
    NS-L42X-10A-4 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Default DirectSound Device,0x00800000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Default WaveOut Device,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    DirectSound: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    DirectSound: NS-L42X-10A-4 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    DirectSound: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    DirectSound: Speakers (Logitech USB Headset),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071
    Speakers (Logitech USB Headset),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.10586.0071

  19. #19
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Preferred DirectShow Filters
    <media subtype GUID>, [<filter friendly name>, ]<filter CLSID>
    MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1Payload, MPEG Video Decoder, CLSID_CMpegVideoCodec
    MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1Packet, MPEG Video Decoder, CLSID_CMpegVideoCodec
    {78766964-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
    {7634706D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_mp4s, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
    {6C737664-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, DV Video Decoder, CLSID_DVVideoCodec
    {64737664-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, DV Video Decoder, CLSID_DVVideoCodec
    {64697678-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
    {64687664-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, DV Video Decoder, CLSID_DVVideoCodec
    {58564944-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
    {5634504D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_MP4S, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
    {44495658-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_mpg4, Mpeg4 Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_MPG4, Mpeg4 Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_h264, Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, CLSID_CMPEG2VidDecoderDS
    MEDIASUBTYPE_H264, Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, CLSID_CMPEG2VidDecoderDS
    MEDIASUBTYPE_WMV3, WMVideo Decoder DMO, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_mp43, Mpeg43 Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg43DecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_MP43, Mpeg43 Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg43DecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_m4s2, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_WMV2, WMVideo Decoder DMO, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_MSS2, WMV Screen decoder DMO, CLSID_CMSSCDecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_M4S2, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_WVP2, WMVideo Decoder DMO, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_mp42, Mpeg4 Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_MP42, Mpeg4 Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_WMV1, WMVideo Decoder DMO, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_MSS1, WMV Screen decoder DMO, CLSID_CMSSCDecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_WVC1, WMVideo Decoder DMO, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_AVC1, Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, CLSID_CMPEG2VidDecoderDS
    {20637664-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, DV Video Decoder, CLSID_DVVideoCodec
    WMMEDIASUBTYPE_WMAudioV8, WMAudio Decoder DMO, CLSID_CWMADecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_RAW_AAC1, Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder, CLSID_CMPEG2AudDecoderDS
    MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1AudioPayload, MPEG Audio Decoder, CLSID_CMpegAudioCodec
    Media Foundation Transforms
      <transform friendly name>, <transform CLSID>, <flags>, [<merit>, ]<file name>, <file version>
    Video Decoders:
      Microsoft MPEG Video Decoder MFT, {2D709E52-123F-49B5-9CBC-9AF5CDE28FB9}, 0x1, msmpeg2vdec.dll, 12.00.10547.1000
      DV Decoder MFT, {404A6DE5-D4D6-4260-9BC7-5A6CBD882432}, 0x1, mfdvdec.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Microsoft H265 Video Decoder MFT, {420A51A3-D605-430C-B4FC-45274FA6C562}, 0x1, hevcdecoder.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT, 0x1, mp4sdecd.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Microsoft H264 Video Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSH264DecoderMFT, 0x1, msmpeg2vdec.dll, 12.00.10547.1000
