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  1. #1

    Default YourDDO - Legendary Green Steel Planner (almost ready!)

    Heya DDO'ers!

    I know some of you may already know that I've been working on a Legendary Green Steel Planner. Well it's almost ready! I should have a beta product to put on the live YourDDO site by the end of the weekend. Really the only thing I have left to do is polish the Active Augments section and some QA to look for and fix any bugs that I may have missed in development.

    One thing of special note once it goes live, I don't have the exact names of all the shards at the moment, so you will be seeing "Name TBD" in each of the recipe sections (except Active Augments). Also, descriptions are going to be a little lacking, seeing as I have not made every single variation of LGS personally. So if you have created a LGS item and want to help complete the data on the planner, post your screenies in this thread and I'll figure out a way to give credit on the site to those helping me out.

    I have some other stuff I was working on before LGS launched that I plan on continuing to work on once the bugs are smoothed out.

    Stay tuned to my twitter feed (@yourddo) and this thread for the latest info on the LGS planner.


  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    oh wow this is really good news.
    id like to say a big thankyou for this.

    your friend sil

  3. #3
    Community Member Trensen's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Booya!!!

    I'm glad that there are people out there that can code. and code something useful, too, like a LGS Planner.

    Thankee Sai!

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