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Thread: QoL Survey.

  1. #1
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Default QoL Survey.

    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    I would really love it if maybe every other update they did a pass on some old adventure pack XP and loot.

    I would also love it if they did some kind of Quality of Life survey, picked like the top ten most suggested/signed suggestions and did an update that was just that and some bug fixes.
    Let's get that survey going shall we?

    I'll pick 10 Quality of Life fixes I'd like to see and everyone pick their Top 3 and add 1 of their own.

    1) S/S/S updated to fit in better with the current game and old Epics no longer being End-Game.

    2) Decent Base XP Boosts for Epic Quests that have got left behind {Carnival, Sentinels, VoN 1+2}

    3) Complete Hireling Update fixing each hireling separately {No more over-arching updates that plainly don't work!}.

    4) Updates to all Favour Rewards to make them relevant to today's game.

    5) Buddy Bonus to become Permanent even at a lesser amount {say +5% per person up to 4 people or for Raids +5% at 3,6,9 and 12 people}.

    6) Change to Guild Numbers and Renown - Instead of the current every single person up to 30 changes your Guild Bonus. Something like:
    1-5 accounts = 0 Bonus
    6-20 accounts = Current 6 man Bonus {300%}
    21-40 accounts = Current 16 man Bonus {150%}
    41-70 accounts = 75%
    71+ accounts = 0 Bonus

    7) Free Character Transfers:
    F2P = 2 Free Transfer Tokens so as to allow for newbies to try out a few servers before deciding which one fits them best and be able to take their other characters with them.
    Premium = 5 Free Transfer Tokens.
    VIP = Same as Premium but gets an extra 3 each year they renew.

    8) 20 extra Enhancement Points spread out between the Epic Levels {2 at 21, 22, 23 etc.} to be spent in Racial or Harper type Trees only.

    9) Add Levels 6-10 of each Destiny BUT make it so that we lose all progress in those Levels upon TR or ER and can only ever be Lvl 6-10 of one single Destiny which we choose at Lvl 25 and earn a level in each time we level up an Epic Level.
    Even players farming other Destinies to T5 will still earn the levels in their main destiny once chosen each life so they can go back into it when they need to.

    10) Give Clerics and FavSouls their Spheres of Influence {Deity Feats} - Give each Sphere of Influence 4 Free Feats at Lvls 1,6,12 and 18. Let's say:
    Guardian/Protection - Lvl 1) Combat Expertise, Lvl 6) Improved Trip, Lvl 12) Spring Attack {does not need Dodge or Mobility}, Lvl 18) Whirlwind Attack
    Elemental - Lvl 1) Empower, Lvl 6) Maximise, Lvl 12) Heighten, Lvl 18) Quicken
    Life and Death - Lvl 1) Extra Turning, Lvl 6) Spell Focus: Necromancy, Lvl 12) Improved Turning Lvl 18) Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
    Combat/Evocation - Lvl 1) Spell Focus: Evocation, Lvl 6) Mental Toughness, Lvl 12) Improved Mental Toughness, Lvl 18) Greater Spell Focus: Evocation.

    Also each Sphere of Influence gives one SLA at Lvl 1 and specific bonus Spells at Lvls 6,12,18 and 24:
    Guardian/Protection - SLA} Expeditious Retreat, Lvl 6) Good Hope, Lvl 12) Greater Heroism, Lvl 18) Silver Weapons Lvl 24) Earthquake
    Elemental - SLA) Burning Hands, Lvl 6) Fireball, Lvl 12) Call Lightning Storm, Lvl 18) Greater Creeping Cold, Lvl 24) Storm of Vengeance
    Life and Death - SLA) Chill Touch, Lvl 6) Negative Energy Burst, Lvl 12) Finger of Death, Lvl 18) Wail of the Banshee, Lvl 24) Power Word: Kill
    Combat/Evocation - SLA) Magic Missiles, Lvl 6) Chain Missiles, Lvl 12) Force Missiles, Lvl 18) Radiant Forcefield, Lvl 24) Tactical Detonation.

