With the description of the effect of combat mastery is that it adds a insight bonus to tactical skills such(only on) Trip, Sunder, and Stunning Blow(includes stunning fist)
So I would think it would boost stunning fist only. I would have to guess as those 3 are in the feat pile of stuff they have there own separate code path.
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
Combat Mastery items of any type do not apply to Quivering Palm, nor do they apply to EIN or any other Monk move other than SF and US. Combat Mastery items help the following for your Monk:
- Stunning Fist (and stunning blow if you decide to double up)
- Dire Charge
- Unbalancing Strike (uses Trip DCs)
You also have the base moves:
- Sunder/Improved Sunder (I haven't bothered with this since the Defensive pass)
- Trip/Improved Trip (This is useful, especially when comboed with Unbalancing Strike - the mob will remain down for the full duration if you prep your trips with US, making it a solid CC move).
If they were to follow my Monk Pass suggestions, Water > Water > Water would become a knockdown move that would add more use to tactic items, making a nice combo of Unbalancing Strike and that... though probably getting my hopes up too high that they took my pass suggestions to heart.
Note, however, that this only applies to items. Quivering Palm benefits from Combat Mastery feats and enhancements (sadly the other Monk moves still do not). This mean you can snag the +2 Tactician Destiny feat, +4 Astral, +2 Tactical Training (with 4 Fighter levels), and 3 +1 fighter past lives for up to +11 to Quivering palm from feats.
You can get enhancement bonuses like PDK bonus if you use short swords, Dwarf/WF/BF racial, fighter bonus, and finally the Harper Know the Angles. The absolute max Quivering Palm build would be a 16 monk / 4 fighter PDK using short or longsword... though that's making a lot of silly sacrifices and why the hell anyone would do that over running a Bard Swashbuckler (which would have better DCs, more utility, better CC, better survivability, and better DPS) is beyond me.
The final way to boost Quivering Palm is Epic Destinies. +6 from Legendary Tactics in LD and +3 from Grandmaster of Flowers core. Sadly, though, GMoF is one of the worst destinies offering little in the way of survival and DPS... even EIN is useless in new end game content.
Personally I am a pure Monk, use Tactician, Astral, have 3 fighter PLs, and run in Legendary Dreadnaught giving me those tactics. I also run with Know the Angles - while the DPS boost is broken for unarmed, I find it worth it for the boost to QP and my stuns/trips. My Quivering Palm after buffing is 78, and after I finish farming my gear, it should be in the low 80s. I do think they over-nerfed Quivering Palm, and the past lives and effort I put into DCs should land me in the 90s, it's far from useless.
Of course, in the effort of getting my QP to respectable grounds, my Stunning DCs are in the 110/120s.
Pinc Punch - Unarmed Monk (Uber Completionist) // Porc the Orc - Paladin // Thunderborn - Warlock // Imustbe Emo - PewPew Rogue // Aquamine Artifact - Crafting Artificer (shelved)
Build Update 1/24/17 Post-Monk Pass.
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
Looking over yer stuff,
Didn't take the extra adds for wraps in Shintao?
I mean, I realize only one worth having is remove curse for shroud
But you're missing +3
I would take it out of ninja
Flash bang? Do you get mileage out of this?
And three elemental strikes? Do u use them?
And no slavers gear? ***...
Lots of nice named items, but I think you can still step up a tier.
I commend you for running a dumb and ugly monk.
Ps I don't think you need a 10 int,
But nobody runs normal shroud
Just sayin
Kil Glory
30 alchemist
Great to see your last Report from build and game expierence.
Just a few questions:
What is that quick-strike good for or is there some NWAI candy i don´t know about?
Can you Report if Flashbang does benefit from stunning Bonus or not? (Is not mentioned in the live describtion)
How useful do you consider Ki-Shout? (If you solo it doesn´t matter anyway and in pugs with WLKs it´s ... obsolete. So just for some raid-tanky-tanky?)
No Kukan-Do? I mean ... you certainly do have lots of CC, but kukan is one dead mob for free!
