Hello, just came back from a break and alot of stuff has been changed about ranger tree's and was just wondering if anyone knows of any strong ranged builds out there?
Hello, just came back from a break and alot of stuff has been changed about ranger tree's and was just wondering if anyone knows of any strong ranged builds out there?
Shuriken builds: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...Thrower-Builds
Monkchers: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...etter-Monkcher
Also see my elven ranger thread.
I've been experimenting with bard / rgr (Swashbuckler / Deepwood Stalker) combos, but unfortunately the +1 crit multiplier bonus from Swashbuckling still doesn't apply to throwing weapons, so they underperform more than they should.I'm not convinced they'd be a good alternative to shuriken builds regardless, but it'd be nice if it got all the DPS perks it was supposed to!
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Short answer is: it depends.
Longer answer is: it depends on several factors, but I guess the main one is do you care more about sustained or burst DPS? Adrenaline + (Manyshot or TTS) + (Sniper Shot or Slaying Arrow) is still going to be your best bet for burst DPS. OTOH, I think LD or maybe DC will be better for sustained DPS due to Blitz / Zeal of the Righteous.
Your final ED choice is also going to influence your build decisions. If you're planning on FotW, then I agree with jakeelala that you're going to want Sniper Shot and/or Slaying Arrow on your build. OTOH, if you're going for LD, maybe you'll stick with pure or mostly-pure monk for the extra Doubleshot from TTS.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.