    Oh and of course - Druids get Plant/Animal Sphere of Influence.
    Feats - Lvl 1) Augment Summoning, Lvl 6) Self Sufficient, Lvl 12) Resist Poison, Lvl 18) Great Fortitude.
    Spells - Would pretty much have to be new ones we don't have as Plant/Animal is a pretty small variety in DDO and all available to Druids already.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 12-11-2015 at 03:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Most of those are not what I had in mind, as those seem, for the most part, more like balancing considerations. I meant more like:

    UI enhancements (scaling, for example)
    Mail and banks from the log in screen
    search and tabs in the reincarnation cache
    Sorting options for shared storage
    Auction House overhaul

    That kind of thing. The stuff that only ever happens because some Dev has been working in their spare time (for which I thank them, but they oughta get paid, since I am happy to pay for this stuff). But thanks for taking my suggestion and running with something I couldn't be bothered to do myself (I'm not being sarcastic)

    Also, on reflection I think it would be better if Turbine did a trawl of all the existing QOL suggestion threads, shortlisted what they thought was feasible from the top 100, and got us to vote for the top 10. Because no matter what we want, it has to be something they can actually do.
    Last edited by dunklezhan; 12-11-2015 at 03:35 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  3. #3
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    Most of those are not what I had in mind, as those seem, for the most part, more like balancing considerations. I meant more like:

    UI enhancements (scaling, for example)
    Mail and banks from the log in screen
    search and tabs in the reincarnation cache
    Sorting options for shared storage
    Auction House overhaul
    These are all good suggestions.

    Which is why I asked for each person who replied to put down one of their own as well as picking the 3 of mine they'd like to see the most. {I knew I wasn't going to get everything especially with only 10 picks.}

    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    That kind of thing. The stuff that only ever happens because some Dev has been working in their spare time (for which I thank them, but they oughta get paid, since I am happy to pay for this stuff). But thanks for taking my suggestion and running with something I couldn't be bothered to do myself (I'm not being sarcastic)
    I don't know about the Devs working in their spare time part - Honestly your suggestions are all likely to take a whole lot of Dev Hours and I don't see them as something they can just stick in thanks to a Dev taking a couple hours of their own time.

    And I consider Balance to be part of Quality of Life personally, though I wouldn't be averse to having the Devs follow your suggestions either so long as mine get a look in at some point.

    Quote Originally Posted by dunklezhan View Post
    Also, on reflection I think it would be better if Turbine did a trawl of all the existing QOL suggestion threads, shortlisted what they thought was feasible from the top 100, and got us to vote for the top 10. Because no matter what we want, it has to be something they can actually do.
    Oh Lord no!

    That would be virtually impossible for them to do!

    Think of all the similar suggestions they'd have to go through and choose which one to actually stick on the survey!

  4. #4
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Default Windmills and Donkeys.

    1) S/S/S updated to fit in better with the current game and old Epics no longer being End-Game.

    Why. Old stuff - like Motorola StarTec Flip phones still work, but rather work be put into new shineys rather that making old shineys better. Now on the other hand if they convert ADQ to use Raid Runes, have seals available, base items, and epic versions available through Runes.

    2) Decent Base XP Boosts for Epic Quests that have got left behind {Carnival, Sentinels, VoN 1+2}

    IF the Dev's ever do another pass on these, then they can update them. VoN1-2 have already been adjusted numerous times. SoS is calling out to be made legendary reaper.

    3) Complete Hireling Update fixing each hireling separately {No more over-arching updates that plainly don't work!}.

    My suspicions are that Hirelings are being fixed slowly, or rather incrementally because they are super script heavy and use outdated tech. This tech is causing lag, massive lag, and the Dev's are working diligently on fixing and upgrading them. This is an 11+ year old game engine and lacks the last 11 years + of technology.

    4) Updates to all Favour Rewards to make them relevant to today's game.


    5) Buddy Bonus to become Permanent even at a lesser amount {say +5% per person up to 4 people or for Raids +5% at 3,6,9 and 12 people}.

    Absolutely Freeking Not. Sev has already stated no way. I guess this is just a windmill to tilt at. There is already an incentive to buddy up into groups - it means more resources to tackle the task on hand. If anything make solo much more difficult.

    6) Change to Guild Numbers and Renown - Instead of the current every single person up to 30 changes your Guild Bonus. Something like:
    No. if you are going to do this - make it spread out to 1000 members... and give the last 10% a 100% bonus as well. (rhetoric)

    7) Free Character Transfers:
    Sure, and while we are at it give EVERYONE 500 turbine points every month for free. IF after the datacenter migration the Dev's feel it is in the games best interest to merge servers, the will do this, but only for those being merged into.

