So what(if any) changes have everyone been making to his/her Paladin since U29/Legendary was introduced?
I've been playing a 16 Paladin/2 Fighter/2 Monk for a while now (400 healing amp, primarily KotC, running in FotW, Exhalted Smite + Adreniline!) but recently switched to 15 Paladin/5 Ranger. Switched from SWF to TWF, added Manyshot and running Divine Crusader (can now get back in Defender stance sine I no longer need to rage), dropped about 100 healing amp but added substantial DPS and HP.
Sadly I've seen several guild mates completely switch to tank mode to live thru LE hits, I keep fighting the urge, I just don't ' wanna put a shield back in his hand! I prefer a TF orb or khopesh with Dracoonoc Reinvigeration.
What say you?