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  1. #1
    Damsels of DDO
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    Default Damsels of DDO: Special YouTube as the Wolfpack runs the Hound and VoD

    Hello. In the first Damsels of DDO Special, we are joined by Bonnie Bew, Grimorde, Rent, Draculetta, Zazo, Patrick, and Cordovan as the Wolfpack runs Heroic Hound and Vision of Destruction. All characters were in Wolf form and were only able to summon wolves. We had a great time. Please enjoy .

    One note - we barely squeaked by in VoD. Everyone in the group played their part or we wouldn't have succeeded (special kudos to Mytherywolf for her superwolf healing powers and Lessahwolf for her curse-removal ability. Who knew a wolf could do that!) I found it fitting that the last wolf standing and, as such, the one to land the final blow to Suulomades, was Bonnie Bew. Take that, Suulomades! Leave Bonnie Bew's boyfriend alone!!!

  2. #2
    Community Manager
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    This was an amazing time, and the sight of that many wolves tearing through the Subterranean is one I will not forget.
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  3. #3
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    This was an amazing time, and the sight of that many wolves tearing through the Subterranean is one I will not forget.
    I got some time to play DDO last night and watched the first 30 min or so before getting into game and listening to the rest. On the way to the 1st run in the Sub. there are some great pack views of all the dogs running together with the pets and summons. It would be neato if you had a screen grab of some of those frames.

    Awesome video and enjoyed it very much.
    Last edited by Livmo; 01-05-2016 at 02:45 PM. Reason: spjelling

  4. #4


    That was pretty awesome looking.
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  5. #5
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    there was much butt sniffing to be had by all!

    also - this should be an annual event like halfling summer games --- instead Lupis Summer Howl'n'Sniff!!!

    Somebody - kindly clean up all the turf marking in the Sub!

  6. #6
    The Hatchery stoerm's Avatar
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    Nice! Here's the video embedded:

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  7. #7


    I had a great time, thanks again for inviting me

    And agreed - that wolf pack did look awesome!
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  8. #8
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    A lot of lol'ness in that one.
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  9. #9


    Thanks for inviting me to this.. Was so much for providing the wolf that shot red fireballs!
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  10. #10
    Community Member Elsbet's Avatar
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    Funniest thing I've seen in a very long time! Good job!

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