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Thread: Delete

  1. #1
    Community Member jellyfish21's Avatar
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    I'm considering deleting my character who has over 62 past lives; its because I feel that leveling to 30 will be too much like work. I'm not doing that: I never did that. I generally quit games with this much grinding. The Warlock introduction created a huge separation between people. That seems unrelated; but, to push me away is of both of these subjects content.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Community Member Jeromio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellyfish21 View Post
    I'm considering deleting my character who has over 62 past lives; its because I feel that leveling to 30 will be too much like work. I'm not doing that: I never did that. I generally quit games with this much grinding. The Warlock introduction created a huge separation between people. That seems unrelated; but, to push me away is of both of these subjects content.
    I think you're contradicting yourself. You mean that grinding out 2 mil more xp per life would be too much like work, but getting 62 past lifes wasn't?

    Isn't the purpose to have fun during the journey of levelling? Would it be less fun if the journey takes an extra day or two?

    I would suggest to either suck it up and continue levelling for more past lifes (if that's your goal), stay at cap and enjoy end-game/raiding for a while or take a break (if you're not having fun currently). I don't see the point in deleting over taking a break... you might regret it later.

    I agree about Warlock, but I think it's too early to judge until all classes have had their pass.
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  4. #4
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    Can I have your stuff?

  5. #5
    Community Member Nonesuch2008's Avatar
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    My thoughts for anyone that would consider radical action without actually experiencing any changes first hand would be...why?

    Why would anyone pass summary judgment on something without knowing the true nature of it?

    Suppose your favorite restaurant changes ownership. This happens all the time out in the real world. Do you immediately quit going there just because it is not the same, or do you do the logical thing and at least go back there one more time to see for yourself what is different about it & if you still like it? If you go back & don't like it after you've tried it, then you have every right to complain. Moan & lament about what has changed all you want, and have a clear conscience about not going back.

    I am not diminishing the major forthcoming changes in the slightest, they are there, they are very real & they will impact us all. But I don't see much value in a 'taking your marbles and going home attitude' without even sitting down to play the game first. I can respect a decision for someone that may choose to quit after seeing what has changed for themselves. Anyone that is already quitting before the update hits...not so much.
    "When asked if the developers hate the players, as they make so many challenging jumping puzzles, their response was that they have what they consider a “… normal amount of contempt for the players.” This is good. A dungeon master should always nurse a healthy contempt for his or her players."

  6. #6
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellyfish21 View Post
    I'm considering deleting my character who has over 62 past lives; its because I feel that leveling to 30 will be too much like work. I'm not doing that: I never did that. I generally quit games with this much grinding. The Warlock introduction created a huge separation between people. That seems unrelated; but, to push me away is of both of these subjects content.
    But you've already got those 62 past lives - Whether it takes you another couple of days to get to 30 or whether you're gonna go slow and take a month the fact remains you've already completed the grind!

    Those who should be righteously peeved at this change are people who have only 2 or 3 Heroic Past Lives and a similar number of Epic Past Lives right now - Just think of the grind we have to go through now just to get to where you already are!

    Add it up - Another 2mil XP per ER!

  7. #7
    Community Member Hephaistor's Avatar
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    Don't do it - just take a pause and come back later. Or start something fresh, do your thing (together with some ingame buddies if possible) and ignore what's going on around you.
    Please DOOOOOM!!!!!11111!!!!! early and often.

  8. #8
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellyfish21 View Post
    I'm considering deleting my character who has over 62 past lives; ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hephaistor View Post
    Don't do it - just take a pause and come back later. Or start something fresh, do your thing (together with some ingame buddies if possible) and ignore what's going on around you.
    /second this^^.

    There's always options.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  9. #9
    Community Member Darkmits's Avatar
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    62 lives is what, 200+ million exp? You'll need just 1.6m to hit lvl30, while still having the benefits of ALL 62 of your current past lives both during your journey to lvl30 and at it. I can't really understand what "much work" you're being afraid of. You'll most likely earn that 1.6m xp before you complete all new content if you're VIP and have some xp boost.

  10. #10
    Community Member jellyfish21's Avatar
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    I've already deleted this character over 50 times. Deletion is minor as compared to playing without any fun. There is about 90 epic quests. Their experience is too low to repeat any of them. Most people just farm the same quests over and over, just about five or six quests. I am an experienced player, going on ten years of playing nearly every day. I'm going to create a level one character who can do quests without being bothered about rewards; playing the game is reward enough. I just sold his entire lot and destroyed everything else, purchasing a robe from the harbor vendor. I gave away 1,000,000 platinum to a friend who has a level 23 character whom never reincarnated. My character retires in the Foyer of House Jerasco, where he has done so many other times. I hope to see everyone on in game tomorrow. Merry Christmas, from Ronny

  11. #11
    Community Member Jiirix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellyfish21 View Post
    I've already deleted this character over 50 times.
    Sounds like a solid love-hate relationship to me.

