There is an issue currently with divine might providing a *insight bonus* based on the player charisma modifier.
The above ability (Divine might), reads as follows.
Divine Might: Channel Divinity: You gain an Insight bonus to Strength equal to your Charisma modifier for 30/60/120 seconds. (Activation Cost: 1 use of Turn Undead. Cooldown: 20 seconds)
Divine Might: You gain an Insight bonus to Strength equal to your Charisma Modifier for 30/60/120 seconds. (Activation Cost: 21/18/15 spell points. Cooldown: 20 seconds)
The problem here lies within its non stacking insight bonus to strength, which is soon getting further partly nullified by the following effects listed below.
According to the developers :
...also included in the new epic legendary greensteel crafting concept to choose from.
Now lets compare it to the know the angels ability from the harper tree.
Know the Angles: Activation cost: [45/30/15] spell points. Cooldown: 20 seconds. Antirequisite: Divine Might. You gain an Insight bonus to damage and the DC of tactical feats equal to 1/2 of your Intelligence modifier for [30/60/120] seconds.
As you can see, the ability gurantees a straight addition of damage and bonus to tactical feats based on your int modifier.
Now lets compare both abilities with a int and cha score of 42 :
Gear : +7 ---> +8 (rounded up) insightful strength (Not stacking with divine might).
Divine Might :
Cha mod = Total Strength addition = (((42 - 10)/2) - 8) Str = (16 - 8) Str = 8 Str,
which translates to +4 dmg and +4 tactics.
Net loss : Total of 8 str from gear and thus halved the effectiveness of divine might. That is terrible !
Know the Angels :
1/2 Int mod = Total bonus to damage and tactics = (((42 - 10)/2)/2) = +8 bonus to damage and tactics.
Conclusion : Divine might will end up half as effective as its harper counterpart know the angels.
Plus with the addition of more and more insightful bonuses to strength, it won't take long until the effectiveness of divine might is reduced to zero. That means divine might either needs its bonus type changed to *stacking* with other types much as its harper counterpart know the angels, or be removed and replaced with something else.
Imo a class ability should be stacking with other bonus types, otherwise it won't make much sense taking it.
Hope the developers are taking care of this issue.