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    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Default White Feather Sniper: A DPS and CC focused full time ranged pure ranger

    Updated for U29.

    White Feather Sniper
    Human ranger 20
    Chaotic good (for blessed blades, makes attacks bypass chaotic and good damage, both useful for current endgame)
    34 pt build
    In-game name: Gardiun of Gnosis on Sarlona

    This is a full time ranged build with deepwood stalker primary, arcane archer secondary, an emphasis on dps, and crowd control for legendary elite with a 64 DC paralyzing arrows. For background on the build name, check out Carlos Hathcock, one of the greatest snipers in history. I welcome any feedback about the build. Thanks in advance.

    Build Features:
    ~45-235% doubleshot (depending on stacks of killer, zeal, and manyshot)
    ~75-275 ranged power (depending on stacks of zeal, ranged power boost, and manyshot)
    ~6 total favored enemies plus favored hunter and mark of the hunted for +17 damage against favored enemies
    ~sniper shot with 7d6+22 sneak attack damage
    ~always in point blank shot and sneak attack range
    ~electric arrows: average 209 per hit from 7d8 with 551 electric spell power
    ~force arrows: 7d6 + 3d10 on crit with 283 force spell power without an item
    ~50-90% fort bypass
    ~burst dps: simultaneous human damage and ranged power boost, know the angles for +7 damage, manyshot, zeal of the righteous
    ~weapons do chaotic good damage (blessed blades with chaotic good alignment)
    ~1177 base hp
    ~fort/reflex/will saves of 63/68/61 and 64/69/62 vs favored enemies
    ~45.28% total miss chance from 10% incorp, 20% concealment, 24% dodge
    ~90 PRR (47.37% damage reduction)
    ~38 MRR (27.54% damage reduction)
    Crowd control:
    ~64 DC paralyzing arrows
    Self healing:
    ~524 positive spell power, 599 with empower healing
    ~50 healing amp
    ~sacred ground hits for 281 hp every 3s, 187 for those with 0 heal amp
    ~quickened cure serious wounds hits for an average of 330 hp
    ~quickened cure moderate wounds hits for an average of 220 hp

    Starting Stats:
    Str 8
    Dex 16
    Con 16
    Int 12
    Wis 16
    Cha 8

    All level ups in dexterity.
    +5 con tome required for epic toughness. No other tomes required.

    1 point blank shot
    1h precision
    3 toughness
    6 quicken
    9 imp crit ranged
    12 maximize
    15 weapon focus ranged
    18 spell focus enchantment
    21 overwhelming crit
    24 combat archery
    26 epic spell power electric
    27 blinding speed
    28 doubleshot
    29 harbinger of chaos
    30 epic toughness
    30 scion of air

    Skills: max heal, listen, search, spot, swim, balance, bluff, spellcraft, UMD
    Note: If you don't have an int tome, drop search, swim, or balance as preferred.

    Spell List: listed in the order in which they are selected
    1st: ram's might, jump, resist energy, merfolk's blessing
    2nd: barkskin, protection from energy, cure light wounds, mass camouflage
    3rd: cure mod wounds, wild instincts, neutralize poison, remove disease
    4th: cure serious wounds, FoM, summon nature's ally, animal growth

    Favored Enemies: listed in the order in which they are selected
    Ranger: undead, elementals, aberrations, evil outsiders, constructs
    Deepwood stalker extra favored enemy: giants