      WMV Screen decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSSCDecMediaObject, 0x1, wmvsdecd.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      WMVideo Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject, 0x1, wmvdecod.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      MJPEG Decoder MFT, {CB17E772-E1CC-4633-8450-5617AF577905}, 0x1, mfmjpegdec.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Mpeg43 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg43DecMediaObject, 0x1, mp43decd.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Mpeg4 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject, 0x1, mpg4decd.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
    Video Encoders:
      H264 Encoder MFT, {6CA50344-051A-4DED-9779-A43305165E35}, 0x1, mfh264enc.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      WMVideo8 Encoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVXEncMediaObject, 0x1, wmvxencd.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      H263 Encoder MFT, {BC47FCFE-98A0-4F27-BB07-698AF24F2B38}, 0x1, mfh263enc.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      WMVideo9 Encoder MFT, CLSID_CWMV9EncMediaObject, 0x1, wmvencod.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Encoder MFT, {E6335F02-80B7-4DC4-ADFA-DFE7210D20D5}, 0x2, msmpeg2enc.dll, 12.00.10586.0035
      H265 Encoder MFT, {F2F84074-8BCA-40BD-9159-E880F673DD3B}, 0x1, mfh265enc.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
    Video Effects:
      Frame Rate Converter, CLSID_CFrameRateConvertDmo, 0x1, mfvdsp.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Resizer MFT, CLSID_CResizerDMO, 0x1, vidreszr.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      VideoStabilization MFT, {51571744-7FE4-4FF2-A498-2DC34FF74F1B}, 0x1, MSVideoDSP.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Color Control, CLSID_CColorControlDmo, 0x1, mfvdsp.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Color Converter MFT, CLSID_CColorConvertDMO, 0x1, colorcnv.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
    Video Processor:
      Microsoft Video Processor MFT, {88753B26-5B24-49BD-B2E7-0C445C78C982}, 0x1, msvproc.dll, 12.00.10586.0000
    Audio Decoders:
      Microsoft Dolby Digital Plus Decoder MFT, {177C0AFE-900B-48D4-9E4C-57ADD250B3D4}, 0x1, DolbyDecMFT.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      MS AMRNB Decoder MFT, {265011AE-5481-4F77-A295-ABB6FFE8D63E}, 0x1, MSAMRNBDecoder.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      WMAudio Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMADecMediaObject, 0x1, WMADMOD.DLL, 10.00.10586.0063
      Microsoft AAC Audio Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSAACDecMFT, 0x1, MSAudDecMFT.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      A-law Wrapper MFT, {36CB6E0C-78C1-42B2-9943-846262F31786}, 0x1, mfcore.dll, 12.00.10586.0063
      GSM ACM Wrapper MFT, {4A76B469-7B66-4DD4-BA2D-DDF244C766DC}, 0x1, mfcore.dll, 12.00.10586.0063
      WMAPro over S/PDIF MFT, CLSID_CWMAudioSpdTxDMO, 0x1, WMADMOD.DLL, 10.00.10586.0063
      Microsoft FLAC Audio Decoder MFT, {6B0B3E6B-A2C5-4514-8055-AFE8A95242D9}, 0x1, MSFlacDecoder.dll, 10.00.10586.0035
      Microsoft MPEG Audio Decoder MFT, {70707B39-B2CA-4015-ABEA-F8447D22D88B}, 0x1, MSAudDecMFT.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      WMSpeech Decoder DMO, CLSID_CWMSPDecMediaObject, 0x1, WMSPDMOD.DLL, 10.00.10586.0063
      G711 Wrapper MFT, {92B66080-5E2D-449E-90C4-C41F268E5514}, 0x1, mfcore.dll, 12.00.10586.0063
      IMA ADPCM ACM Wrapper MFT, {A16E1BFF-A80D-48AD-AECD-A35C005685FE}, 0x1, mfcore.dll, 12.00.10586.0063
      MP3 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMP3DecMediaObject, 0x1, mp3dmod.dll, 10.00.10586.0063
      Microsoft ALAC Audio Decoder MFT, {C0CD7D12-31FC-4BBC-B363-7322EE3E1879}, 0x1, MSAlacDecoder.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      ADPCM ACM Wrapper MFT, {CA34FE0A-5722-43AD-AF23-05F7650257DD}, 0x1, mfcore.dll, 12.00.10586.0063
    Audio Encoders:
      LPCM DVD-Audio MFT, {068A8476-9229-4CC0-9D49-2FC699DCD30A}, 0x1, winmde.dll, 12.00.10586.0000
      MP3 Encoder ACM Wrapper MFT, {11103421-354C-4CCA-A7A3-1AFF9A5B6701}, 0x1, mfcore.dll, 12.00.10586.0063
      Microsoft FLAC Audio Encoder MFT, {128509E9-C44E-45DC-95E9-C255B8F466A6}, 0x1, MSFlacEncoder.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      WM Speech Encoder DMO, CLSID_CWMSPEncMediaObject2, 0x1, WMSPDMOE.DLL, 10.00.10586.0063
