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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zafaron View Post
    I hope with the new change we can also clear enchantments off of rune arms.
    To clear Rune arms, go to the Device Workstation in House Cannith.

  2. #22
    Traveler of the Skies
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heynone View Post
    It has long been public knowledge that Cannith Crafting was going to change. Since at first the change was slated for this update I can't imagine the devs working on the loot gen system wasting their time making the new loot backwards compatible to a system that was supposed to be replaced that update. Even when it became clear that the CC update wouldn't be ready in time I honestly wouldn't want the devs to work on a soon to be obsolete system. That just seems like a poor allocation of resources.
    There have been major loot changes several times in the past (remember ghostbane?). Those changes never effected the ability to deconstruct the then-new lootgen items. Knowing that Cannith Crafting is going to change and knowing that the new loot system would also totally (if temporarily) bork deconstructing the new items are two different things.

    And, by the way, the inability to deconstruct the new lootgen was not mentioned in either the Relese Notes or the Known Issues.

  3. #23
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    U29 didnt kill Cannith Crafting because you cant deconstruct junk, it killed Cannith Crafting because random loot is better than raid loot.

    +45 Spell Resist
    +15 Combat Tactics (+10 enhance, +5 insight)
    +14 Dex, (cant remember but it was great)
    Speed X, Doublestrike 12

    And so many more.

  4. #24
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasparion View Post
    U29 didnt kill Cannith Crafting because you cant deconstruct junk, it killed Cannith Crafting because random loot is better than raid loot.

    +45 Spell Resist
    +15 Combat Tactics (+10 enhance, +5 insight)
    +14 Dex, (cant remember but it was great)
    Speed X, Doublestrike 12

    And so many more.

    Just pulled a level 3 Vorpal with some other effect that would normally make this a level 16+ random drop..
    I cant see Cannith crafting ever getting revamped to the point where it will be able to compare with some of these things..
    Cannith crafting can't complete with randomgen drop vorpals at level 3.

    Its the Death Visor all over again (but worse) where a hard to get named items have a +5 bonus, but lower level easy find random drops have +10..
    I still cant fathom how doev's would push this through without touching Named items a second time..
    ..The Feathering was the first round of randomgen reamps that changed random drops and completely ignored named items...
    Sad part is before the Feathering I had some hard find level 8 Vorpals that dropped during special events, and pile of squirreled away other goodies that were lowers lower than prime level that got screwed in the feathering because of some BS explanation and then they were all 'retroactively releveled' higher.. and now vorpals and other OP items are dropping at beginner levels like candy..

    We get some jabbering about it being for 'The greater good' and these fixes were necessary .. and now they have swung completely the other way with massively OP low level random drops.

    What I am seeing so far is out of whack with the expected power curve.
    Now to be fair I do like seeing all these new effects, even if the naming structures don't quite sync with some of the items..
    ..Would like to see better search functions to find the prefix/suffix/other effects.. this is going to be a headache without improved search function...

    I am hoping that the current release of items is not quite right and will be corrected.. especially things like Vorpal at level 3.. when it was supposed to be level 10+ without any other effects.. and devs previously retroactively screwed me over on my level 8 Vorpals turning them into level 14+... Those old vorpals didn't retroactively go back to a lower level... ;( .

    With this randomgen power infusion, named items got left in the dust.. are Named items also getting revamped?. or is this the future trend.. farm randoms say screw it to named items(or use them as fillers until you get ideal random drops)..
    While this may be great for those players that don't farm quests, and don't run raids, it is a insult to every other player that has upped their game to be able to farm named items and force themselves to raid to get the better named goodies.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post

    Just pulled a level 3 Vorpal with some other effect that would normally make this a level 16+ random drop..
    I cant see Cannith crafting ever getting revamped to the point where it will be able to compare with some of these things..
    Cannith crafting can't complete with randomgen drop vorpals at level 3.

    Its the Death Visor all over again (but worse) where a hard to get named items have a +5 bonus, but lower level easy find random drops have +10..
    I still cant fathom how doev's would push this through without touching Named items a second time..
    ..The Feathering was the first round of randomgen reamps that changed random drops and completely ignored named items...
    Sad part is before the Feathering I had some hard find level 8 Vorpals that dropped during special events, and pile of squirreled away other goodies that were lowers lower than prime level that got screwed in the feathering because of some BS explanation and then they were all 'retroactively releveled' higher.. and now vorpals and other OP items are dropping at beginner levels like candy..

    We get some jabbering about it being for 'The greater good' and these fixes were necessary .. and now they have swung completely the other way with massively OP low level random drops.