    Deepwood Stalker: 42 total
    Core: 6 total
    Far shot 1 (sneak attack 1d6, 10 positive spell power, point blank shot +5 meters)
    Sneak attack 1 (sneak attack 1d6, 10 positive spell power, point blank shot +5 meters, +1 animal empathy)
    Sniper shot 1 (10 positive spell power, point blank shot +5 meters, +1 animal empathy, melee attack: +2[W], +4 to-hit, +1 critical threat and multiplier, on damage target is bluffed for 4 seconds, cooldown 6 seconds)
    Advanced sneak attack 1 (sneak attack 1d6, 10 positive spell power, point blank shot +5 meters, +1 animal empathy, +1 crit range, 10% fort bypass)
    Mark of the hunted 1 (bypass 10% fort, +2 damage vs favored enemies, point blank shot +5 meters, use animal empathy to give an enemy -25% fort, -10 AC, -10 spell resistance, and -4 to all ability scores for 3 minutes)
    Horizon shot 1 (4 dex, sneak attack 3d6, always in point blank shot and sneak attack range, 20 positive spell power, 20 melee power, 20 ranged power)
    Tier1: 4 total
    Favored defense 1 (2 AC and 1 saves vs favored enemies)
    Stealthy 3 (3 hide, 3 move silently, sneak attack 1d6)
    Tier 2: 6 total
    Survivalist 2 (10 hp, 3 PRR in light armor)
    Improved weapon finesse 1 (dex to damage with bows)
    Ranged power boost 3 (30 ranged power for 20 seconds)
    Tier 3: 9 total
    Survivalist 2 (20 hp, 4 PRR in light armor)
    Thrill of the hunt 2 (2 damage when opponent below 50% health)
    Favored hunter 3 (3 to hit and damage vs favored enemies)
    Wis 2
    Tier 4: 7 total
    Survivalist 2 (30 hp, 5 PRR in light armor)
    Killer 3 (on kill, gain 5% doublestrike/doubleshot for 15 seconds, stacks 4 times)
    Wis 2
    Tier 5: 10 total
    Extra favored enemy 2 (giants)
    Heavy draw 2 (5 damage, -5 to hit)
    Strikes like lightning 2 (10 doublestrike, 20 doubleshot)
    Head shot 2 (ranged attack: 5[W], automatic critical, blinds opponent for 6 seconds negated by fort save, cooldown 12 seconds)
    Improved archer's focus 2 (5 melee power, 5 ranged power, archer's focus now stacks up to 25)

    Arcane Archer: 31 total
    Core: 5 total
    Arcane archer 1 (+1 enhancement per core - does not stack with bow's enhancement, all bows are treated as implements granting spell power)
    Morphic arrows 1 (secondary imbue - arrows do blunt, pierce, and slash damage, cost 20 sp, cooldown 10 seconds)
    Metalline arrows 1 (secondary imbue - arrows bypass all metallic damage reduction, cost 20 sp, cooldown 10 seconds)
    Aligned arrows 1 (secondary imbue - arrows bypass all alignment damage reduction, cost 20 sp, cooldown 10 seconds)
    Shadow arrows 1 (secondary imbue - +5% doubleshot, cost 20 sp, cooldown 10 seconds, +1 crit multiplier)
    Tier 1: 4 total
    Conjure arrows 2
    Elemental arrows - shock 2 (5 universal spell power, imbue - arrows do d8 electrical damage, scales with spell power, cost 20 sp, cooldown 10 seconds)
    Tier 2: 8 total
    Force arrows 6 (imbue - arrows gain ghost touch and do d6 + 3d10 on crit force damage, scales with spell power, cost 20 sp, cooldown 10 seconds)
    Elemental damage 2 (5 universal spell power, +2 damage dice with elemental arrows including force arrows)
    Tier 3: 6 total
    Terror arrows 2 (1 enchantment DC, imbue - target is feared on hit, will save negates, phantasmal killer on vorpal, cost 20 sp, cooldown 10 seconds)
    Elemental damage 2 (5 universal spell power, +2 damage dice with elemental arrows including force arrows)
    Wis 2
    Tier 4: 8 total
    Banishing arrows 1 (1 enchantment DC, imbue - banish on vorpal, will save negates, -1 PRR/MRR on hit stacking up to 25 times, stacks fade 5 every 3 seconds, cost 20 sp, cooldown 10 seconds)
    Paralyzing arrows 2 (1 enchantment DC, imbue - paralyze on hit, will save vs DC 20 + wis mod + enchantment bonuses negates, -10% movement and attack speed on save, cost 20 sp, cooldown 10 seconds)
    Smiting arrows 1 (1 enchantment DC, imbue - destroy construct on vorpal, will save negates, on hit reduce attack speed and inflict -25% fort and repair amp, cost 20 sp, cooldown 10 seconds)
    Elemental damage 2 (5 universal spell power, +2 damage dice with elemental arrows including force arrows)
    Wis 2

    Harper: 6 total
    Core: 1 total
    Agent of good 1 (1 to hit vs evil, 1 universal spell power)
    Tier 1: 4 total
    Harper enchantment 2 (1 weapon enhancement, 20 spell points)
    Traveler's toughness 2 (10 hp)
    Tier 2: 1 total
    Know the angles 1 (int based divine might, cost 45 sp, duration 30 seconds)

    Human: 1 total
    Core: 1 total
    Damage boost 1 (20% damage for 20 seconds)

