Oh I agree - I'd love to see Restless Isles Epicced!
Like E-Orchard you mean?
And leave the Heroic Version the same as now like Orchard?
I want new Quests in Epic Restless Isles {Like E-3BC not E-Orchard or E-GH!} and I want the Heroic Pack to be buffed up so as to have people want to run it again.
Actually E-3BC didn't turn 3BC into a must run pack at all!
3BC was a must run pack long before E-3BC came out because of the added Loot and the upgrade to Heroic XP there!
The Epics apart from Two Toed Toby are pretty rarely run from what I can tell and wouldn't be run at all if it wasn't for the Saga!
3BC was always a great pack {Heroic = Best Slayer Zone in the game - STILL!} - The reason people didn't run it was NO Loot and weak XP - Once those two things were fixed it became a must run pack {Epic had nothing to do with it!}.
Actually I said above that I'd prefer the Devs to give us new quests in E-RI like they did with E-3BC and NOT the lazy retreads from E-GH or E-Orchard.
E-3BC had it's own problems - A truly awful end-quest and E-Prove Your Worth being basically a death trap! Along with too little decent loot {unlike E-Orchard} and low XP {except for Two Toed Toby}.
Both Epic Slayers are bad for me for completely opposing reasons - E-Orchard = too many mobs {way too many} per instance, E-3BC = too few {way too few} per instance.
Give us the Quest Design of E-Toby, E-Ghost of a Chance and E-Garl's {utilising the parts of the quests not utilised in heroic versions} along with the Loot design of E-Orchard!
And have the Slayer Zone be balanced properly - The Heroic Slayer is actually decent at 300+ mobs per instance on a full clear and 1500 max. The Epic version should be 500 mobs per instance and 7,500 max NO MATTER HOW MANY PLAYERS ARE IN SAID INSTANCE! No King's Forest shenanigans!