Hello everyone. I decided to create a new thread to put this in the first post. I created a new channel about a year ago for the purpose of getting people together for running the highest level raids EE. The channel is open to anyone interested in the raids, you can use it to advertise your own raids as well and sometimes we post for non EEraids also. The main purpose is anyway to gather people who want to do the highest level raids (preferably EE, but that isn't always possible).
To join the channel type: /joinchannel EEraids endgame
If you have any questions, feel free to send me a tell in game on Maidae, Thazara or Cerge, a pm here on the forums or an in game message. You can also get ahold of me through my blog.
P.S. The weekly EEraids that I usually post for starts with Deathwyrm at 2pm EST Saturday.