    Epic Destiny:
    Divine Crusader
    Tier 1: 4 total
    Interrogation 1 (5 universal spell power, 1% spell crit)
    Purge the wicked 1 (2 seeker, purification on crits)
    Wis 2
    Tier 2: 5 total
    Consecration 3 (28d6 damage to enemies when on consecrated ground)
    Wis 2
    Tier 3: 7 total
    Sacred ground 2 (heal 145 hp every 3s)
    Empyrean magic 1 (fire, light, or healing spells grant 2 universal spell power and 1% spell crit chance, stacking 10 times and lasting for 10 seconds)
    Blessed blades 2 (attacks do my alignment damage - chaotic good)
    Wis 2
    Tier 4: 2 total
    Crusade 2 (+10% damage when on sacred ground)
    Tier 5: 6 total
    Castigation 2 (aura of purification deals d6 bane damage per stack plus 1% of their current health per stack)
    Heavenly presence 2 (10 PRR, 10% acid/cold/elec absorption, immune to petrification)
    Celestial champion 2 (+1 crit range, celestial fervor - 1% doubleshot on crit, stacks 10 times, lasts 6s)

    1) sense weakness (fury tier 4, +30% damage vs helpless targets)
    2) pin (shiradi tier 2, ranged attack, 3[W] damage, cooldown 15 seconds, enemy is pinned if not moving, induces helplessness, enemy is slowed if moving)
    3) enchantment specialist (magister tier 2, +3 enchantment DCs)
    4) extra action boost (dreadnaught tier 1)
    Alternatives: stay frosty

    Gear Set:
    Here is the gear set I came up with based on the new random loot. I welcome any feedback on it. Obviously, this is an ideal set up. Because random loot is random, acquiring it all may never actually happen. But this should at least serve as a guide. I have not looked at legendary greensteel and have barely had time to even run the raid. So if that is worth incorporating into the gear set, it will be a while before I'm able to anyway.

    For lootgen items listed, a "/" separates the prefix, suffix, and bonus effects, in that order. A "-" separates potential effects in any given prefix, suffix, or bonus slot. If an effect is followed by a word in parenthesis, that is the name of the effect so you can search for it. A "?" following an effect indicates that I do not know the maximum possible value of it.

    Weapon: Epic Sapphire Sting (greater human bane/improved destruction/greater maiming/ranged alacrity25/purple slotted positive spell power 138)
    Thunder-forged longbow (1st degree burns/dragon's edge/???/orange slotted positive spell power 138/colorless slot)
    Armor: Leathers of the Celestial Sage (fort159/dodge15/quality potency27/insight saves14/sheltering38/concealment20/deathblock/insightful spell focus2/green slotted Draconic Soul Gem/blue slotted armored agility2)
    Goggles: int15 (no name)-wis15 (no name)/accuracy21/insightful seeker6
    Helm: Sightless (true seeing/deathblock7/ranged power6/melee power6/PRR35/MRR35/con12/green slotted Globe of True Imperial Blood/blue slotted good luck2)
    Neck: heal21 (soothing)/magnetism156/insightful con7
    Trinket: Epic Litany of the Dead (turn the page/profane abilities2/attack4/damage4/light of dawn/yellow slotted fear immunity/green slotted wizardry10)
    Cloak: int15 (astute)-wis15 (prudent)/insightful sonic resistance??/insightful wis7
    Belt: con15 (hardy)/false life50?/insightful false life??
    Ring swap: Strange Tidings (dex12/deception/sneak attack to hit8/sneak attack damage16/UMD7/diversion20/blue slotted spellcraft15/green slotted spooky wis2)
    Gloves: dex15 (nimble)/deadly10/insightful electric spell power77
    Boots: seeker15 (deft)/strength15/insightful dex7
    Ring: Legendary Brazenband (enchantment focus6/speed14/insightful dodge6/insightful evocation2/yellow slotted enchantment focus2)
    Bracers: resistance10? (staunch)/insightful PRR?? (physical resistance)/insightful fort??
    Quiver: Epic Quiver of Alacrity (concentration -50/ranged speed15/ranged and spell threat -15/insightful sneak4/doublestrike8)
    CAN'T FIT: insightful int, spooky int2

    Below is the gear set before I selected where certain effects would go, so most lootgen slots have several options for their prefix, suffix, and bonus effect. This may serve as a more flexible guide due to the random nature of lootgen.

