sounds like a cleric is needed for Resurrection SLA and super-fast/super good heals ...![]()
My opinion is that is is much better if these legendary raids are too hard on launch than too easy.
Make them so hard that noone can complete, and leave like that for a week or two, then see if people are getting closer to completion, and adjust easier after a month if needed.
I did some HoX testing this morning.
2300 hp, 200 PRR, 22 dodge, evasion, 25% conceal, 10% incorporeal. No fail Save on all breaths.
Self healing = sacred ground 620 / 3 seconds + renewal 500 / 2 seconds
~ 500 hp per second constantly
Boss damage seemed fine to me.
Not sure if it is bad if I can survive almost forever against 1 raid boss + 3 puppies. I had to shield up and go full tank respec to do it.
On one hand, it is not good that I can survive like that. On the other hand, my stats are slightly above a typical tank.
Any harder and we're talking guaranteed wipes. Any easier and we're going to see guaranteed completions. Tough call where to fine tune this.
Reignbeautank - Argo Server.
If you have the Reignbeau character name on Argo server and want to trade it to me, please contact me.
I have no problem with raids that are complicated enough that it takes a while for us to figure them out. Like we've had in the past with some of the classic heroic levels raids.
On the other hand, not making a raid completable early on because trash mobs hit for 1500 or more apiece, then adjusting that downwards a fortnight later is a pointless exercise.
One of these is a fun puzzle to engage and challenge the community, the other is a waste of time.
Legendary ELITE should require a ton of gear and the best builds.
We're not talking about Legendary normal or hard here.
This doesn't make sense at all... A mob that can one-shot you is a priority target... Damage does indeed equal difficulty. If you can't complete because the whole party is dead, then the quest was difficult.Remember: One-shotting decently built and/or geared toons is what's called "fake difficulty". Real difficulty is in having priority targets (because they have dangerous abilities, like stat drains, or because they deal high enough damage to endanger your tanks when they're busy tanking other stuff - I prefer the former).
TL;DR: Damage =/= Difficulty. Here's hoping real difficulty gets implemented.
Asking if we brought in a tank? :S
Currently the defenses a tank can achieve are not much better than say a 15 paladin / 5 ranger. Take for instance Eth's build. It goes up to 200+ PRR and it has a crab ton of HPs (and uber saves, of course). How much more defensive is a dedicated tank?
All this doesn't really matter that much anyway since the mobs hit too hard. The solution to mobs hitting that hard is not CC, it is simply going ranged. Why? Because a mechanic / ranger can get no fail CC, it deals more or less the same amount of damage as a melee and it does not have to deal with the insanity of melee damage in there.
We have said time and again. Multiply x10 the damage is not challenge, it is asking as to use shuriken / mechanic / ranger / pala ranged builds.
Of course forget about playing an assassin or acrobat in that raid. Heck even pure melee rangers are going to have a really tough time in there even if you reduced damage by 50%. This is again pushing towards massive healing / massive HPs / massive PRR builds. Again!
But did you turbine folks NOT test exactly how much damage those mobs are dealing? Do you know without us having to go in there? That far in the update? Where is QA or whatever intern, haven't they stepped in?
You want to give us more challenge, then up magical damage, give their casters debuffs and otto boxes (or even evard's) and sleet storms. Increase the ranged damage that mobs do in general. Have mobs use trips and stuns more often.
Seriously, before you up the damage of ranged toons you MUST revisit completely ranged combat, we know it is simply broken and borderline exploit. The majority of mobs SUCK at dealing ranged damage (that includes bosses) and they cannot even land hits on kiters.
At this point DDO looks like a train out of control. Reign the power creep, reign mob stating. Invest a whole update for that if you must. No quests, no nothing, just laying the foundation for proper growth. That includes a serious plan for itemization that does not rely on making tons of recent items obsolete every 6 months.
You guys are doing very careless work and it very much looks like you do not have it under control in the least.
I love the other suggestions and I'm fully in support of them... I wish people would stop saying "mobs one-shotting doesn't make things harder", because that's false. It does make it more difficult. It may not be the gameplay we want, but stop saying that high-damage mobs don't make things harder.
Someone throw this man a rope, he is drowning.
It is not harder, it just means we must play differently. If melee is insane damage, we kite. Now what?
"Hard" means as in using your knowledge of the game to its best you have a hard time. It does not mean hard if you purposely choose to play a style that has been rendered gimp.