This constant power creep of dungeons is getting out of hand. This is mostly due to the introduction of gear, skills, tomes etc. for player characters which in combination apparently trivializes even the most potently designed quests. The result is trash continue to scale to ridiculous levels damage whilst being hit point bags and saves to boot. It is a continuous vicious circle that is to the detriment of the game.

The way I see it, Hard Mode should be where trash hit point bloating and saves are at their highest.

Elite mode should be a mirror of Hard Mode. That is trash mobs remain exactly at the same scale. Instead in Elite mode players will be introduced to a handicap system. The handicap system would include a range of things.

Some suggestions (I'm not advocating all of them these are simply examples of what might be done) :
- Guild Buffs - These are immediately dispelled upon entering ELITE.
- Negative levels - Players enter the mode with permanent negative levels (lets say -2 levels). Therefore their hitpoints, spellpoints, saves, skills etc. are all affected. Maybe extend to gear selection too.
- PRR/MRR penalty - perhaps these are reduced (maybe even immediately halved).
- Melee/Range Power - perhaps there is a -10 penalty imposed.
- Character primal statistic reduction - All primary statistic are reduced by 6. Makes you think about any dump stat you may have as well as the expected loss to your skills.
- Spell effects on Players - maybe introduce an adverse spell effect (such as curse, blind, nauseated) on players every 5 minutes. These effects are dispellable with potions/spells and thus more an annoyance.
- Hire limitations - perhaps a level cap on the hire allowed to be summoned. Possibly a ban on some hire types.
- Death limitations - Perhaps place a limit on deaths (say 3 deaths max). You are then considered pema dead for the rest of the quest. Maybe a shrine rest gives back +1 death.

Hopefully you get the idea. I'm sure people have a lot more cooler and better thought out handicap suggestions than the above examples. A handicap system will at least allow the devs to tweak it as they see fit.