Up front: thank you for trying to make the game better. I appreciate your efforts and your work and realize that no matter what you do, you will please many and enrage many. The enraged will likely be much more vocal.
This quote from you on the initial page of this thread struck me as indicative of a problem I have with your company's culture. It is a running (sad/cynical) joke that whenever some new loot developer gets assigned, all notes from the prior employee are not only shelved, but thrown in the garbage. That it is apparent you had no inkling of any prior compound magic effects only reinforces this cynicism and almost overwhelming expectation of just yet another wave of the debacle that was Ghostbane.
I truly hope I'm absolutely proven wrong this time. Call me a hopeless optimist. But if I were you, I'd go show this thread to your boss and ask them what the playerbase is talking about when they bring up the same concerns/questions/observations again and again in this thread. We're on your side NoWorries, we really are. If you make the call to do 'something' we'll agree or disagree with it, but I sincerely hope that you make your decisions fully informed by those who were around when FoS began his work changing the loot tables.
It REALLY should not be on the player base to "list as many as (we) think we can" to tell you what the old notes were from the last loot developer. It really should not.