    8) 20 extra Enhancement Points spread out between the Epic Levels {2 at 21, 22, 23 etc.} to be spent in Racial or Harper type Trees only.

    No. When the Devs complete the initial pass of Enhancements, there will be the same number of points, but many things will cost less. Talk about power creep - stick 2 points into Harper in addition to your max, or how about two top core enhancements.... (hyperbole)

    9) Add Levels 6-10 of each Destiny

    I'd rather see Demi-God Reincarnation or the resources required to do this into a pass on existing ED's or new classes.

    10) Give Clerics and FavSouls their Spheres of Influence {Deity Feats}

    Sev has already stated would love to do Domains. My speculation is that Domains would be for clerics, Fvs, Druids, Rangers, and Pally.

  5. #5
    2014 & 2016 DDO Players Council Kwyjibo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Let's get that survey going shall we?

    I'll pick 10 Quality of Life fixes I'd like to see and everyone pick their Top 3 and add 1 of their own.

    1) S/S/S updated to fit in better with the current game and old Epics no longer being End-Game.
    They aren't end game anymore. Save the money and fix ladders.

    2) Decent Base XP Boosts for Epic Quests that have got left behind {Carnival, Sentinels, VoN 1+2}
    meh, there is already more than enough epic XP. Save the money and fix ladders.

    3) Complete Hireling Update fixing each hireling separately {No more over-arching updates that plainly don't work!}.
    meh, never used them, don't know why I would start now. Save the money and fix ladders.

    4) Updates to all Favour Rewards to make them relevant to today's game.
    meh, I've not chased FAVOR for years, except for Coin Lord and House K during TR lives.

    5) Buddy Bonus to become Permanent even at a lesser amount {say +5% per person up to 4 people or for Raids +5% at 3,6,9 and 12 people}.
    Oh hell no. There is already enough XP in the game, and my experience from opening my LFM's was awful.

    6) Change to Guild Numbers and Renown - Instead of the current every single person up to 30 changes your Guild Bonus. Something like:
    1-5 accounts = 0 Bonus
    6-20 accounts = Current 6 man Bonus {300%}
    21-40 accounts = Current 16 man Bonus {150%}
    41-70 accounts = 75%
    71+ accounts = 0 Bonus
    meh, save the money and fix ladders.

    7) Free Character Transfers:
    F2P = 2 Free Transfer Tokens so as to allow for newbies to try out a few servers before deciding which one fits them best and be able to take their other characters with them.
    Premium = 5 Free Transfer Tokens.
    VIP = Same as Premium but gets an extra 3 each year they renew.
    A one time freebie would be nice, but certainly not anywhere close to the top of any list

    8) 20 extra Enhancement Points spread out between the Epic Levels {2 at 21, 22, 23 etc.} to be spent in Racial or Harper type Trees only
    OMG Hell No! Tough choices are just that...

    9) Add Levels 6-10 of each Destiny BUT make it so that we lose all progress in those Levels upon TR or ER and can only ever be Lvl 6-10 of one single Destiny which we choose at Lvl 25 and earn a level in each time we level up an Epic Level.
    Even players farming other Destinies to T5 will still earn the levels in their main destiny once chosen each life so they can go back into it when they need to. the money and fix ladders

    10) Give Clerics and FavSouls their Spheres of Influence {Deity Feats} - Give each Sphere of Influence 4 Free Feats at Lvls 1,6,12 and 18. Let's say:
    Guardian/Protection - Lvl 1) Combat Expertise, Lvl 6) Improved Trip, Lvl 12) Spring Attack {does not need Dodge or Mobility}, Lvl 18) Whirlwind Attack
    Elemental - Lvl 1) Empower, Lvl 6) Maximise, Lvl 12) Heighten, Lvl 18) Quicken
    Life and Death - Lvl 1) Extra Turning, Lvl 6) Spell Focus: Necromancy, Lvl 12) Improved Turning Lvl 18) Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
    Combat/Evocation - Lvl 1) Spell Focus: Evocation, Lvl 6) Mental Toughness, Lvl 12) Improved Mental Toughness, Lvl 18) Greater Spell Focus: Evocation.

