Last edited by Tilomere; 08-25-2017 at 05:40 PM.
Well done, this is pretty goddamn funny.
Community Member
Nice but what do you do when you have to kill the red named
good at business
Community Member
Setting aside that I still believe AA imbues applying to non-arrows is a bug and therefore this build is only a patch away from being nerfed into oblivion...
That's a fairly optimistic prediction, IMO, since the Terror Arrows description simply says, "On Vorpal: Target is subject to a Phantasmal Killer effect." So it might simply be the regular spell, which means it can be Deathblocked. For that matter, the description doesn't explicitly mention that the PK DC is based on the same formula as the other AA effects and...well, this is DDO. Never presume things work like you think they ought to work until you test it for yourself.
The idea I had been toying with was a build with Paralyzing Arrows + ranged Coup de Grace (which doesn't rely on Swashbuckling): immobilize then instakill. More reliable than relying on vorpal effects, IMHO, if you can get your DCs high enough...that's a very big if, though.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
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Turbine: we can't fix our code, so it's a "lore thing."
Well, all I can say is good luck and please don't delete this thread when imbues are fixed. I like being able to look up crazy build experiments!
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
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