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Thread: Randomized Loot

  1. #141
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    Know this is likely to be somewhat controversial but would it be possible to include +1 to crit range and/or multiplier as one of the random loot option. A very very rare one, and only one or other possible on any particular item, and probably epic only. Whilst other bonuses are nice, generally even much lower level named items that have an expanded crit range or multiplier tend do better damage than any random loot weapon, though admittedly that's currently the situation not necessarily under the new system.

    And before anyone states that would invalidate named/raid crafted loot - bear in mind that random loot always has standard base damage and epic random loot has only 2W, compared to the 5W or more for high level named items.

    I know some people don't like the thought of random loot even coming near named items, but I'd really like to get back to the days when I opened an average chest with hope in my heart that I'll find something useful

  2. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoWorries View Post
    If you are running a level 10 quest on elite = ML 12 items
    If you are running a level 10 quest on elite with +5 boost = ML 17 items

    If most players would prefer a range of minimum levels, it would be possible to make it so a level 10 quest on normal could drop ML 9 and 10 or even ML 8, 9 and 10 loot (beyond that range would increase the work quite a bit which would still be possible, but probably would happen later).
    My previous questions were ignored....

    Does loot level still cap at character level +5?
    Does loot level still cap at level 30 + 2 jewel + 1 guild boost (no other boosts will let you go over 30)?
    +4 tomes used to drop as level 27 loots until Update 19 when they were removed from the random tables. Will +4 and higher tomes drop in the random loot tables or will random stat tomes still cap at +3?

  3. #143


    I'm confused about loot boosts while running level 30 quests. Will they do anything at all?

  4. #144
    Community Member UurlockYgmeov's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EllisDee37 View Post
    I'm confused about loot boosts while running level 30 quests. Will they do anything at all?
    yes - they will still add to the level of the loot -- up to level 40 (ish) IIRC

  5. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    yes - they will still add to the level of the loot -- up to level 40 (ish) IIRC
    They don't do that currently. The only boosts that go over 30 are jewels and guild boosts.

    Currently loot caps at character level +5.

  6. #146
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Poor Scintillating... lonely and forgotten... (Lightning Burst & Lightning Strike. I have a set of handwraps with this and Absolute Law, with the Force ritual and Festival Icy Burst. Had I still had a monk active, I'd probably have ground out the light damage upgrade as well).

    Another is Fortification on armors. Particularly leather for the druid pet wolves. I'm tired of mine dying every time it pulls a lever.
    Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...

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  7. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by legendkilleroll View Post
    I looted a mangling from grim and Barrett few weeks back, pretty sure if it, I know none of the others listed appear anymore so I dont know how.
    Most of these still exist in epic loot gen but not heroic. It has been a long, long time since I've seen mangling though.

  8. #148
    Community Member Knobull's Avatar
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    Randomised loot will remain forever useless unless *element*proof effects are no longer considered the most valuable effect or removed altogether.

    Also, Sun's Fury is also an obvious joke by a certain someone, it is ridiculously overvalued and has much to high an ML for what it is. Like *element*proof, it is presented as super valuable when it has no real value at all.
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  9. #149
    Scourge of Slayers FAQ's Avatar
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    Someparts of the random loot system look good, like removing the very unimaginative numbered effects from names. However, as I understand it, the new random items will make many, many named items obsolete in their level range, for rrasons others have stated above. That is a horrible design flaw. Learn from the past! Remeber when introducing the deadly effects basicalliy destroyed EE dream visors value overnight? Yeah, that was very fun. And that is just one example. Named items should trump around 95% of random loot of its level range. Its ok to have really rare random combos that are a bit better than named.
    Keepers of Khyber - Proud Guild Leader

    Quote Originally Posted by Flavilandile View Post
    This is how it should scale: Random loot < Named Loot < Raid Named Loot.
    The Trophy Room A great idea. Please do this devs!

  10. #150
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livmo View Post
    I would expect L30 random loot to be more powerful than L25 raid loot (but with less add-on effects). Thus L30 raid loot should be better than L30 random loot.