    I don't exspect the game to give me anything but a few hours of distraction and I still have some quests left to play for the first time. Works for me.
    Last edited by Jiirix; 12-17-2015 at 07:49 AM.
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  12. #12
    Community Member PermaBanned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellyfish21 View Post
    I'm considering deleting my character who has over 62 past lives; its because I feel that leveling to 30 will be too much like work. I'm not doing that: I never did that. I generally quit games with this much grinding. The Warlock introduction created a huge separation between people. That seems unrelated; but, to push me away is of both of these subjects content.
    Well, it always (or at least almost always) sucks to see another player taking the exit door. Kinda surprised that after 62 PLs adding two more levels @ ~850k XP each is the last straw, but I guess if that bit is no fun then so be it. Good luck & all that.
    I would still like to see... Something that tests character versatility and player adaptability rather than character focus strength and quest knowledge.
    I play the quests for the content of the quests not just as an XP/min merry-go-round.
    Actual play experience is worth infinitely more than theorycrafting...

  13. #13
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    I plan to take a break from TRs/eTRs for the next few months and focus on the new raids.

    This seems like the best time in a long time to revive alts and play more than one character. And you can mix it up more now and have some characters running raids and your main can continue TR without staying at cap and without worrying about waiting until 20 completions. Your alts can collect heart seeds giving your main more options for xp without worrying about coms.

    If you have alts you haven't played in a while you might find they have an LR +20 from the enhancement pass and you have BTA gear from recent content that can be passed.

    etr was much harder when the level cap was first changed to 28 than it is now. There are so many more quests/raids to run and there are options for getting your epic heart that doesn't require a very narrow path of low xp quests every day to get the 4200 coms at 28 (with heart seeds).

    Overall I don't see leveling to 30 any harder now than it was when the level cap first changed to 28. Sagas alone give alot of xp and there are many more quests to run. XP for some of the quests went way up and only jungle really went down.

    If etr/tr feels like work you should try something different - raiding, working on alts, etc. It's as simple as that. Or do real work and make money.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  14. #14
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post

    This seems like the best time in a long time to revive alts and play more than one character. And you can mix it up more now and have some characters running raids and your main can continue TR without staying at cap and without worrying about waiting until 20 completions. Your alts can collect heart seeds giving your main more options for xp without worrying about coms.
    I agree actually, if you have capable alts. Honest question though: do you really think those end game raids and quests are going to be doable for most people on without a bunch of PLs and ePLs?

    I can't imagine my stable of first lifers if I ever got them to cap would be able to deal, quite honestly. I've got a couple of them at cap, ready to eTR and TR if, as I expect, they just cannot compete in that content.

    I'm hoping I'm wrong, but my 2 capped characters already have real problems in Epic Hard or Elite now unless they're in a decent group*. They aren't particularly poorly built or geared as it happens, but they are a long, long way from what are considered 'effective' builds in the current game (one is a fighter/wiz 8/12 EK, the other is a pure Monk). Which is one reason why its so frustrating that they haven't done any real caster or handwrap pass yet (not that I expect my EK to be a good caster in epic with only 12 wiz levels lol, that's not really the point of that character but EK has been in real need of tweaking since it came out).

    Based on how tough Shroud was back in the day till people had the gear, I will be quite surprised if the new end game raids are really achievable even on normal for those two, and I haven't anyone else remotely close, let alone effective (Artificer 3rd life - 22, Rogue 1st life - 21, Cleric 1st life - 21. All my other characters are still in low-mid heroic though at least some of them are on 2nd life, I think one of them might even be a 3rd lifer! But its a pure ranger Arcane Archer so... meh).

    One could say "but dunklezhan, why do you play such things when the game clearly wants you to minmax and multiclass and play FOTM builds?" To which I say "because the builds I'm playing should be viable in a DnD game, and are what I would find fun if they were. Most classic builds stop being effective at Epic, and that's a big part of why I generally have not and do not play a lot of epic, the rest of my problem being the lacklustre character advancement when you get a new Epic level".

    This isn't meant to be a whiney post by the way - just interested in what people think about the challenge level of the new content for a casual player like me who avoids grind like the plague (and therefore does not have nice things). Personally I'm comfortable with 'end game' not being something someone like me should attempt, but obviously I do want to play with my guildies when I can.

    *I'm perfectly comfortable running normal, I dont feel entitled to complete on hard and elite. No-one else feels that way however which can make it a pretty lonely experience.
    Last edited by dunklezhan; 12-17-2015 at 09:25 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  15. #15
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellyfish21 View Post
    I'm considering deleting my character who has over 62 past lives; its because I feel that leveling to 30 will be too much like work. I'm not doing that: I never did that. I generally quit games with this much grinding. The Warlock introduction created a huge separation between people. That seems unrelated; but, to push me away is of both of these subjects content.

    followed by new year regret..
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
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  16. #16
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    I agree actually, if you have capable alts. Honest question though: do you really think those end game raids and quests are going to be doable for most people on without a bunch of PLs and ePLs?

