
I have been doing beatdowns and thrown together characters to get an idea of where characters stand in the power scale. Yes, it is an imperfect measure and what not, but it is nevertheless something. All these builds are with throw together gear, but making some sense. Not using the new raid gear. For the sake of sharing, here are my beatdowns (blitzing) for the boss kobold:

Ranger: first life, tempest, dual khopesh (TF tier 2) - 110-130 seconds.
Barbarian: first life, ravager + frenzied, dual picks (TF tier 2) - 130-150 seconds.
Rogue: multi life, acrobat and assassin, epic elemental bloom - 125-140 seconds.

I did not use all the possible buffs (for instance no ship, no tensers, no titan grip, no twists) and I did not micro manage perfectly the different timers as I was not intending to go for the best possible ever, rather get an idea of how it might look like in regular questing, when I am not only focusing on cool downs and I might not have the bestamest gear.

I'd be quite interested on the relative beat down times that people manage to get across builds. I would find more informative if people posted several entries across builds since it allows to somehow control for player ability.