    Weapon: Epic Sapphire Sting (greater human bane/improved destruction/greater maiming/ranged alacrity25/purple slotted positive spell power 138)
    Thunder-forged longbow (1st degree burns/dragon's edge/???/orange slotted positive spell power 138/colorless slot)
    Armor: Leathers of the Celestial Sage (fort159/dodge15/quality potency27/insight saves14/sheltering38/concealment20/deathblock/insightful spell focus2/green slot/blue slotted armored agility2)
    Goggles: seeker (daft)-wis (no name)-int (no name)/accuracy-deadly/insightful int-insightful wis-insightful seeker
    Helm: Sightless (true seeing/deathblock7/ranged power6/melee power6/PRR35/MRR35/con12/green slot/blue slotted good luck2)
    Neck: con (hardy)-heal (soothing)/magnetism-impulse-insightful spell points (wizardry)-false life-bluff/insightful con
    Trinket: Epic Litany of the Dead (turn the page/profane abilities2/attack4/damage4/light of dawn/yellow slotted fear immunity/green slot)
    Cloak: int (astute)-wis (prudent)-cha//insightful int-insightful wis-insightful cha-insightful MRR-false life
    Belt: con (hardy)/false life/insightful false life
    Ring swap: con (hardy)-spell points (invigorating)/dexterity-magnetism-false life/insightful con-insightful heal
    Gloves: str (mighty)-dex (nimble)-spell points (invigorating)-bluff (feigned)/armor piercing-deadly-healing amp-heal-use magic device/insightful electric spell power
    Boots: dex (nimble)-seeker (deft)//insightful dex-insightful seeker-false life-insightful fort
    Ring: Legendary Brazenband (enchantment focus6/speed14/insightful dodge6/insightful evocation2/yellow slot)
    Bracers: str (mighty)-resistance (staunch)/constitution-insightful PRR (physical resistance)-insightful MRR (magical resistance)/insightful fort-insightful str
    Quiver: Epic Quiver of Alacrity (concentration -50/ranged speed15/ranged and spell threat -15/insightful sneak4/doublestrike8)

    Final Stats:
    str36: 8 base, 6 tome, 15 item, 1 exc, 2 profane, 2 ram's might, 2 ship
    dex60: 16 base, 7 levels, 6 tome, 4 capstone, 15 item, 7 insight, 1 exc, 2 profane, 2 ship
    con49: 16 base, 6 tome, 15 item, 7 insight, 1 exc, 2 profane, 2 ship
    int38: 12 base, 6 tome, 15 item, 1 exc, 2 profane, 2 ship
    wis58: 16 base, 6 tome, 4 enhancements, 3 divine crusader, 15 item, 7 insight, 1 exc, 2 spooky, 2 profane, 2 ship
    cha19: 8 base, 6 tome, 1 exc, 2 profane, 2 ship

    160 base
    25 heroic durability
    20 improved heroic durability
    10 draconic vitality
    100 epic levels
    570 con49
    82 toughness/epic toughness
    60 survivalist
    10 traveler's toughness
    50 divine crusader cores
    50 false life
    ?? insightful false life
    20 vitality
    20 hag's apothecary ship buff
    1177 BASE
    30 rage
    50 Yugo
    1257 SELF BUFFED

    260 base
    250 wiz10
    936 wis58
    20 harper enchantment
    125 divine crusader cores
    1591 TOTAL

    Fort/Reflex/Will Saves:
    12/12/6 base
    5/5/5 epic
    10/10/10 item
    7/7/7 insight
    2/2/2 good luck
    1/1/1 alchemical
    4/4/4 greater heroism
    3/0/0 game hunter ship buff
    0/2/0 chronoscope ship buff
    0/0/2 grandmaster's dojo ship buff
    19/0/0 con49
    0/25/0 dex60
    0/0/24 wis58
    63/68/61 TOTAL
    1/1/1 favored enemy resistance
    64/69/62 total against favored enemies

    2 combat archery
    4 scion of the plane of air
    15 Leathers of the Celestial Sage
    6 insightful - Legendary Brazenband
    27 TOTAL
    24 TOTAL due to max dex bonus
    Max dex bonus on Leathers of the Celestial Sage is 24 with fencing master ship buff and blue slotted armored agility. Max dodge is 31 with fencing master ship buff and scion of the plane of air.

    30 light armor with BAB 30
    38 Leathers of the Celestial Sage
    ?? insightful PRR
    12 enhancements
    10 divine crusader
    90 total (47.37% damage reduction)

    38 Leathers of the Celestial Sage
    38 total (27.54% damage reduction)

    Heal Amp:
    10 past life paladin
    20 ship buff
    20 divine crusader core
    50 TOTAL

    Positive Spell Power:
    23 ranks
    10 epic
    60 epic universal spell power
    30 scion of the plane of air
    5 interrogation
    3 tome
    24 wis58
    60 deepwood stalker
    20 arcane archer
    1 harper agent of good
    10 divine crusader core
    42 implement
    27 quality potency
    138 red augment
    21 item
    2 good luck
    1 elite spider cult mask
    3 forbidden library ship buff
    15 crusader's chapel
    4 GH
    25 superior ardor pot
    524 TOTAL
    75 empower healing
    599 with empower healing