    Also each Sphere of Influence gives one SLA at Lvl 1 and specific bonus Spells at Lvls 6,12,18 and 24:
    Guardian/Protection - SLA} Expeditious Retreat, Lvl 6) Good Hope, Lvl 12) Greater Heroism, Lvl 18) Silver Weapons Lvl 24) Earthquake
    Elemental - SLA) Burning Hands, Lvl 6) Fireball, Lvl 12) Call Lightning Storm, Lvl 18) Greater Creeping Cold, Lvl 24) Storm of Vengeance
    Life and Death - SLA) Chill Touch, Lvl 6) Negative Energy Burst, Lvl 12) Finger of Death, Lvl 18) Wail of the Banshee, Lvl 24) Power Word: Kill
    Combat/Evocation - SLA) Magic Missiles, Lvl 6) Chain Missiles, Lvl 12) Force Missiles, Lvl 18) Radiant Forcefield, Lvl 24) Tactical Detonation.

    Oh and of course - Druids get Plant/Animal Sphere of Influence.
    Feats - Lvl 1) Augment Summoning, Lvl 6) Self Sufficient, Lvl 12) Resist Poison, Lvl 18) Great Fortitude.
    Spells - Would pretty much have to be new ones we don't have as Plant/Animal is a pretty small variety in DDO and all available to Druids already.
    meh, again not close to any list of mine.

    In no particular order:

    1. Update the TR cache so it can be sorted and/or searched
    2. Simplify the TR process
    3. Update the Compendium UI to handle sagas
    4. Fix ladders
    5. Fix Blitz and other buffs/auras so they no longer end when passing through different portals
    Jibo-Argo/Degenerate Matter, Thelanis/TES, Mournlands
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    No challenge, no fun.
    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    I knew i should have actually tested this.

  6. #6
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Well there goes the hope that this could have been a simple survey thread.

    I didn't ask for my suggestions to get attacked - I simply asked for people to pick 3 they'd like to see the Devs take up as well as add one of their own to the thread.

    But here we go:

    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    1) S/S/S updated to fit in better with the current game and old Epics no longer being End-Game.

    Why. Old stuff - like Motorola StarTec Flip phones still work, but rather work be put into new shineys rather that making old shineys better. Now on the other hand if they convert ADQ to use Raid Runes, have seals available, base items, and epic versions available through Runes.
    This point was about making the items more easily available NOT making them stronger!

    Though I wouldn't object to certain S/S/S items being updated to fit in better with the current power of other far easier to get items of their level - The big thing is to update the mechanic so that they're not so stupidly hard to get!

    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post

    2) Decent Base XP Boosts for Epic Quests that have got left behind {Carnival, Sentinels, VoN 1+2}

    IF the Dev's ever do another pass on these, then they can update them. VoN1-2 have already been adjusted numerous times. SoS is calling out to be made legendary reaper.
    I'd love to see Legendary Stealer of Souls but that's not what this point was about.

    VoN 1+2 xp is an absolute joke - VoN1 barely gives 20k on EE! It needs updating to be worth running!

    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    3) Complete Hireling Update fixing each hireling separately {No more over-arching updates that plainly don't work!}.

    My suspicions are that Hirelings are being fixed slowly, or rather incrementally because they are super script heavy and use outdated tech. This tech is causing lag, massive lag, and the Dev's are working diligently on fixing and upgrading them. This is an 11+ year old game engine and lacks the last 11 years + of technology.
    I'd love to know where you came up with the idea that Hirelings are causing lag?

    IF the Devs are fixing the hirelings one by one behind the scenes ready for a roll-out all at once I'll be incredibly happy but until I KNOW they're doing this I'm going to keep asking for it!

    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    4) Updates to all Favour Rewards to make them relevant to today's game.

    There - That wasn't hard was it - You want this as much as me so that's 1 vote.

    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    5) Buddy Bonus to become Permanent even at a lesser amount {say +5% per person up to 4 people or for Raids +5% at 3,6,9 and 12 people}.

    Absolutely Freeking Not. Sev has already stated no way. I guess this is just a windmill to tilt at. There is already an incentive to buddy up into groups - it means more resources to tackle the task on hand. If anything make solo much more difficult.
    Sev's wrong about this!

