The devs have an issue: either the mobs seem to easy or they one shot us. They don't seem to be able to come up with something that both challenges and entertains us. So as many have already said, the current end game (as of the latest lama) "challenges" us by forcing us to cheese the raids exploiting the ranged advantage. So how can they design mobs that target different kinds of builds? I guess that one answer is by choosing a variety of mobs that target specifically different weaknesses. Another is by coding more effects, but this has already been discussed.
For example, consider the following main types of defense:
1)To-miss: basically given by dodge, since AC is quite borked (although it does give something):
4)HPs: not a defense per se, but has the same effect
5)Ranged/contact: how does the arquetype primarily deal damage?
We have builds that combine different kinds of "defenses". For example, barbarians are 2)4), rogues 1)3).
Now the question is what kind of attacks challenge differently every type. There are easy ones: magical damage favors 3). For instance, I was running the new Inn quest in heroics with a barb and I was getting vaporized by the abishais.
But what are the basic statistics of an attack and how do they interact with the different defenses? The stats are the following:
a)Speed/DBs (one and the other are quite similar)
b)Strength (as in Damage per Hit)
c)Source (magical, physical)
c)Type (ranged, contact)
Now for the sake of showing how the analysis would run, consider the case of two typical archetypes: i)is a dodgy rogue, ii)is a sturdy THF fighter. Is it possible to design different types of physical attacks that favor one over the other? Or is it all doom and the rogue will always be worse at defense? I think it is hard but possible.
As an extreme example, consider a rogue with 50% dodge and a fighter with 50% damage reduction (via PRR). Let the two have the same HPs (say 1000) and those be the only relevant stats for the combat. Now make them fight a mob that hits in DBs for 1000 a pop.
The outcome of the battle is that the fighter dies for sure (2000*0.5=1000) whereas the rogue dies in some scenarios, but not in others. The probability that the big mob does not kill the rogue is equal to the probability of not hitting in any case: .5*.5=.25. That is, 1/4 times the rogue will stay up.
Now if instead of this big hitting mob we used a swarm of critters that don't hit for much, things would turn around. Say we have 5 criters hitting for 200 a pop each. It would take 2 full rounds of attacks to kill the tanky class, but it is possible that they kill right away the dodgy class. If he/she misses every dodge roll, he/she will die.
Everything else equal, big slow great hits favor those with chances of survival via dodge, and small swarms force dodge types to roll a lot of dices and increase the odds of bad rolls and death. Whereas PRR types can keep damage down to manageable levels without sudden spikes.
Again, this is just an example of two extreme encounters that would challenge with differently two iconic archetypes. It would be possible to get a lot more detailed and craft more realistic stuff, but this is not my job. My point is that to design good challenge mobs must be of different types and significantly target different weaknesses / strengths. As we stand, the truly challenging mobs are just DBstriking amazingly hard hitting melee mobs that come in packs.
If you want to build good content, start by identifying properly what kind of mobs is good against what character and introduce a balanced combination in quests. The current BOOM BOOOM is just forcing as play ranged, but it is not welcome by us players.