    Electric Spell Power:
    11 ranks
    10 epic
    60 epic universal spell power
    20 epic spell power electric
    40 scion of the plane of air
    5 interrogation
    3 tome
    14 int38
    20 arcane archer
    1 harper agent of good
    42 implement
    27 quality potency
    156 item
    77 insightful
    15 slotted
    2 good luck
    1 elite spider cult mask
    3 forbidden library ship buff
    15 Stormreaver memorial
    4 GH
    25 superior electric pot
    551 TOTAL

    Force Spell Power:
    11 ranks
    10 epic
    60 epic universal spell power
    30 scion of the plane of air
    5 interrogation
    3 tome
    14 int38
    20 arcane archer
    1 harper agent of good
    42 implement
    27 quality potency
    15 slotted
    2 good luck
    1 elite spider cult mask
    3 forbidden library ship buff
    4 GH
    20 superior impact pot
    283 TOTAL without an item

    Ranged Power:
    20 deepwood stalker capstone
    5 improved archer's focus
    2 weapon focus ranged
    30 epic
    12 divine crusader cores
    6 Sightless
    75 TOTAL
    50 full stacks of zeal
    30 ranged power boost
    120 manyshot

    20 strikes like lightning
    5 shadow arrows
    10 doubleshot destiny feat
    8 item
    2 archery range ship buff
    45 TOTAL
    50 full stacks of zeal
    20 killer
    120 manyshot

    Fort Bypass:
    10% deepwood stalker core 4
    10% deepwood stalker core 5
    25% precision
    5% ship buffs
    50% STANDING
    25% mark of the hunted
    15% max stacks of improved destruction from Epic Sapphire Sting
    90% TOTAL

    Paralyzing arrows DC:
    20 base
    24 wis58
    1 spell focus enchantment
    3 magister enchantment specialist
    2 scion of the air
    4 arcane archer imbues (terror, banishing, smiting, paralyzing)
    6 enchantment focus item
    2 enchantment focus augment
    2 insightful spell focus item (Leathers of the Celestial Sage)
    64 TOTAL

    I've enjoyed the ranged aspect on my Divine Cuisinart build (link in sig), and wanted to try a full time bow user. The current state of legendary elite with its one-hit, one-kill mechanic makes this a good time to do so. I will be LRing my tempest into this build so I won't be leveling from 1 with it, although the build should work fine if started at level 1. I have to give a nod to unbongwah for educating me on the basics of a pure ranged bow user in his Revisiting the Elven Ranger for New Players thread.

    The ranger revamp provides some good options for ranged builds. The arcane archer tier 5s still seem like the better option if you want to maximize burst dps in fury of the wild, but I wanted to check out the more consistent dps options instead. For this purpose, I think the deepwood stalker tier 5s and capstone are better suited. This thread discusses the pros and cons of the tier 5s and capstones in deepwood stalker vs arcane archer. I've done the dps calcs for this specific build and the deepwood stalker capstone comes out ahead of the arcane archer capstone.

    Based on reports I have read on the forums, a 64 DC on paralyzing arrows should land over 50% of the time in legendary elite. That means 1 in 2 arrows will paralyze mobs. This should be invaluable for legendary elite questing. I don't think this build gives up much to achieve that number either. DPS should still be top notch for a full time bow user.

    Based on my own experience with this build in legendary elite content, a 59 DC (my current DC with a non-optimal gear set) lands fairly reliably but still has room for improvement. Certain mobs (e.g. blackguards, certain humans in ToEE) seem to have higher will saves and take longer to paralyze than others, but can still be paralyzed with a 59 DC.

    Post #76 lists a max DC breakdown. Please note that this is not practical and would be a totally gimped build, but if you're looking for other ways to boost your DC, this list might give you some ideas.
    Last edited by CThruTheEgo; 06-24-2016 at 03:10 PM.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Aug 2009


    Can you boost your INT high enough to make Know the Angles useful? If so, you could do 42 APs DWS, 31 APs AA, 1 AP human, 6 APs Harper.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Can you boost your INT high enough to make Know the Angles useful? If so, you could do 42 APs DWS, 31 APs AA, 1 AP human, 6 APs Harper.
    I thought about that, but it's somewhat difficult to get an even 42 in deepwood stalker. I'd probably drop thrill of the hunt to rank 2, which isn't a big deal and would be more than made up for with know the angles. But I'd be more concerned about the sp cost and short duration of know the angles with only 1 rank. However, this build invests a good amount in wis and the CC should be good enough that I'm not expecting to spend a lot of sp on healing, so it may not be a concern at all really. I'm already investing in int for spellcraft, and I can't see it getting much higher without adjusting starting stats. Currently, know the angles would provide 8 damage. I'll keep it in mind.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  4. #4
    Community Member CrackedIce's Avatar
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    You don't need Celestial Sage leathers. Insightful enchantment +2 can be found on random loot. For example, l picked up deft goggles of enchantment in vendor trash.