    What I am seeing so far is out of whack with the expected power curve.
    Now to be fair I do like seeing all these new effects, even if the naming structures don't quite sync with some of the items..
    ..Would like to see better search functions to find the prefix/suffix/other effects.. this is going to be a headache without improved search function...

    I am hoping that the current release of items is not quite right and will be corrected.. especially things like Vorpal at level 3.. when it was supposed to be level 10+ without any other effects.. and devs previously retroactively screwed me over on my level 8 Vorpals turning them into level 14+... Those old vorpals didn't retroactively go back to a lower level... ;( .

    With this randomgen power infusion, named items got left in the dust.. are Named items also getting revamped?. or is this the future trend.. farm randoms say screw it to named items(or use them as fillers until you get ideal random drops)..
    While this may be great for those players that don't farm quests, and don't run raids, it is a insult to every other player that has upped their game to be able to farm named items and force themselves to raid to get the better named goodies.
    I agree that, from double digit levels onward, certain items have some stats that can rival or even surpass some named epic loot. I'm now using ml:18 +8 armor, +8 con, +30 acid resist robes and +7 dex gloves of +65 universal spellpower with colorless augment slot on my lvl 18 AA cleric. That said:

    I've TR'ed my main just before U29 hit live, am now lvl 9, and haven't found a single randomly generated armor/robe/accesory I can use. I am situationally using some +3 chaotic wraps that don't put a neg lvl on my main and some other +3 acid wraps of positive spellpower I found; that is all. I am using BtA +5 res, +6 dex/wis/cha cannith crafted items, a pre-U29 deadly hat, pre-U29 prot 6 (ml: 9) gloves, an assortment of trinkets (cove event / cannith crafted shards of power / voice) plus belt of brute strength from good ol' Titan. That's 9 levels with zero useable random drops since U29 went live. Let's see what happens come level 11 but I don't think I'll be finding anything that's better than my old double-sharded accesories (stat consolidation here is the name of the game: heavy fort + prot + hp; lightning guard + sp + 6 wis + cha skills for UMD, etc).

    From lvl 15 onwards I'm sure I'll be replacing some slots with new random generated items; however, that's possible only because of stat consolidation (I'm playing monk-pally splash so I want str-cha-con-dex-wis). So as I see it, this new random loot has its room but as for now it still can't replace named / crafted loot. It can indeed boost a given stat or ability you need but only if you have done your homework first and have your basics covered.

    It also closes the gap between new players and veterans since you no longer have to run raid X 60/80 times to get the named item you need from there because you can't get that exc. stat anywhere else; back in the day when no raid timer bypass was available it took me 80 (eigthy; not a typo) ToD completions to get all my rings on my main.

    It is also a brilliant slap-in-the-face to all the "you-have-to-work-for-your-gear" players that duped raid timer bypasses and now want to lay an artificial wall in front of new players by saying they have to run raids "like they did". I don't want to soil the good name of some of the best guilds that ever were on Sarlona (some sadly gone now), but I have friends in many of those that, when the duping issue fist arose in the Evenigstar era, told me the "exploit early, exploit often" mantra which was one of the reasons I stopped playing DDO for almost two years now (and no, spare yourselves the trouble: I started no "d00m I'm leaving" thread).

    As a side note, and to call a spade a spade, vorpals are (in my experience) pretty much useless these days. I've found my good share of ml 3-8 vorpals and they are but vendor trash since even on full BB nothing that's subject to vorpal can withstand a cleave/great cleave combo (some champions may take a couple swings afterwards, nothing too serious), be it with a carnifex or with any 2H wep that has strong boni. Also, most TR'ing players are hitting lvl 20 by banking xp at lvl 18 (which means lvl 16 quests, probably vale / wheloon), and vorpals only are worth it if mobs have hp into the thousands and you aren't hitting 4 digits on a natural 20 already, which is hard not to do come epic gear and destinies.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    To dovetail what Cordo is saying, it was brought up a few times to either get lootgen working with u29, or hold off on lootgen and get lootgen and cannith done together in 30, but because of the things new lootgen addresses, it was pushed forward and cannith out since it would give time to determine if lootgen needs more abilities in it, and then it would be one update to get cannith up to working properly.

    Also any issues in lootgen and their affixes would be ironed out.

    Less bugs overall, etc.
    Cool, we will be able to craft level 1 vorpal weapons next update instead of just finding them in chests!
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  7. #27
    Community Member Zzevel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    Cool, we will be able to craft level 1 vorpal weapons next update instead of just finding them in chests!

    did any of you actually take the time to read any this mornings dev posts? Stock up on your little vorpals while you can, they are on the chopping block... so I doubt you're going to be able to craft them at level 1..
    Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..

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