**Updated with some current information, I'll add ED info a little later**
This build utilizes the very high attack speed of the SWF wolf form with scaling light damage from enlightened spirits tier 4 ability spiritual retribution. It possesses very high survivability common to most warlocks. It manages to be an extremely effective single target damage deal and debuffer. Many of the of Soul Eater enhancements do significant debuffs that affect red and purples named mobs. 20% vulnerability, -10 PRR, -10 MRR, -10 SR, -4 Fort saves, -20 Melee, Ranged & Spell Power. These are some very underutilized abilities.
For leveling this build from scratch I would recommend druid at 1 & 2 and the rest in warlock.
Fiend Pact is the best Pact choice, great synergies for utility with fire shield, hurl through hell, and rage. Fort saves on blasts and fort debuff offered in Soul Eater.
Balance 7 ranks, Concentration, Spellcraft, UMD, Spot by preference
Starting stats can vary *widely* by preference. I went with a fairly balanced approach with a 36 point:
14 Strength
14 Dex
14 Con
13 Int (happened to be on a +3 int tome)
8 Wisdom (You'll need to boost this early on for druid spells if you dump stat it)
17 Charisma (level ups in charisma for Hurl Through Hell dc, Pact dc, Stricken dc and other perks, I just didn't see the merit of going strength although this build focuses often on melee when not blasting auras)
1: Single Weapon Fighting, Extend
3: Maximize
6: Empower
9: Quicken
12: Improved Single Weapon Fighting
15: Improved Critical: Bludgeon
18: Greater Single Weapon Fighting
21: Overwhelming Critical
24: Intensify Spell
26: Epic Light Spell Power
27: Epic Damage Reduction
28: Perfect Single Weapon Fighting
29: Deific Warding
20: Scion of the Plane of Fire (or Celestia)
Druid: Lesser Vigor, Ram's Might, Magic Fang
1: Command, Feather Fall, Jump, Shield
2: Blur, Invisibility, Rage, Web
3: Haste, Dimension Door, Fire Shield
4: Binding Chain, Protection from Elements, Teleport
5: Power Word Blindness, Greater Teleport, Tenser's Transformation
6: Mordenkainen's Disjunction (for spell wards)
The spells selected were based on my personal preference with an intention on staying focused on melee, and not having to change out of animal form to use scrolls.
!Of Note! The combination of wolf form *and* Tenser's makes for some VERY long spell cooldowns.
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