Certain affixes should be named item only. For example last time random loot was buffed "Nightmares" weapons had to be nerfed pretty hard when it was changed from something that was only on two named items to suddenly being on every random loot drop.
Something that needs a random loot drop is rune arms. I don't play artificers but correct me if I am mistaken the only way to get them is from named loot or the turbine store? If that too difficult then they should definately be craftable from scratch when cannith crafting gets a reboot.
With arcane archer now requiring spell power to boost their imbues there needs to be more options to obtain it without a red slot on a weapon especially in epic levels. In heroics you can get away with cannith challenge items for your spell power needs.
Epic random loot needs some good sonic damage options. Pandemonium was nice. Anything to breathe a bit of life back into fatesinger.