    EE L25 raid loot should be out grown. Not the best in slot at L30.
    Right now the highest easily-available Insight stat bonus is +3, which is moderately common, and similarly +11 Enhancement. +4 items are few and far between, as are +12 Enhancement. I'd expect only 2 more levels to make +4s & +12s more common, with maybe a very few top-end raid-loot items edging those.

    +7 Insightful (AND +14 Enhancement) on random loot isn't out-growing level 25 raid loot, it's curb-stomping it.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

  11. #151
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoWorries View Post
    If you are running a level 10 quest on elite = ML 12 items
    If you are running a level 10 quest on elite with +5 boost = ML 17 items

    If most players would prefer a range of minimum levels, it would be possible to make it so a level 10 quest on normal could drop ML 9 and 10 or even ML 8, 9 and 10 loot (beyond that range would increase the work quite a bit which would still be possible, but probably would happen later).
    I would prefer that running a L10 quest on elite dropped L10 items and running it on normal dropped ML8. You'd still get loot you can use, but would still always be on the lookout for better loot, passing things down from alts or seeking out things on the auction house. Let's please always include considerations of how we incentivise the interplayer economy when it comes to random loot.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  12. #152
    Community Member RD2play's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
    My previous questions were ignored....

    Does loot level still cap at character level +5?
    Does loot level still cap at level 30 + 2 jewel + 1 guild boost (no other boosts will let you go over 30)?
    +4 tomes used to drop as level 27 loots until Update 19 when they were removed from the random tables. Will +4 and higher tomes drop in the random loot tables or will random stat tomes still cap at +3?
    I will raise you one!

    level 30 on normal = 32 on elite +1 ship +2 loot weekend +2 loot gem +1 chest blesser = whopping level 38 chest! so good question!
    G-land, Balistas Magicas, Bashukar Bloodaxe, Kobur Curse of Dragon, Necromatix

  13. #153
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoWorries View Post
    Extra Lucky Loot

    You can now get extra power on an item! In addition to the normal range of effect power an item can have, there will be the rare chance of the item getting even more power beyond its normal range for that minimum level.
    Will loot that is "extra lucky" have some way of seeing that it is extra lucky? When loot is a bit better than "normal", I might not notice at first glance and might vendor an item that I should have kept/sold on the AH. If "extra lucky" items have a different color border or something similar in the same way that we currently have different borders for different tiers of items (teal/blue/orange), that would be really handy.
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  14. #154
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qezuzu View Post
    Is there any plan to bring back clickies? Nothing OP about a Cloak of Invisibility seeing as every new quest is kill to advance

    Do you intend for lootgen weapons to be possibly stronger than Thunderforged or Legendary Greensteel, however improbable? What about CitW weapons (the ones without expanded crit) or other commonly used named but not crafted weapons?

    Can you give us any information about Cannith Crafting or is that not fleshed out yet (cause it's supposed to maybe possibly be u29.1)? If I had to take a wild guess I would assume you would do something like:

    Shard of Strength + Shard of Dodge + Disjunctioned Bracers = Strength Bracers of Dodge (ML1, thus only +1 STR and +1 dodge).

    Strength Bracers of Dodge (ML1) + Cannith Shard of Power (lvl13) = Stength Bracers of Dodge (ML13 thus +5 STR +4 dodge or whatever).
    I miss clickies and I would love to see some come back into use.
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  15. #155
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    Random loot pass (and cannith crafting pass later) succeeds to the extent the following is true:

    1. there are some random loot combinations you can get that you can't find anywhere else
    2. there are some named loot combinations you can get that you can't find anywhere else
    3. there are some crafted combinations you can get that you can't find anywhere else

    I'm convinced based on the description so far that 1 will hold; my guess is many but not all lower level named items will be overshadowed however high level/end game named items will probably still be highly sought. 3 remains to be seen.

    Developer NoWorries said that masterful/wondrous modifiers were up for debate ("Not yet determined"); I suggest that they be a percentage based occurrence that rises on hard and again on elite. That is to say give hard and elite chests a better chance to drop masterful and wondrous items. That will help to offset the likelihood of looting stuff with a ML over the characters as well as make hard/elite incrementally more rewarding. You might also consider making them a scaling modifier as well so that it's not limited to adjusting by one or two steps but maybe even (and very rarely) up to four steps lower ML than it otherwise would be.