    Consider dropping scion of air. It gives you 2 dc. This transelates to 4 wisdom. Level up 4 wisdom instead of dex and take a better dps legendary feat.
    Last edited by CrackedIce; 12-26-2015 at 06:54 PM.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrackedIce View Post
    You don't need Celestial Sage leathers. Insightful enchantment +2 can be found on random loot. For example, l picked up deft goggles of enchantment in vendor trash.
    I am aware that insightful spell focus can be found on lootgen, but the armor also offers some other nice effects. Between elemental arrows and the electric damage from scion of air, the quality potency should add more damage per hit than the quality deadly from the Avenger Leathers. And the Archer Leathers don't really offer anything I'm interested in. The sneak attack damage from shadowscale armor would be nice, but comes out to roughly the same damage as the quality potency adds.

    Quote Originally Posted by CrackedIce View Post
    Consider dropping scion of air. It gives you 2 dc. This transelates to 4 wisdom. Level up 4 wisdom instead of dex and take a better dps legendary feat.
    If you're building for spell power, the 2d20 damage from the elemental scion feats offers more dps than the 20 melee/ranged power of arborea. Here are my comments on how these compare quoted from my Count of Monte Cristo build:

    Quote Originally Posted by CThruTheEgo View Post
    I've been thinking about how the 2d20 elemental damage compares to the +20 melee power from scion of arborea. 2d20 elemental damage averages out to 21 damage per hit. With 400 spell power, that's an extra 105 average damage per hit. For +20 melee power to provide an additional 100 average damage per hit, you have to do 500 average damage per hit (factoring in crits as well) before other melee power is applied. And that's base damage only, not including any weapon effects, doublestrike, or attack speed, but does include things that apply to base damage such as deadly and seeker. Average base damage per hit shouldn't come anywhere close to 500.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  6. #6
    Community Member CrackedIce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CThruTheEgo View Post
    I am aware that insightful spell focus can be found on lootgen, but the armor also offers some other nice effects. Between elemental arrows and the electric damage from scion of air, the quality potency should add more damage per hit than the quality deadly from the Avenger Leathers. And the Archer Leathers don't really offer anything I'm interested in. The sneak attack damage from shadowscale armor would be nice, but comes out to roughly the same damage as the quality potency adds.

    If you're building for spell power, the 2d20 damage from the elemental scion feats offers more dps than the 20 melee/ranged power of arborea. Here are my comments on how these compare quoted from my Count of Monte Cristo build:

    I appreciate your explanations.

    I had not considered that taking crit damage into account, scion feat would still be better DPS than 20 melee damage. Specially considering you have access to expanded crit range, extra crit passive multiplier, sniper shot and head shot.

    As for the armor, you seem to be correct. These armors consolidate so many of our basic needs, that moving outside these raid gear for alternative armors does not seem reasonable. Once you are choosing these, I see how the quality sp bonus makes most sense.

  7. #7
    Community Member Garix's Avatar
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    Always happy to find out that a build I chucked together as I went along comes out close(ish) to something someone spent time on!

    May I ask why Electric rather than Acid for your Elemental Arrow choice? I've always gone acid as I think it's has the least amount of mobs immune to it.

    Is it a endgame/Raid thing? In which case I can safely stay with acid, or for other reasons?

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    Screw subtle!

  8. #8
    Community Member Fhauvial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garix View Post
    Always happy to find out that a build I chucked together as I went along comes out close(ish) to something someone spent time on!

    May I ask why Electric rather than Acid for your Elemental Arrow choice? I've always gone acid as I think it's has the least amount of mobs immune to it.

    Is it a endgame/Raid thing? In which case I can safely stay with acid, or for other reasons?

    I'm pretty sure it's because Pit Fiends are resistant to acid. So, Legendary Shroud?

    (Edit: Scion of Air also gives +4% Dodge, +4 to Dodge Cap)
    Last edited by Fhauvial; 12-27-2015 at 09:16 AM.
    (Combat): ********** was healed by you for 5,033 points.

  9. #9
    Community Member Garix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fhauvial View Post
    I'm pretty sure it's because Pit Fiends are resistant to acid. So, Legendary Shroud?