      MS AMRNB Encoder MFT, {2FAE8AFE-04A3-423A-A814-85DB454712B0}, 0x1, MSAMRNBEncoder.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Microsoft MPEG-2 Audio Encoder MFT, {46A4DD5C-73F8-4304-94DF-308F760974F4}, 0x1, msmpeg2enc.dll, 12.00.10586.0035
      WMAudio Encoder MFT, CLSID_CWMAEncMediaObject, 0x1, WMADMOE.DLL, 10.00.10586.0000
      Microsoft AAC Audio Encoder MFT, {93AF0C51-2275-45D2-A35B-F2BA21CAED00}, 0x1, mfAACEnc.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Microsoft ALAC Audio Encoder MFT, {9AB6A28C-748E-4B6A-BFFF-CC443B8E8FB4}, 0x1, MSAlacEncoder.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Microsoft Dolby Digital Encoder MFT, {AC3315C9-F481-45D7-826C-0B406C1F64B8}, 0x1, msac3enc.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
    Audio Effects:
      AEC, CLSID_CWMAudioAEC, 0x1, mfwmaaec.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Resampler MFT, CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject, 0x1, resampledmo.dll, 10.00.10586.0000
      Microsoft MPEG2 Multiplexer MFT, {AB300F71-01AB-46D2-AB6C-64906CB03258}, 0x2, mfmpeg2srcsnk.dll, 12.00.10586.0035
      Microsoft H264 Video Remux (MPEG2TSToMP4) MFT, {05A47EBB-8BF0-4CBF-AD2F-3B71D75866F5}, 0x1, msmpeg2vdec.dll, 12.00.10547.1000
    Media Foundation Enabled Hardware Categories
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Media Foundation\HardwareMFT]
    EnableDecoders = 0
    EnableEncoders = 1
    EnableVideoProcessors = 1
    Media Foundation Byte Stream Handlers
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Media Foundation\ByteStreamHandlers]
    <file ext. or MIME type>, <handler CLSID>, <brief description>[, Preferred]
    .3g2, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .3gp, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .3gp2, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .3gpp, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .aac, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .ac3, {46031BA1-083F-47D9-8369-23C92BDAB2FF}, AC-3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .adt, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .adts, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .am?, {EFE6208A-0A2C-49FA-8A01-3768B559B6DA}, MF AMRNB Media Source ByteStreamHandler
    .amr, {EFE6208A-0A2C-49FA-8A01-3768B559B6DA}, MF AMRNB Media Source ByteStreamHandler, Preferred
    .asf, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .avi, {7AFA253E-F823-42F6-A5D9-714BDE467412}, AVI Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .dvr-ms, {65964407-A5D8-4060-85B0-1CCD63F768E2}, dvr-ms Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .dvr-ms, {A8721937-E2FB-4D7A-A9EE-4EB08C890B6E}, MF SBE Source ByteStreamHandler
    .ec3, {46031BA1-083F-47D9-8369-23C92BDAB2FF}, AC-3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .flac, {0E41CFB8-0506-40F4-A516-77CC23642D91}, MF FLAC Media Source ByteStreamHandler, Preferred
    .m2t, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .m2ts, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .m4a, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .m4v, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mk3d, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, MKV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mka, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, MKV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mks, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, MKV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mkv, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, MKV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mod, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mov, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mp2v, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mp3, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mp4, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mp4v, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mpa, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mpeg, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mpg, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .mts, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .nsc, {B084785C-DDE0-4D30-8CA8-05A373E185BE}, NSC Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .sami, {7A56C4CB-D678-4188-85A8-BA2EF68FA10D}, SAMI Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .smi, {7A56C4CB-D678-4188-85A8-BA2EF68FA10D}, SAMI Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .tod, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .ts, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .tts, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .uvu, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .vob, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .wav, {42C9B9F5-16FC-47EF-AF22-DA05F7C842E3}, WAV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .wm, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .wma, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .wmv, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    .wtv, {65964407-A5D8-4060-85B0-1CCD63F768E2}, WTV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/3gpp, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/3gpp2, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/aac, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/aacp, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/eac3, {46031BA1-083F-47D9-8369-23C92BDAB2FF}, AC-3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/L16, {3FFB3B8C-EB99-472B-8902-E1C1B05F07CF}, LPCM Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/mp3, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/mp4, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/MP4A-LATM, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/mpa, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/mpeg, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/mpeg3, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/vnd.dlna.adts, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/vnd.dolby.dd-raw, {46031BA1-083F-47D9-8369-23C92BDAB2FF}, AC-3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/wav, {42C9B9F5-16FC-47EF-AF22-DA05F7C842E3}, WAV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/x-aac, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/x-m4a, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/x-matroska, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, MKV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/x-mp3, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/x-mpeg, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/x-ms-wma, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    audio/x-wav, {42C9B9F5-16FC-47EF-AF22-DA05F7C842E3}, WAV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/3gpp, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/3gpp2, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/avi, {7AFA253E-F823-42F6-A5D9-714BDE467412}, AVI Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/mp4, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/mpeg, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/msvideo, {7AFA253E-F823-42F6-A5D9-714BDE467412}, AVI Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/vnd.dece.mp4, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/x-m4v, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/x-matroska, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, MKV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/x-ms-asf, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/x-ms-wm, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/x-ms-wmv, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    video/x-msvideo, {7AFA253E-F823-42F6-A5D9-714BDE467412}, AVI Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
    Media Foundation Scheme Handlers
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Media Foundation\SchemeHandlers]
    <URL type>, <handler CLSID>, <brief description>[, Preferred]
    file:, {477EC299-1421-4BDD-971F-7CCB933F21AD}, File Scheme Handler, Preferred
    http:, {44CB442B-9DA9-49DF-B3FD-023777B16E50}, Http Scheme Handler
    http:, {9EC4B4F9-3029-45AD-947B-344DE2A249E2}, Urlmon Scheme Handler
    http:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
    httpd:, {44CB442B-9DA9-49DF-B3FD-023777B16E50}, Http Scheme Handler, Preferred
    httpnd:, {2EEEED04-0908-4CDB-AF8F-AC5B768A34C9}, Drm Scheme Handler, Preferred
    https:, {37A61C8B-7F8E-4D08-B12B-248D73E9AB4F}, Secure Http Scheme Handler, Preferred
    httpsd:, {37A61C8B-7F8E-4D08-B12B-248D73E9AB4F}, Secure Http Scheme Handler, Preferred
    httpt:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
    httpu:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
    mcast:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
    mcrecv:, {FA6D33D4-9405-4BA5-9983-12604AC8E77A}, Miracast Sink Scheme Handler, Preferred
    mms:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
    ms-appdata:, {CFC81939-3886-4ACF-9692-DA58037AE716}, MsAppData Scheme Handler, Preferred
    ms-appx-web:, {8DB0224B-3D65-4F6F-8E12-BEB4B78B8974}, MsAppxWeb Scheme Handler, Preferred