    I can't imagine my stable of first lifers if I ever got them to cap would be able to deal, quite honestly. I've got a couple of them at cap, ready to eTR and TR if, as I expect, they just cannot compete in that content.

    I'm hoping I'm wrong, but my 2 capped characters already have real problems in Epic Hard or Elite now unless they're in a decent group*. They aren't particularly poorly built or geared as it happens, but they are a long, long way from what are considered 'effective' builds in the current game (one is a fighter/wiz 8/12 EK, the other is a pure Monk). Which is one reason why its so frustrating that they haven't done any real caster or handwrap pass yet (not that I expect my EK to be a good caster in epic with only 12 wiz levels lol, that's not really the point of that character but EK has been in real need of tweaking since it came out).

    Based on how tough Shroud was back in the day till people had the gear, I will be quite surprised if the new end game raids are really achievable even on normal for those two, and I haven't anyone else remotely close, let alone effective (Artificer 3rd life - 22, Rogue 1st life - 21, Cleric 1st life - 21. All my other characters are still in low-mid heroic though at least some of them are on 2nd life, I think one of them might even be a 3rd lifer! But its a pure ranger Arcane Archer so... meh).

    One could say "but dunklezhan, why do you play such things when the game clearly wants you to minmax and multiclass and play FOTM builds?" To which I say "because the builds I'm playing should be viable in a DnD game, and are what I would find fun if they were. Most classic builds stop being effective at Epic, and that's a big part of why I generally have not and do not play a lot of epic, the rest of my problem being the lacklustre character advancement when you get a new Epic level".

    This isn't meant to be a whiney post by the way - just interested in what people think about the challenge level of the new content for a casual player like me who avoids grind like the plague (and therefore does not have nice things). Personally I'm comfortable with 'end game' not being something someone like me should attempt, but obviously I do want to play with my guildies when I can.

    *I'm perfectly comfortable running normal, I dont feel entitled to complete on hard and elite. No-one else feels that way however which can make it a pretty lonely experience.
    On Sarlona it kind of works roughly like this for PUG Groups
    Quests: 2/3 EE 1/3 EH
    Old Raids (FOT and older): 2/3 EE 1/3 EH
    U21 Raids: 90% EH 10% EN
    MOD: 50% EH 50% EN
    DOJ: 80% EN 20% EH

    So for new raids I see more EN than anything else on Sarlona so you find many people to join you for EN raids.

    The new rune system may change this though, but I suspect people will be doing the same thing - EH for mains and EN for alts most commonly. EE will be mainly for challenge on Sarlona.

    Like you I definitely notice the difference, esp with things like PRR where gearing and past lifes make a significant difference.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  17. #17
    Community Member bartharok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellyfish21 View Post
    I've already deleted this character over 50 times. Deletion is minor as compared to playing without any fun. There is about 90 epic quests. Their experience is too low to repeat any of them. Most people just farm the same quests over and over, just about five or six quests. I am an experienced player, going on ten years of playing nearly every day. I'm going to create a level one character who can do quests without being bothered about rewards; playing the game is reward enough. I just sold his entire lot and destroyed everything else, purchasing a robe from the harbor vendor. I gave away 1,000,000 platinum to a friend who has a level 23 character whom never reincarnated. My character retires in the Foyer of House Jerasco, where he has done so many other times. I hope to see everyone on in game tomorrow. Merry Christmas, from Ronny
    Ummm.... i assume that the toon doesnt have 62 past lives, but you have played through 62 lives with a toon with the same name, since your statement doesnt make much sense otherwise.
    Dystopia = utopia achieved

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellyfish21 View Post
    I'm considering deleting my character who has over 62 past lives; its because I feel that leveling to 30 will be too much like work. I'm not doing that: I never did that. I generally quit games with this much grinding. The Warlock introduction created a huge separation between people. That seems unrelated; but, to push me away is of both of these subjects content.

    Chazick - Cappo - Chronen - Chronenn - Minger - Nubee
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  19. #19
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    Do. It. !!!

    Nevermind that you can tr at 20.


    *wanders off*

  20. #20
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jellyfish21 View Post
    I'm considering deleting my character who has over 62 past lives; its because I feel that leveling to 30 will be too much like work. I'm not doing that: I never did that. I generally quit games with this much grinding.
    If you have 62 past lives, you have already grinded most of your time here. Your post makes no sense at all.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    When you stop caring about xp/min this game becomes really fun. Trust me.
    Quote Originally Posted by TedSandyman View Post
    Some people brag about how fast they finished the game. I cant think of a stupider thing to brag about. Or in this game, going from level 1 to level 30 in two days, or however long it takes. I can't even begin to imagine what drives a person to think that is fun. You are ignoring all of the content and options and going for sheer speed. It is like going to a museum and bragging about how fast you made it through. Or bragging about how fast you finished a good steak.

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