    I truly hope that one day soon he'll realise that!

    You want newbies to come to the game and be able to join Groups - You've gotta give the vets an incentive to allow that newbie in their group and not complain constantly that the newbie isn't good enough to be in their Group!

    Grouping is NOT a punishment - It is a BONUS!
    It should be incentivised and rewarded because too many people see it as a punishment!

    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    6) Change to Guild Numbers and Renown - Instead of the current every single person up to 30 changes your Guild Bonus. Something like:
    No. if you are going to do this - make it spread out to 1000 members... and give the last 10% a 100% bonus as well. (rhetoric)
    1) I'm talking about accounts not characters - There's not a single guild in the game with 1000 accounts!

    2) The more active accounts you have in a guild the less bonus you need - I'm not asking for massive 200 account Guilds to get a bonus because that would incentivise those Guilds too much!
    The current situation does the opposite - It incentivises 6 man guilds far too much - the penalty for going from 6-7 accounts is too large and for a small Guild trying to recruit the penalty for doing so is way way too large unless they get incredibly lucky!

    Is 70 accounts too much to give a bonus to? I don't think so - Especially if the Devs change the Inactive Barrier to say 3 months rather than 1 at the same time.

    There should definitely be a range for each bonus though - Not you have 6 accounts so get the full bonus and 1 more or 1 less takes 7k away from every Saga Reward {far more if you're using a Pot!}.
    Actually keep the 1 less in that specific example as Guilds of 1-5 accounts really should not be incentivised in any way - A Guild should at least have enough accounts to fill a Party!

    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    7) Free Character Transfers:
    Sure, and while we are at it give EVERYONE 500 turbine points every month for free. IF after the datacenter migration the Dev's feel it is in the games best interest to merge servers, the will do this, but only for those being merged into.
    1) VIPs actually do get 500 TP a Month!

    2) Transfers can't be bought on the DDOStore - You have to send in a ticket {Yes I believe there is a TP option for payment but Transfers currently cost $20 which is far more than 500 TP!}.

    This suggestion would give newbies more of a chance to try out the game and move around without losing the characters they've put work into!
    It would give newbies an incentive to go Premium if they have multiple characters on other Servers and want to combine them into just the one - It would incentivise buying more character slots to have enough slots on that one server!
    And for VIPs - I know I've got plenty of characters I'd still love to transfer between Servers and I'm absolutely certain I'm not alone - I've paid for a number of transfers in the past and would do so again if I had the extra money OR if I had a number of free transfer tokens each year.

    As for Server Mergers - Giving out free Transfer Tokens would give the Devs a bit more of an idea of which Servers are actually strong and which aren't.

    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    8) 20 extra Enhancement Points spread out between the Epic Levels {2 at 21, 22, 23 etc.} to be spent in Racial or Harper type Trees only.

    No. When the Devs complete the initial pass of Enhancements, there will be the same number of points, but many things will cost less. Talk about power creep - stick 2 points into Harper in addition to your max, or how about two top core enhancements.... (hyperbole)
    What initial pass of Enhancements?
    The Enhancement Pass was completed over a year ago...Possibly 2!

    How exactly is 20 extra points at level 30 to spend in Racial or Harper Power Creep?

    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    9) Add Levels 6-10 of each Destiny

    I'd rather see Demi-God Reincarnation or the resources required to do this into a pass on existing ED's or new classes.
    So you'd rather see yet another Grind than a more closely integrated with Epic Levels Destiny system?

    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    10) Give Clerics and FavSouls their Spheres of Influence {Deity Feats}

    Sev has already stated would love to do Domains. My speculation is that Domains would be for clerics, Fvs, Druids, Rangers, and Pally.
    I'm going to assume that this is another yes vote from you.

    So that's

    1 vote for Favour Reward Update
    1 vote for Domains
    1 vote for Epic Quest XP update.

    Also 1 vote for Legendary Stealer of Souls.

  7. #7
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwyjibo View Post
    In no particular order:

    1. Update the TR cache so it can be sorted and/or searched
    2. Simplify the TR process
    3. Update the Compendium UI to handle sagas
    4. Fix ladders
    5. Fix Blitz and other buffs/auras so they no longer end when passing through different portals
    Well that's 1 vote for Updating the TR Cache then.

