Well, I had quite a few goodies that were non-standard level before the Feathering, things like level 8 Vorpals, a level 1 single haste clicky..
These got revamped 'retroactively'.. my vorpals became level 14+, the ring became level 9 which was pathetic compared to the 3x haste clicky from cronosphere for level 5.. and stacks of pots usable at any level...
we griped, but were told it was for ' The Greater Good' ... It was a 'fix' to standardize loot effects for all randomgen weapons retroactively and going forward.
Then we had Update 29..
On the weekend while running low level favor...I pulled a level 3 Vorpal that had other effects on it as well.. .. What the f..eathering... this should have been a level 16+ weapon.
My old vorpals pulled during a special event didn't go back to level 8 (or lower), they are still level 14+...
Now I do like seeing good random drop items that may have the rare chance of being as good as a named item, what we are seeing is randmogen drops that blow away named items and no mention of named items getting revamped to be worthy of being named items.
Named items are supposed to have the atypical traits or abilities that make them better for the level they represent, this is what makes them special and desirable to farm/grind/hunt/flag/raid/etc....