    (Edit: Scion of Air also gives +4% Dodge, +4 to Dodge Cap)
    I figured it was probably down to raiding but as I haven't touched a raid in 4 odd years I'm out of touch so thought I'd ask.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CThruTheEgo View Post
    Human: 6 total
    Core: 3 total
    Damage boost 1 (20% damage for 20 seconds)
    Human adaptability constitution 2
    Tier 1: 2 total
    Improved recover 2 (20 heal amp)
    Tier 2: 1 total
    Fighting style - sniper 1 (d6 ranged sneak attack)
    Just a quick comment: Fighting Style - Sniper is 2AP's not 1, so you're not going to be able to take it.
    Leader of Shrodingers Cat Support Group a Husband and Wife guild on Orien.
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    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garix View Post
    Always happy to find out that a build I chucked together as I went along comes out close(ish) to something someone spent time on!
    Nice! If you don't mind me asking, what was your paralyzing arrows DC and how effective was it in which content and at what difficulty? Based on what I've read here on the forums, a 62 DC should be solid for legendary elite, but I'd be interested in hearing from someone who has actually used paralyzing arrows.

    Quote Originally Posted by Garix View Post
    May I ask why Electric rather than Acid for your Elemental Arrow choice? I've always gone acid as I think it's has the least amount of mobs immune to it.

    Is it a endgame/Raid thing? In which case I can safely stay with acid, or for other reasons?
    Pretty much what Fhauvial said. There are fewer mobs resistant to electric in the current endgame than there are to acid. As mentioned in the comments section at the end of the OP, I'll be LRing my tempest into this build so I won't be leveling it. I'll just be playing it at endgame. Due to the backloaded nature of bow dps, I'm not sure I want to level an archer tbh. I just want to see what it's capable of at full potential. I'd probably go with acid if I were leveling the build from 1 though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Garix View Post
    Just a quick comment: Fighting Style - Sniper is 2AP's not 1, so you're not going to be able to take it.
    Have you confirmed that in game? The fighting styles cost different AP and, according to wiki, sniper is 1 AP per rank. I'll probably go with unbongwah's suggestion of know the angles if I can't afford the first rank.
    Last edited by CThruTheEgo; 12-27-2015 at 10:21 AM.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

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    Quote Originally Posted by CThruTheEgo View Post
    Nice! If you don't mind me asking, what was your paralyzing arrows DC and how effective was it in which content and at what difficulty? Based on what I've read here on the forums, a 62 DC should be solid for legendary elite, but I'd be interested in hearing from someone who has actually used paralyzing arrows.

    Pretty much what Fhauvial said. There are fewer mobs resistant to electric in the current endgame than there are to acid. As mentioned in the comments section at the end of the OP, I'll be LRing my tempest into this build so I won't be leveling it. I'll just be playing it at endgame. Due to the backloaded nature of bow dps, I'm not sure I want to level an archer tbh. I just want to see what it's capable of at full potential. I'd probably go with acid if I were leveling the build from 1 though.

    Have you confirmed that in game? The fighting styles cost different AP and, according to wiki, sniper is 1 AP per rank. I'll probably go with unbongwah's suggestion of know the angles if I can't afford the first rank.

    I did say Close(ish)!

    This is my 4th life as a pure ranged ranger (only non ranged weapon is a +1 Quaterstaff for opening doors!)

    Higher tiers (lvl25+ base) of Epics are out of my skill range at the moment on Elite, so I tend to stay at Hard. I didn't build for paralysers mainly because I didn't think I could get the DC high enough to be worth it, add that to being solo only (with the reduced amount of Mobs: Unfortunately) things we're dying fast enough that I didn't need to worry to much about CC. Pin and Whistler did most of what I needed.

    Leader of Shrodingers Cat Support Group a Husband and Wife guild on Orien.
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  13. #13
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garix View Post
    Well that's a bummer. I thought it was odd that the highest dps option for that enhancement was also the cheapest. Thanks for pointing that out. I'm going to go update the wiki now.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  14. #14
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    I'm not an expert on bows, so what are the best bows to have at endgame? I've got an Epic Bow of the Silver Flame, Epic Sapphire Sting, and a tier 2 Thunder-forged with first degree burns and dragon's edge. ToEE ranged weapons seem pretty weak and, given my limited playtime lately, it will be a while before I can craft any legendary greensteel. Are there any other bows I should be looking for? Is it generally better to use a bow with an expanded crit range over something like Thunder-forged?
    Last edited by CThruTheEgo; 12-28-2015 at 07:23 AM.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  15. #15
    Community Member Nightmanis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CThruTheEgo View Post
    I'm not an expert on bows, so what are the best bows to have at endgame? I've got an Epic Bow of the Silver Flame, Epic Sapphire Sting, and a tier 2 Thunder-forged with first degree burns and dragon's edge. ToEE ranged weapons seem pretty weak and, given my limited playtime lately, it will be a while before I can craft any legendary greensteel. Are there any other bows I should be looking for? Is it generally better to use a bow with an expanded crit range over something like Thunder-forged?
    Your TF bow will probably be the main one you work with. I currently actually use a Touch of Shadows/Paralyzing Fear GxBow on my main and I'll make a similar for my archer. It's a good compromise weapon I think if you want more dps but don't necessarily want to give up CC. Not everything has so much fort that you need Dragon's edge. If anything, farm out a Hide of the Fallen cloak for 20% bypass or use any of the lootgen that does the same thing.

