Just because monks are proficient with a weapon doesn't mean it's a ki weapon. In PnP, you can only flurry with those weapons categorized as "monk" weapons (quarterstaff, kama, sai, shuriken, nunchaku, siangham). Becoming uncentered with a weapon in DDO is basically the equivalent of not being able to use your flurry of blows in PnP.
after hotfix now my warlock is showing that she's not proficient in medium armor, even though she has the vestment enhancement <sigh>
As in title, spellcasting implement was fixed from the 3 x item level back to 3 x enhancement bonus of the item. The problem now is that it is capped by the item level. so my lvl 14 +5 enhancement caster weapon with spellcasting implement on it gives +14 implement bonus, 1 less then is should base. BUT, I have +6 enhancement bonus added from enhancements and past lives, so it should be +34 implement bonus, but is capped by the item level at +14...
Love the game, but every update/patch/hotfix breaks as much or more then it fixes...
Argonnessen - Descone
Is everyone able to get the buffs or even see the amenities on their airships? cause some friends and I don`t.
Yerro of Orien
Hello it seems you have fixed these and broke the airships as i have lost all my ships amenitys including cargo hold and second deck,game wants me to rebuy all of them and this is not good as i have spent a lot of gold and astral shards on second floor anemitys ,this needs to be fixed asap
World may have reopened, but it does no good if the launcher does not launch...https://www.ddo.com/forums/images/smilies/frown.png
Even going directly to the file as Administrator, When I try to launch DDO I get:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Turbine\Dungeons & Dragons Online\TurbineLauncher.exe
X Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have appropriate permissions to access the item.
Guess another night of downloading and reloading the game until it decided to launch.
Any Port in a storm... But why one with so many vermin?
Thanks for the hotfix
OK, On uninstall and reload 2 about to start 3rd. Anyone seen this problem before? I am running as administrator, from ICON, from file location and have tried running DDO client also with no luck. No restrictions on access or running listed. Running Win 10 and tried on Win 8 and Win 7 compatibility. It was running fine before the patch.
Edit: Ok still doing it after 4th install. Even uninstalled Akamai and rebooted each time. I give up.
Edit 2: 4th install worked finally. The issues... Avast decided Akamai was a virus. Akamai had decryption and download errors .. repeatedly, my firewall decided to block ddoclient.exe fun and games.
Last edited by Kulothar; 12-22-2015 at 09:51 PM. Reason: 4th install
Any Port in a storm... But why one with so many vermin?
2+ hours since servers came back up, can you turn the Airship amenities back on?
Completionist- 23 Heroic Past Lives | 12 Epic Past Lives | 4 Iconic Past Lives
For fixing the lag! Thank you thank you thank you
~Anaelsbet~; ~Elsbet~; ~Lilabet~; ~Islabet~; ~Phaeddre~~Ascent~