1) The names of random items should have the information about bonuses (at least, the main information), in AH you should be able to search the item you want (ideally, including searching by augment slots and the number of enhancements).
the names of an old and a new random loot:

The naming of most old random loot was good, except that the names didn't have info about augment slots.
But now random loot was so
greatly improved that the names don't show the effects at all.
If an item has an augment slot I would add a letter of the slot ([C], [R], [B], [Y], [P], [O], [G]), for example:
Charismatic +8 Helm of Bluffing +17 [C]
Invigorating Helm of Resistance [G]
The latter would be much more informative with this name:
Invigorating +255 Helm of Resistance +9 [G]
But since Wizadry is a shorter word (not to mention a more convenient name) I would use this name:
Wizadry +255 Helm of Resistance +9 [G]
(btw, what was the point of these new names like Invigorating?)
The 3rd effect should be seen on the name too:
I'm not sure how to name it, but these would be MUCH better (especially if searchable in AH):
Reinforced +55 Mask of Diplomacy +17 of Incite +28
Reinforced +55 Mask of Diplomacy +17 [Incite +28]
How much the name
Belt can tell you?
2) Lots of bugs with +0% bonuses (most of them are fixed, but not all)
3) It's fun to farm named items. This new random loot made less attractive many named items, which means this game has less goals to achieve (named items are no longer that important since you can just buy stuff from AH).
4) It was a plain increase of power creep (no packs, no time farming, nothing was needed for that).
5) Keep in mind that the future named items should be attractive (at least some of them). +8 Con at lvl 15 is not impressive now (random loot can have it at lower lvls).
And what does that mean? Yes, even more power creep incoming.
6) I don't mind useless things on random loot though (like keen on armors, doubleshot on handwraps, etc., but since keen is confusing and doesn't actually provide the bonus to weapons, I would exclude them from non weapons), but it should be seen in the names of such items so that you would vendor (or ignore) them without spending the time examining them, I mean in the current random loot system the hidden bonus quite often is the main bonus (keep in mind that examining every single random item is annoying).
Accessories are nice (more power creep btw).
Since there are RTBs this raid will die.