    ms-appx:, {8DB0224B-3D65-4F6F-8E12-BEB4B78B8974}, MsAppx Scheme Handler, Preferred
    ms-winsoundevent:, {F79A6BF9-7415-4CF3-AE10-4559509ABC3C}, Sound Event Scheme Handler, Preferred
    rtsp:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
    rtspt:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
    rtspu:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
    sdp:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred

  20. #20
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Preferred Media Foundation Transforms
    <media subtype GUID>, [<transform friendly name>, ]<transform CLSID>
    {E06D802C-DB46-11CF-B4D1-00805F6CBBEA}, Microsoft Dolby Digital Plus Decoder MFT, {177C0AFE-900B-48D4-9E4C-57ADD250B3D4}
    MFVideoFormat_MPEG2, Microsoft MPEG Video Decoder MFT, {2D709E52-123F-49B5-9CBC-9AF5CDE28FB9}
    MEDIASUBTYPE_DOLBY_DDPLUS, Microsoft Dolby Digital Plus Decoder MFT, {177C0AFE-900B-48D4-9E4C-57ADD250B3D4}
    {7634706D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
    {73616D72-767A-494D-B478-F29D25DC9037}, MS AMRNB Decoder MFT, {265011AE-5481-4F77-A295-ABB6FFE8D63E}
    MEDIASUBTYPE_mp4s, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
    MFVideoFormat_DVSL, DV Decoder MFT, {404A6DE5-D4D6-4260-9BC7-5A6CBD882432}
    MFVideoFormat_DVSD, DV Decoder MFT, {404A6DE5-D4D6-4260-9BC7-5A6CBD882432}
    MFVideoFormat_DVHD, DV Decoder MFT, {404A6DE5-D4D6-4260-9BC7-5A6CBD882432}
    {63616C61-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Microsoft ALAC Audio Decoder MFT, {C0CD7D12-31FC-4BBC-B363-7322EE3E1879}
    MFVideoFormat_MP4V, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
    {53564548-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Microsoft H265 Video Decoder MFT, {420A51A3-D605-430C-B4FC-45274FA6C562}
    MFVideoFormat_MP4S, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
    {53314356-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, WMVideo Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
    MFVideoFormat_MJPG, MJPEG Decoder MFT, {CB17E772-E1CC-4633-8450-5617AF577905}
    {43564548-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Microsoft H265 Video Decoder MFT, {420A51A3-D605-430C-B4FC-45274FA6C562}
    {3F40F4F0-5622-4FF8-B6D8-A17A584BEE5E}, Microsoft H264 Video Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSH264DecoderMFT
    MEDIASUBTYPE_mpg4, Mpeg4 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_MPG4, Mpeg4 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
    MFVideoFormat_H264, Microsoft H264 Video Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSH264DecoderMFT
    MFVideoFormat_WMV3, WMVideo Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
    {33363248-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
    MEDIASUBTYPE_mp43, Mpeg43 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg43DecMediaObject
    MFVideoFormat_MP43, Mpeg43 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg43DecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_m4s2, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
    MFVideoFormat_WMV2, WMVideo Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
    MFVideoFormat_MSS2, WMV Screen decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSSCDecMediaObject
    MFVideoFormat_M4S2, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
    MEDIASUBTYPE_WVP2, WMVideo Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_mp42, Mpeg4 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
    MEDIASUBTYPE_MP42, Mpeg4 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
    MFVideoFormat_WMV1, WMVideo Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
    MFVideoFormat_MSS1, WMV Screen decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSSCDecMediaObject
    MFVideoFormat_MPG1, Microsoft MPEG Video Decoder MFT, {2D709E52-123F-49B5-9CBC-9AF5CDE28FB9}
    MFVideoFormat_WVC1, WMVideo Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
    MFVideoFormat_DVC, DV Decoder MFT, {404A6DE5-D4D6-4260-9BC7-5A6CBD882432}
    {0000F1AC-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Microsoft FLAC Audio Decoder MFT, {6B0B3E6B-A2C5-4514-8055-AFE8A95242D9}
    {00007361-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, MS AMRNB Decoder MFT, {265011AE-5481-4F77-A295-ABB6FFE8D63E}
    {00002000-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Microsoft Dolby Digital Plus Decoder MFT, {177C0AFE-900B-48D4-9E4C-57ADD250B3D4}
    MFAudioFormat_AAC, Microsoft AAC Audio Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSAACDecMFT
    MFAudioFormat_WMAudio_Lossless, WMAudio Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMADecMediaObject
    MFAudioFormat_WMAudioV9, WMAudio Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMADecMediaObject
    MFAudioFormat_WMAudioV8, WMAudio Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMADecMediaObject
    MFAudioFormat_MP3, MP3 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMP3DecMediaObject
    MFAudioFormat_MPEG, Microsoft MPEG Audio Decoder MFT, {70707B39-B2CA-4015-ABEA-F8447D22D88B}
    {00000031-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, GSM ACM Wrapper MFT, {4A76B469-7B66-4DD4-BA2D-DDF244C766DC}
    {00000011-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, IMA ADPCM ACM Wrapper MFT, {A16E1BFF-A80D-48AD-AECD-A35C005685FE}
    MFAudioFormat_MSP1, WMSpeech Decoder DMO, CLSID_CWMSPDecMediaObject
    KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_MULAW, G711 Wrapper MFT, {92B66080-5E2D-449E-90C4-C41F268E5514}
    {00000006-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, A-law Wrapper MFT, {36CB6E0C-78C1-42B2-9943-846262F31786}
    Disabled Media Foundation Transforms
    <transform CLSID>
    Disabled Media Sources
    <media source CLSID>
    EVR Power Information
    Current Setting: {5C67A112-A4C9-483F-B4A7-1D473BECAFDC} (Quality) 
      Quality Flags: 2576
        Force throttling
        Allow half deinterlace
        Allow scaling
        Decode Power Usage: 100
      Balanced Flags: 1424
        Force throttling
        Allow batching
        Force half deinterlace
        Force scaling
        Decode Power Usage: 50
      PowerFlags: 1424
        Force throttling
        Allow batching
        Force half deinterlace
        Force scaling
        Decode Power Usage: 0
    Windows Error Reporting:
    +++ WER0 +++:
    Fault bucket 125026835750, type 5
    Event Name: MpTelemetry
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: 2152759308
    P2: unspecified
    P3: ScanFile
    P4: 4.9.10586.0
    P5: Windows Defender (77BDAF73-B396-481F-9042-AD358843EC24)
    P6: unspecified
    P7: unspecified
    +++ WER1 +++:
    Fault bucket , type 0
    Event Name: MpTelemetry
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: 2152759308
    P2: unspecified
    P3: ScanFile
    P4: 4.9.10586.0
    P5: Windows Defender (77BDAF73-B396-481F-9042-AD358843EC24)
    P6: unspecified
    P7: unspecified
    +++ WER2 +++:
    Fault bucket 107920234766, type 1
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: TurbineLauncher.exe
    P2: 2600.45.5315.4263
    P3: 56a853b2
    P4: patchclient.DLL
    P6: 52f12ccf
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 00058539
    +++ WER3 +++:
    Fault bucket , type 0
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: TurbineLauncher.exe
    P2: 2600.45.5315.4263
    P3: 56a853b2
    P4: patchclient.DLL
    P6: 52f12ccf
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 00058539
    +++ WER4 +++:
    Fault bucket 107920234766, type 1
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: TurbineLauncher.exe
    P2: 2600.45.5315.4263
    P3: 56a853b2
    P4: patchclient.DLL
    P6: 52f12ccf
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 00058539
    +++ WER5 +++:
    Fault bucket , type 0
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: TurbineLauncher.exe
    P2: 2600.45.5315.4263
    P3: 56a853b2
    P4: patchclient.DLL
    P6: 52f12ccf
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 00058539
    +++ WER6 +++:
    Fault bucket 107920234766, type 1
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: TurbineLauncher.exe
    P2: 2600.45.5315.4263
    P3: 56a853b2
    P4: patchclient.DLL
    P6: 52f12ccf
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 00058539
    +++ WER7 +++:
    Fault bucket , type 0
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: TurbineLauncher.exe
    P2: 2600.45.5315.4263
    P3: 56a853b2
    P4: patchclient.DLL
    P6: 52f12ccf
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 00058539
    +++ WER8 +++:
    Fault bucket 107920234766, type 1
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: TurbineLauncher.exe
    P2: 2600.45.5315.4263
    P3: 56a853b2
    P4: patchclient.DLL
    P6: 52f12ccf
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 00058539
    +++ WER9 +++:
    Fault bucket , type 0
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: TurbineLauncher.exe
    P2: 2600.45.5315.4263
    P3: 56a853b2
    P4: patchclient.DLL
    P6: 52f12ccf
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 00058539

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