Ok, so after tweaking my Druid and taking everything I possibly could to maximize evocation DC's, I got it to a Standing 81. No boosts or anything, only ship buffs+Gear+Feats. I went into EE To Curse the Sky and went up to the first mob (Abishai and Cat things) and cast Earthquake to see how it would go. Everything saved except 1 Abishai. While in Mantle of the Icy Soul, I threw a sleet storm+ice storm+Ice Flowers to try and do cold damage to the mobs and debuff their reflex even more. Nope, dropped maybe 1-2 more Abishai. I imagine the DC has to be in the 90's for these mobs.
I then went into EE Creeping. Did the same thing to the group of Kobolds. I was able to drop a few, however they immediately saved on the next proc. Did the same debuffing and only kept them on the ground for a few seconds. I imagine their DC's are closer to 88-90ish.
However, I did notice one thing that has changed about my DC.... It says fortitude? Is this correct? I've got previous pictures that show it's a reflex save.