  16. #156
    Community Member RD2play's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HungarianRhapsody View Post
    Will loot that is "extra lucky" have some way of seeing that it is extra lucky? When loot is a bit better than "normal", I might not notice at first glance and might vendor an item that I should have kept/sold on the AH. If "extra lucky" items have a different color border or something similar in the same way that we currently have different borders for different tiers of items (teal/blue/orange), that would be really handy.
    an extra lucky item will have 3 effects instead of 2 (the way I understand) so I think it will be very noticeable.
    G-land, Balistas Magicas, Bashukar Bloodaxe, Kobur Curse of Dragon, Necromatix

  17. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by RD2play View Post
    an extra lucky item will have 3 effects instead of 2 (the way I understand) so I think it will be very noticeable.
    The extra effect chance is a side thing similar to the chance for an augment slot.

    Getting the extra lucky slight increase in power is a different aspect. The plan is to have the icon border colors change when it hit the lucky table on at least one effect. That is not currently happening on this Lama preview.

  18. #158
    Community Member RD2play's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoWorries View Post
    The extra effect chance is a side thing similar to the chance for an augment slot.

    Getting the extra lucky slight increase in power is a different aspect. The plan is to have the icon border colors change when it hit the lucky table on at least one effect. That is not currently happening on this Lama preview.
    ok great thanks for the explanation.
    G-land, Balistas Magicas, Bashukar Bloodaxe, Kobur Curse of Dragon, Necromatix

  19. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoWorries View Post

    Prefixes and Suffixes

    Currently on the Live servers, random loot has a Prefix, a Suffix, and an Enhancement bonus, and the overall power of the item is divided between the three effects.

    Going forward, Prefixes, Suffixes, and Enhancement bonuses will be independent of one another, meaning you can get multiple very good effects on a given item. Additionally, there is a chance for an additional effect to go along with the Prefix and Suffix, which is also independent. Giving the possibility of 3 effects on the item all of which determine their own level independently.
    If I understand correctly, then either:
    • new random loot will be twice as powerful as old random loot, because the new loot can have a strong suffix and strong prefix at the same time, or
    • old random loot will be vastly more desirable because you can concentrate all of the power in either the prefix or the suffix

    Or you could do something sorry if in-between where a new prefix/suffix is two-thirds as powerful as an old prefix/suffix, but new items get two useful effects whereas for old random root you were often better off with a single full-strength effect.

    Either way, it sounds like balancing the new loot with old loot will be extremely challenging. I hope the new loot doesn't cause a massive power creep. Heroic content is already much too easy.
    My toon: Agthorr on Khyber

  20. #160
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hit_fido View Post
    I'm convinced based on the description so far that 1 will hold; my guess is many but not all lower level named items will be overshadowed however high level/end game named items will probably still be highly sought. 3 remains to be seen.

    I did some running around and pulling random loot on the test server, here's my observations:

    1. Heroic level random gen loot is much better. Even without lucky boosties (I didn't pull anything rare), I was getting stuff like 3d6 fire damage at level 18 AND a +6 enhancement AND a suffix that added something else. So that's much better than what you can get nowadays at level 18, when you're lucky to get +2 of 1d6 fire and stunning 8 or similar.

    2. The epic random lootgen is approx where it is now in terms of the size of the bonus you're likely to pull on equipment. I ran some eE gianthold and I was pulling level 27 stuff with +9 bonuses (no lucky pulls). That's about where level 27 loot is now. HOWEVER the weapons and armor were much better--if you got a bonus, it wasn't crappy due to the weapon enhancement eating most of the bonus potential of the item. I also pulled a set of level 27 armor with +11 con on it, so that was nice.

    So, basically:

    Random lootgen weapons and armor are better (which is good, because they were arse before)
    Equipment is somewhat better at heroic levels
    Epic equipment is about the same except for lucky pulls (I saw one that someone linked, it had a big wizardry and insightful int and something else like accuracy on it, very nice)
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