    Maybe someone else will suggest your other fixes.

  8. #8
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    So far we've got:

    1 Vote for a UI Update.
    1 Vote for Legendary Stealer of Souls
    1 Vote for Favour Rewards to be updated
    1 Vote for TR Cache update.
    1 Vote for Domains
    1 Vote for Epic Quest XP update.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 12-11-2015 at 06:57 PM.

  9. #9

  10. #10
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    I wont pick 3 from the list in the original post as I dont consider any of them to be quality of life changes. Instead I will simply list one myself.

    - Add an UI interface similar to the Auction House that allows me to see through and sort all gear on all characters on the account (except for bound to character gear on other characters than the one logged in) - no matter if the gear is worn, in inventory, in the bank or in a TR cache. By letting me sort gear by ML, name and type I will actually be able to find the gear I want and play the game rather than the mess thats currently in place.

    To me that would truly be a quality of life change like no other I could imagine. Thank you.
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
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    make store bought bags bta not btc

  13. #13
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post

    I don't know about the Devs working in their spare time part - Honestly your suggestions are all likely to take a whole lot of Dev Hours and I don't see them as something they can just stick in thanks to a Dev taking a couple hours of their own time.
    You misunderstood. I meant QOL of life fixes don't seem to happen except on Dev's own time. Some wonderful things have come from it in the past (although now I think of it I think the best one was the metamagics one and that was actually entirely due to a 'work on what you want' week), I'd like to see more. I in fact explicitly meant: 'I would like Turbine to spend tons of dev hours on these things instead of new content' if only for just one update.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    And I consider Balance to be part of Quality of Life personally, though I wouldn't be averse to having the Devs follow your suggestions either so long as mine get a look in at some point.
    Fair enough. Perhaps it is very subjective. Its not what I have commonly understood to be meant by QoL however, and that's why I said I didnt' really have what you suggested in mind. But I didn't mean to attack your ideas (incidentally, I did think that your suggestion about favour rewards was a good fit for what I did have in mind, and a good suggestion in general), just qualify some examples of what the post you quoted in your OP was getting at. Its your thread however, take it wherever you like.

    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post

    Oh Lord no!

    That would be virtually impossible for them to do!

    Think of all the similar suggestions they'd have to go through and choose which one to actually stick on the survey!
    Yes. I am. I am thinking of how some of the suggestions go back years and have come up repeatedly. Those are the ones they should be looking at putting on the shortlist (which is not to say new suggestions should not also be considered).
    Last edited by dunklezhan; 12-11-2015 at 05:39 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  14. #14
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    So far we've got:

    1 Vote for a UI Update.
    1 Vote for Legendary Stealer of Souls
    1 Vote for Favour Rewards to be updated
    1 Vote for TR Cache update.
    1 Vote for Domains
    1 Vote for Epic Quest XP update.
    1 Vote for Store bought bags to be BtA
    1 Vote for Character Screen gear swapping.

  15. #15

  16. #16
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    have seem to skipped this.
    Which one of those do you want me to put in place of Legendary Stealer of Souls?

  17. #17
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    Which one of those do you want me to put in place of Legendary Stealer of Souls?
    all - since they are all in one place - my sig. plus if you get multiple, everyone else should as well.

  18. #18
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    Aside from the usual cry for a scalable bank system where I can buy as much BtC slots as I have TP... standard cry is to fix the storyline in the Necropolis series, and after that reconsider the annoying capstone quest flagging, make the sigil permanent once acquired like in Restless Isles, and add a Heroic Saga spanning the whole series up to and including Litany of the Dead.
    Last edited by Chi_Ryu; 12-12-2015 at 06:55 AM.

  19. #19
    Community Member Axeyu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    3) Complete Hireling Update fixing each hireling separately {No more over-arching updates that plainly don't work!}.
    After so many years of hierling updates and fixing and they still work just as badly as ever, do you really think it's worth it to waste even more dev time on them?

  20. #20


    Fran I will take your 1,2 & 5

    my QoL:
    1) A proper character sheet that displays information in an intuitive fashion. I remember Ellisdee putting a proposal together a while back. New players can't figure the character sheet out and too much stuff only appears with mouseover or not at all (like fort bypass).
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

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