Last edited by Robbenklopper; 01-26-2017 at 10:31 AM.
"It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"
Hello im a new player, and i want to make a Monk melee based, but i would like to make an human... or an elf... (I dont like orc lol)
Is this possible with this build ? any advice for a new player who want to play monk ?
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
Quick-Strike was a means to the end to squeeze MP from the HM tree and at the same time getting Sounding Staff(http://ddowiki.com/page/Quick_Draw) which increases shuriken speed and weapon swapping between wraps and casting(Includes a lot of monk finishers and ki attacks for GMoF).
Flash Bang unfortunately does not show up in combat logs so im assuming a 61 by level and stats.
Ki-Shout is nice for a quick pull and with a concentration of 74 it is awesome for me to switch to earth pull and pop affirmation wraps and go into healing rotations.
No Kukan-Do, I for one would like a consolidation of monk abilities because we have way to many buttons to push. A chance for me to drop another button and put in into melee power or Shadowfade was much wanted on my end.
Last edited by Taimasan; 01-29-2017 at 07:39 PM.
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
Me leading a Legendary Reaper Shroud on this build -
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
Enhancement Polish update 2.9.17.
Dropped out of Racial tree entirely. And consolidation of abilities and point to pick up passives from Shintao curative line, this gives me Reed on the Wind damage passively this way and I am dodge capped for all stances and the insightful dodge does me no good.
Consolidated Ninja Spy and packed enough into Henshin to even out Dexterity.
Pleased with results so far.
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
Not being all that familiar with how to play a monk, can you describe the button sequence you use on this Victory Lap Build ?
On my melee toons I usually tie my attacks to my keyboard 1-0 buttons ( I don't have one of those sophisticated gaming mice). Are 10 buttons enough when playing a monk ?
Thanks for the build.
Thank you for looking. To answer your question this is my primary setup, i use keyboard and mouse only. Quivering Palm set to E. Stunning Fist set to F. Those being the 2 ones I know I want to be in my rotation, and I usually have another ability binded to Q. But not anymore these days. 6 is Shadowfade. 1 is Earth IV, 2 is Earth III, 3 is Fists of Iron, 4 is Finisher. 7 is Fists of Light.
So that is 9 abilities that I have key binding and do by keys everything else I click, when playing my monk I am usually doing both at the same time on single target and limited clicking on AoE chasing but my key input is always going strong. As a unarmed monk I go by the motto.
"Keep everything within reach."
Keep your bars organized. Memorize your sections. Or you can get a 10 button mouse. Myself I play with 2 buttons and middle scroll. Remember also in DDO it is not all about how many buttons you can push for most classes, it is also about active combat.
Great question and let me know if you have any more.
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
Thank you for the quick reply. I also only have a 2 button mouse with scroll.
I appreciate the information. Currently I use the F,Q,T,V,G and B keys because they are close. Normally Q is my heal pot, G is haste pots, T,V,and F change by the build. I will start planning my key bindings.
My build for Kodraith is pretty similar basically split WIS/DEX/CON + enough strength to not get encumbered. SpringAttack line + enough shuriken line to not always suck at range.
I'm surprised you don't take Dire Charge at 29. Any particular reason? Do you find it redundent with GMoF? You're already heavily invested in stunning. It seems another AoE stun would be welcome.
Kodraith / Xanxibar / Xinibar / Lensgrinder :: Lava Divers of Khyber :: I'm a monk. I hit things; it's what I do.
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
Updated Doublestrike chance in Wind Stance. I could of sworn there was a time when the neck and the stance did not stack....Either way wiki needs to be updated to show that is does stack. Mea Culpa.
Love Live Eternal Faith ~Sarlonian 4 lyfe~
I just started working on Primal Destinies so I can take Perfect Two-Weapon Fight but I have no spell points to use Rejuvenation Coccoon. Where does the sp come from?
Easiest way is a yellow augment, you can see how many spell points you can get at each level here: http://ddowiki.com/page/Augment, eg L20 is +250 sp
Also guild buffs can give you another 25 if you have the right amenity.
That gives you about 22 casts per rest.