I hate not being able to play DDO........
I hate not being able to play DDO........
Kraak - New Xoriat (now Thelanis) (all things *Kraak*, *krak* in The Madborn) (Not Kraaken)
Oh and I also hate that Troll in VON3 that crushed my 2 backup DDoor Scrolls into oblivion........
(although I'm happy that I still have a couple hundred)
Kraak - New Xoriat (now Thelanis) (all things *Kraak*, *krak* in The Madborn) (Not Kraaken)
I hate how good my client is at simulating lag.....
Kraak - New Xoriat (now Thelanis) (all things *Kraak*, *krak* in The Madborn) (Not Kraaken)
I hate getting items with a +0 insight str bonus.....
Kraak - New Xoriat (now Thelanis) (all things *Kraak*, *krak* in The Madborn) (Not Kraaken)
I hate how dead the forums are......
Kraak - New Xoriat (now Thelanis) (all things *Kraak*, *krak* in The Madborn) (Not Kraaken)
I hate my extended absence from DDO.
Merry Christmas, Kraak.
ArtEriik: Leader of Tharashk's Dragon Snacks, ArtEriika, Eriik, Cleriik, ArtCleriik, EriikaJoplin. ArtxEriika, AnEriika, ArtxEriik, EriikaEpic, ElusiveEriik, ArcEriik, AnEriik, and other Eriik somethings
Proud member of ARCHANGELS
I hate that my transfer back to Thelanis is taking so long :-)
`````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````
MuleAxe~1 | Occidere~1| MuleRaptor | MuleFort | MuleParts
Brenna, Tzanna, and Tzinna Wavekin
The Dancing Rogues of Argonnessen
I hate Searos losing his name to a person that never plays anymore (since like U6/7) post server merge.....
Kraak - New Xoriat (now Thelanis) (all things *Kraak*, *krak* in The Madborn) (Not Kraaken)
Kraak - New Xoriat (now Thelanis) (all things *Kraak*, *krak* in The Madborn) (Not Kraaken)
I hate that I have been around so long the hate thread has become retro.
Oh and I hate Oozes.
Thelanis, by way of Xoriat. Forged in the Blood of Butterflies.
Proud participant of the Xoriat Hate Thread.
I hate that the retro thread seems to be going the way of the original thread.
Thelanis, by way of Xoriat. Forged in the Blood of Butterflies.
Proud participant of the Xoriat Hate Thread.
I love the 10th Anniversary gear, quite creative.....
Kraak - New Xoriat (now Thelanis) (all things *Kraak*, *krak* in The Madborn) (Not Kraaken)
Thelanis, by way of Xoriat. Forged in the Blood of Butterflies.
Proud participant of the Xoriat Hate Thread.