"I don't always blame someone when a quest fails, but when I do I blame Vorn!" Darlao, OSD Leader - Argonessen
"I don't always blame someone when a quest fails, but when I do I blame Vorn!" Darlao, OSD Leader - Argonessen
gotta to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight - B. Cockburn
Guild Leader - Order of the Silver Dragons
Mains Darlao Completionist Toogor Sorc TR7 Also Listarn Shadar Kai Rogue 20/8 - WhiskyTango CL28 TR4 - Toongor Bd28 TR2 - Sooey Dwarf ConBarb28 TR2 Pusshy -WizMo 18/ 2/8+9 More
Stealth, may actually be your most important asset when questing with zergers - Ptalon Moonshadow of Thelanis.
Well that didn't go as planned. - Ptalon of Thelanis.
It's not just a job, it's an adventure. - Ptalon of Thelanis.
Hard-bodied female seeks well-built male for fun and adventure; live-wood preferred. - Maidtofight of Ghalandra.
Back in my day, you had to stumble all over town, and all round the tavern... to cure your blindness - Ptalon of Thelanis.
Be careful what you do down in the sewers of the Harbor; Kobolds never forget. - Ptalon of Thelanis.
The Sword of Tesyus didn't seem like it was worth very much in my opinion. - Ptalon of Thelanis.
I brought my own healing before it was cool. - Ptalon of Thelanis
Professional adventurers bring all of the tools they need to complete a dungeon; and freely use them to help others as needed. - Ptalon of Thelanis.
Never split the party - I can't take credit for this one.
Dandonk of Ghallanda says: Purdy skwiggly ding dun vork.*
* **** intelligence runes.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
"Dead monsters can't hurt you." —Nimboo of Thelanis
"Spam doorways with web." —Gaseous of Thelanis
"Kobolds is good eatin'" —Garzul (Half-orc) of Thelanis
"Use haste boost; you only need run faster than the one person behind you." —Furbin of Thelanis
Last edited by Cor_Dath'a; 01-08-2016 at 04:56 PM. Reason: Updates
He's dead, Jim.
'This was the wrong night to pull guard duty.' - Necromancer Apprentice, Spies in the House, - Equatis, Argonnessen
The Rogues of Argonnessen, picking pockets for a better Stormreach, relieving you of your clutter so you don't have to. Need something? Tell us where you saw it, how well it's guarded and when the current owners aren't going to be home. We will get you the exact same make, model and color, For a fee.
"Mind your manners; children may be at play"
Anjeray of Sarlona
"Speak softly and carry a big crit multiplier"
- Damascuss Steel of Sarlona
"Ask not what your cleric can do for you but what you can do for your cleric"
- Dayy Walker of Sarlona
"The smart Wizard knows his enemies and how to overcome"
Caellwin of Orien
Caellwin on Orion server since December 2009
"Rust Monsters think Warforged taste like chicken; let the fleshies handle them" - Kuddlefish, Sarlona
Sarlona: Stelvar, Stethos, Saltmint, Abbracadaver, Shaigh Hulud, Fujihowser MD, Soundwaive, Kuddlefish and some others
Never trust the all powerful quest givers...They're just going to show up at the end for loot-Emers of Argonessen
“When we’re getting overwhelmed, and I call out “Fascinate” in a few seconds the mobs will be frozen. When that happens, DON’T CLEAVE!!!” - Rindyl Twirliblade, Swashbuckler, Sarlona
The best part of the 10th Anniversary of DDO...the description on the Oatmeal Raisin Kookie,
"From a distance you thought this was a chocolate chip kookie. Now you're sad."
Heal???Why??? i gona send a Destruction...it spend less Spell Points and gona solve the problem!!!
Anhilator,Orien(a Sorcerer soul into a Cleric skin)
[<O>] Orien: Set(-TCompletionist-)
*grab the Great Axe,wear the Heavy Armor and say*
This wizard gona be great!!!
Vigacs,Orien(i never see his Spell points drop at half)
[<O>] Orien: Set(-TCompletionist-)
"It is wondrous to be possessed of light feet and guile; it may be simpler to slay your foes, but it is more satisfying to not have to."
"When your arms ache and your eyes are clouded by sweat and blood, do not forget what it is to smile."
"It doesn't matter how thick the door is - you need only concern yourself with the lock."
-Torimi Dragonheart of Orien
"You don't have to memorize how all the levers and valves help get you where you're going, but for goodness' sake remember the ones that don't."
"Locked? Just break it down."
-Lursana Dragonheart of Orien
Torimi, Syken, and Lursana Dragonheart of Phoenix Clan on Orien
"Go on Haste" - Darpa of Orien, indicating when buffs have all been cast.
"Don't forget your feather fa---------------------ll!" Kelzadeath of Orien, realizing at the end of the sentence he forgot his feather fall for the first drop in the subterane
Bloodyivan - "Yes I'm a rogue. But I only sometimes do traps."