    I still think Pinion is going to be the best, but I'm biased in that I think Pinion will always be the best.
    Nightmanis De'Corenai 20 Rogue Mechanic or Assassin. Depending on how I feel during the etr.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightmanis View Post
    Your TF bow will probably be the main one you work with. I currently actually use a Touch of Shadows/Paralyzing Fear GxBow on my main and I'll make a similar for my archer. It's a good compromise weapon I think if you want more dps but don't necessarily want to give up CC. Not everything has so much fort that you need Dragon's edge. If anything, farm out a Hide of the Fallen cloak for 20% bypass or use any of the lootgen that does the same thing.

    I still think Pinion is going to be the best, but I'm biased in that I think Pinion will always be the best.
    Thanks for the response Nightmanis. That's what I figured. With a 62 DC paralyzing arrows, I won't need paralyzing fear at all. Dragon's edge also offers the highest dps option for tier 2 with the bleeding damage. Touch of shadows is an option for tier 1, though.

    I don't have Pinion and don't expect to get one given how little CitW is run anymore.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  17. #17
    Community Member the_one_dwarfforged's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CThruTheEgo View Post
    I'm not an expert on bows, so what are the best bows to have at endgame? I've got an Epic Bow of the Silver Flame, Epic Sapphire Sting, and a tier 2 Thunder-forged with first degree burns and dragon's edge. ToEE ranged weapons seem pretty weak and, given my limited playtime lately, it will be a while before I can craft any legendary greensteel. Are there any other bows I should be looking for? Is it generally better to use a bow with an expanded crit range over something like Thunder-forged?
    i think pinion has potential against no dr no fort legendary targets, its only failing to me is that for this build you need/want both electric and positive spp and pinion can only provide one.

    however i think the very easy answer here is tf all day.

    t1: 156 electric spp

    t2: dragons edge or paralyze if you wanted the extra cc against no fort targets

    oj slot: devotion or deconstructor for high fort targets, help the party beat off sahuagin. i mean portals. i mean down. ...

    t3: crippling flames or burning emptiness. flames is i think more damage (more reliable damage anyway?) and better for trash that can be neg leveled, emptiness is better for all the fire immune stuff were fighting again.

    edit: also, if you are shooting bosses, you must have 35% fort bypass equipped. that is all.

  18. #18
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by the_one_dwarfforged View Post
    i think pinion has potential against no dr no fort legendary targets, its only failing to me is that for this build you need/want both electric and positive spp and pinion can only provide one.
    New lootgen offers spell power on at least gloves and rings. So we are no longer limited to the red slot on a weapon for spell power.

    Quote Originally Posted by the_one_dwarfforged View Post
    however i think the very easy answer here is tf all day.

    t1: 156 electric spp

    t2: dragons edge or paralyze if you wanted the extra cc against no fort targets

    oj slot: devotion or deconstructor for high fort targets, help the party beat off sahuagin. i mean portals. i mean down. ...

    t3: crippling flames or burning emptiness. flames is i think more damage (more reliable damage anyway?) and better for trash that can be neg leveled, emptiness is better for all the fire immune stuff were fighting again.

    edit: also, if you are shooting bosses, you must have 35% fort bypass equipped. that is all.
    Yeah I'll be going with Thunder-forged unless I just happen to get lucky in a rare CitW run. Some good suggestions for effects and slots. Thanks for those.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

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    Thanks for the build. A question: does the Wiz active PL add to the DC of par arrow?

  20. #20
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gummolo View Post
    Thanks for the build. A question: does the Wiz active PL add to the DC of par arrow?
    I have not confirmed this, but it should since the DC description states "enchantment spell bonuses." I included past life wiz, and past life bard, in the (near) max breakdown I posted in this thread.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

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