Because they can sell a new race, and sell a new iconic race. For that reason the new Gnome and Deep Gnome tree will be more powerful then any of the other current races except perhaps human (all bow before our homosapien overlords!) with it's boost and attribute buffs. That's the same reason the Warlock was introduced and was given such fantastic powers, and trees. Turbine needs to drive revenue.
I do find it interesting that the work load on the last year has been so slanted towards systems development, (I.E. rule changes, feats, legendary feats, lv 30, loot change, multiple crafting systems, and events) rather then playable content. The make up and strengths of the personnel must lean that way. ToEE was a lot of space with some content, but other wise almost the entire roll out of "new" content has been rehashed versions of the existing content lifted to higher levels, and the limited new content the created such as the Gambit quests could all be complete within two hours. So clearly the weakness of the team is in content design they don't play so they don't know how to write quests.
But what can you do?
He didn't say lying, you did. That kind of comment is way out of line and smacks of someone trying to get someone he disagrees with in trouble with Cordovan and the other mods. Additionally, that tin-foil hat reference is obnoxious. Throwing that term at people who obviously love the game but may disagree even caused poor Cordovan some grief last summer when he used it offhandedly in a rare slip. So what possibly makes you think that you have any right to use it in such a fashion? Is that really the way someone who had the chance to be on the PC should be acting? is that the example you want to set for others? or perhaps you might like to take the high road in the future and use the experience you gained from working closely with Turbine to help the game and the player base rather than irresponsibly using terms like "lying" and tin foil hat comments to further split the population?
No need for you to respond, just give it some thought before you use that kind of verbiage next time, and learn to accept that your responsibility didn't end when your term on the PC did, especially when your forum icon trumpets the time you spent on it.
Last edited by Zebedar; 01-16-2016 at 06:15 PM.
True, some kind of oddball Druid Gnome Iconic with a focus on earth-related powers might work. A Gnome Favored Soul Iconic as a Wisdom based class is also a possibility. Garl Glittergold would be their patron.
So, just another year without:
- increasing BtC bank space
- sortable TR cache
- raid counters persisting through TR
It's good, but there are Raid Bypass Timers, which means the lifetime will be short (not to mention random loot pass).- 4 Raids
Good!- 3 Monster Manuals
Good!- 11 new quests, including the Temple of Elemental Evil classic dungeon
Rogue pass was good.- Rogue, Ranger class updates
I'm disappointed with Ranger pass though. (my Tempest is lacking defenses, for comparison: Rogues are MUCH more survivable since they have Uncanny Dodge/Defensive Roll/Spinning Staff Wall, btw, Elaborate Parry sucks since you must hit the target in order to get the dodge bonus).
For me it's meh, but a friend loves it a lot.- New class: Warlock (along with its associated enhancements, spells, etc.)
The unique bonus (spooky bonus) augments was a good idea (I hope that spooky bonuses won't be available outside this event)- New seasonal event: The Night Revels
Disappearing matts sucks though.
Also I miss the real event (meaning with a Dragon, even if that Dragon always comes with his cousin Lag Monster).
Dragon fight in Mabar also had a unique grouping mechanics (that was probably a reason for more lag, but it was fun).
Sorry, it's a lie.- A greatly improved random loot system
1) The names of random items should have the information about bonuses (at least, the main information), in AH you should be able to search the item you want (ideally, including searching by augment slots and the number of enhancements).
Compare the names of an old and a new random loot:
The naming of most old random loot was good, except that the names didn't have info about augment slots.
But now random loot was so greatly improved that the names don't show the effects at all.
If an item has an augment slot I would add a letter of the slot ([C], [R], [B], [Y], [P], [O], [G]), for example:
Charismatic +8 Helm of Bluffing +17 [C]
Invigorating Helm of Resistance [G]
The latter would be much more informative with this name:
Invigorating +255 Helm of Resistance +9 [G]
But since Wizadry is a shorter word (not to mention a more convenient name) I would use this name:
Wizadry +255 Helm of Resistance +9 [G]
(btw, what was the point of these new names like Invigorating?)
The 3rd effect should be seen on the name too:
I'm not sure how to name it, but these would be MUCH better (especially if searchable in AH):
Reinforced +55 Mask of Diplomacy +17 of Incite +28
Reinforced +55 Mask of Diplomacy +17 [Incite +28]
How much the name Belt can tell you?
2) Lots of bugs with +0% bonuses (most of them are fixed, but not all)
3) It's fun to farm named items. This new random loot made less attractive many named items, which means this game has less goals to achieve (named items are no longer that important since you can just buy stuff from AH).
4) It was a plain increase of power creep (no packs, no time farming, nothing was needed for that).
5) Keep in mind that the future named items should be attractive (at least some of them). +8 Con at lvl 15 is not impressive now (random loot can have it at lower lvls).
And what does that mean? Yes, even more power creep incoming.
