Thanks to the OP for his effort; this is very useful to get a quick catch of the new system (:
Looks like Light and Sonic Spell Power/Spell Critical get left out of the new green steel. My Warlock will not be happy.![]()
Well, if we could just buy/sell mats this wouldn't be problem IMO.
But everything is BtA, so you need to grind for it personally and need to sacrifice crapload of mats to discover stuff. That would be fine, if people could donate those mats etc. but not when its impossible.
Hi devs, thanks for putting in all the work required to make the Shroud epic!
I'm late to the game here, but just wanted to underscore the good posts by IronClan and DDOTalk.
Long story short, I think Legendary Greensteel suffers from the same symptoms that plague other loot that is essentially ignored by the playerbase:
1] more of the same - elemental effects, vanilla bonuses to elemental resistances, etc
2] clickies of hilariously poor value - featherfall, I'm looking at you. We can scroll it, or more likely, folks will swap to a featherfall item and click off of it the moment they want to fall normally (sometimes toggling between both continuously to control descents)
3] minimal unique effects - no unique effects such as those found on Thunderforged or heroic greensteel that actually affect builds or gameplay
This game has a lot of interesting, rare effects that could be expanded into legendary power:
I created a list of some orbs that I thought would be appealing in the game, using under-represented cool effects already in DDO.
This is the sort of loot where I think the playerbase (myself included) would want an item NOT because it just has +10 more [damage | spellpower | AC | etc], but because it actually fulfills a unique role within *the context of the game.*
Unfortunately, as a long time player of this game, I actually think it'd be completely safe for me to ignore all of legendary greensteel, and I doubt any compatriots in the game would even notice. Nor would I.
That's how compelling this list of effects is, unfortunately.
Character Compendium
Sarlona*Eternal Wrath