Or reroll the loot?
Or reroll the loot?
Has re-roll been fixed?
I showed in a thread shortly after re-rolling was introduced that re-rolling was counting up towards ransack. If there was a later mention of a fix, I missed it.
But yes, /seconding, that just opening the chest is a tick on the counter.
edit: My original thread from 2013:
Last edited by cdbd3rd; 12-30-2015 at 04:30 PM.
I see you have a link to DDOwiki in your signature... [[Chest ransack]] says:
- When a chest is opened: if there is no active chest timer for that chest, it generates normal loot for you and the game starts a secret timer that lasts exactly 7 days (168 hours), right down to the minute.
- Due to the way the ransack mechanic works, if you close and re-open a chest, it shows you the message you would get from your next looting, not the current one.
- Because the chest timer does not reset each time you loot the chest, you only need to wait 7 days from the first time you open the chest for the chest to be reset. So, you could loot the chest once, wait 6 days, then loot the chest 7 times within that last day of the chest timer, then loot the chest an additional 8 times after that day has elapsed. So, you can "pre-set" a chest's timer 6 days before a planned loot boost weekend and then loot the chest 15 times on that weekend.
The part not on the wiki, and that I can not verify at this time, is that this bug was indeed fixed. I see no more posts on the topic after the start of 2014 and know many people that cry to me being the wiki guy every time they find a bug or something they perceive to be an injustice to them that re-roll regularly. When the dev's get back next week, I'll have a chat and see if I can find out when this was resolved and get a confirmation on it.