6) I don't mind useless things on random loot though (like keen on armors, doubleshot on handwraps, etc., but since keen is confusing and doesn't actually provide the bonus to weapons, I would exclude them from non weapons), but it should be seen in the names of such items so that you would vendor (or ignore) them without spending the time examining them, I mean in the current random loot system the hidden bonus quite often is the main bonus (keep in mind that examining every single random item is annoying).
Accessories are nice (more power creep btw).- Legendary Greensteel
Since there are RTBs this raid will die.
The only problem is that this is yet another increase of power creep.- A level cap of 30, along with Legendary and Epic Destiny Feats
You forgot to mention that XP curve was changed, meaning that lvl 21 now requires twice as much XP as before. So, lvls 20-24 are much slower than before, which also means that lvls 26-30 will be short (which also means less raiding).
Last edited by Robai; 01-22-2016 at 11:35 AM. Reason: fixed links
Loot Design, S/S/S system, TR Cache Button, The exact trap DCs in EE HH, A guide for DDO-ML, Unknown Heroes: 3rd place, Welcome to Orien: /joinchannel Titan
Thanks for the info! Really looking forward to see what you have for us this year. 2015 had great additions to the game. Glad to hear that you are working hard to continue to provide us content. Just wanted to let you know that I've been playing since start. And I'm haven't been this excited about DDO for a while.
Thank you
My only question:
What has the development team decided they are going to "be" in-game? Are they going to be a single class (pure) or they going to multi-class? Or will there be a mix? Or they going to become a "monster" to hunt us down?
I know certain developers have let it be known they have a preference for certain classes while playing on their own time. Will this transfer into the NPC we get to defeat? Spoilers on what some of the development team has chosen would be entertaining.
Not if they're Svirfneblin he wouldn't!
Callarduran Smoothhands (Greater God) is the master of stone, worshipped
primarily by Svirfneblin. The Deep Gnomes consider him equal in might to Garl
Glittergold, though he is largely ignored by the other subraces. It was Calladuran who
taught Svirfneblin how to summon and befriend earth elementals. He will often send
his avatar to aid his people; his appearance is that of a wiry Svirfneblin miner,
indistinguishable from virtually any other Deep Gnome except for a golden ring with
a star insignia he always wears.
Finally the Cannith Crafting overhaul! w00t!
Random loot needs to be looked in great depth, months ago you guys changed how random loot was generated and it altered a lot of things with enchantment numbers and stuff. Nowadays enchantment numbers mean squat because of how the system is currently borked beyond recognition!! This needs to be fixed and some sort of structure added to random loot, once that is done add back in ALL OF THE OLD EFFECTS FROM WAY BACK WHEN and then look at Cannith Crafting. That would allow you to focus on updating/creating new recipes in Cannith Crafting while having the underlying systems fixed, in place and most importantly WORKING PROPERLY!!!!!!!
Generally I don't ask for much (I don't think), but Devs please please please I implore you do not eff this up!
Last edited by Stoner81; 01-17-2016 at 09:54 AM.
Bio - Guild Leader of Roll For Initiative (Cannith Server)
Useful Links - Cannith Completionist List - DDO-Wrapper (custom installer) - Forum CSS Tweaks
Cannith Crafting Service - Collectible Farming - DDO Character Planner - CC Weapon Recipes Redux
UI Skinning - Rogue's Blackbird UI Skin
My Guides - BBcodes - Unlocking More Storage - Reduce File Size For Signature Image
My Builds - Epic Challenge Farmer v2 (Warlock) - Swiss Army Knife Challenge Farmer (Falconry)
The Pack Horse (mule)
Insightful fortification + Diplomacy + Incite =
"The ambassador of x was renowned for being terrible at his diplomatic duties and relied on this helm
for a boost to both his tact as well as some extra defense for his inevitable failures.
Little did he know that it also had a hidden effect that further aggroed his trade partners.
Unfortunately, he only read its title and not the little tag inside!"
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
I am disappointed about the producer letter, really. In fact its more like a interview with some interesting news but far away from the producer letters of the past, where a big stone was set for the coming year.
Not even the classic module is named- my wish was castle ravenloft the ever best gothic horror module but I also heard "tomb of horrors" in ddo cast- which is in fact a big undead place with lots of deadly traps and puzzles and a demilich at the end (we already have tomb quests in mass in DDO)- its not on my top list even during play in pen and paper it was boring.
Best regards
Last edited by Steve_Howe; 01-17-2016 at 01:57 PM.
Steve Howe was voted "Best Overall Guitarist" in Guitar Player magazine five years in a row (1977–1981) and in 1981 was the first rock guitar player inducted into the Guitar Player Hall of Fame.
Nice pic {and I note the skin is neither black nor grey.} but not all that different to the black and white drawing if you look at them {better mouth and chin yes but otherwise pretty similar}. Oh and the nose is way too small.
Oh and I'd be ecstatic if Svirfneblin in DDO looked that good btw {no matter if the nose is too small - Just need multiple nose options with at least one being ENORMOUS!}.