Just wanted to share some thoughts after trying all destinies in different life and having some thoughts about each.

So gonna talk about speheres, and some tweaking nerfing/improving where i think should be needed

Divine Spehere

Cores different and dont dublicate so its k i guess.

Divine Crusader
As caster-fighter type ed it's good but there are something hidden what is broken in entire tree
Castigation: Your Aura of Purification also harms nearby enemies, dealing Bane damage every 3 seconds. Non-bosses take damage equal to 1% of their current health for each stack of Purification they have. Bosses instead take 1d6 Bane damage per stack of Purification.

it can cap to 25% of bane damage equal to current HP, this effect can allow you kill monsters by doing minimal damage or aoe damage to give dozen stacks quikly, in any sense damage which says i remove % of hp should not exist (Learn lessons from MF)

Exalted Angel
1.st It's a fine ed for light based casters but there are couple issues. I don't mind that anyone can access ed it's maybe fair, but i do mind some effects like
Leap of Faith: Active Ability: (Cooldown 3 seconds, 10 sp) Leap through air (like leap of faith). Costs 10 sp, recharges at a rate of 15 seconds in private areas and 3 seconds in public areas. If you already possess this ability, it now recharges at a rate of 1 every 12 seconds in private areas.

It should be unique effect which is accessed by couple classes by either investent in class (fvs/monk) or by investment in ap (sorc-air). To let anyone who uses this ed get leap for 2 AP it's not fair.

2.nd There is issue with cores, getting sla of cure moderate wounds mass maybe fair for ed, but getting at same time another for
Transcendental Magic: Passive Bonus:+3 to the DC of all your spells. It's hard to find reasoning why non aarchmage ed gets for free +3 to all dc schools while caster spec on dc ed gives some sp, caster level same as draconic and capstone of.
Arcane Spellsurge: Active Ability: (Cooldown 4 mins) +5 to all spell DCs for 20 seconds. - it's hard to use dc burst effect which lasts 20 seconds and have cooldown like this, while exalted angel gets so much dc all time+leap+usefull sla+good efects and heals for group

Sentinental - Is good tanking ed with some healing splash i really like it, but i find not fair of how "epic moment" works. I understand that getting 10k hp for 20 seconds is like OMG but, why it's once per rest, why it have no cd and not reusable, why in some raids where there are no shrines it's single clickie boost for 20 seconds.

Arcane Sphere
Each ed should lead to different path, 2 spheres are technicly identical, while draconic should focus on caster level for damage with caster level cap increase too without sp bonus (sorc etc have enough sp already no reason to give them even more to use ruin more offen)
archamge on dc lets say +1 dc at least per core with spell penetration and sp for cc spells - make us choose it for those who wanna get highest dc on spells

Draconic incarnation -
1.st ED is nice for damage casters, energy burst OP, etc but it's kinda sad effects like Dragon breath have 5 uses only would love to see more clickies of it, 5 are not enough, if you wanna benefit from it you ust zerg to gather enough oppoennts to make it worth to use, turning down damage and letting use without 5 uses restriction would alow casters to zerg less on "gathering" bunch of mobs for burst.
2.nd Energy burst is too strong to be twistable, something that can go and do so much aoe damage if used wisely is bad option to give, anything that gives too much benefit compared to other choices leads to a point when ed itself is less atractive while you get best things in twists. It should be at least T5 as leap and other similiar effects, shooting 5-15k fire blasts on my warchanter who uses cha scrore on frozen mobs leads to inbalance.
3.rd it's kinda hard to benefit on epic moment which says gather as much as possible monsters to benefit (also charge getting is kinda broken and takes too long)

Ed is terrible even for bards who should main it, no other build would even use it while other ed a way better
1.st - For caster bards who lacks aoe damage you give song which have no scaling and worth to use maybe in heroics as ED effect. 100-200 sonic negative in total damage even if its aoe it's a joke
Dirge: (Song, AoE effect, Cooldown: 6 seconds) Expend a song to produce a haunting funeral march. You deal 10d[4/6/8] Negative damage and 10d[8/10/12] Sonic damage every 3 seconds for 18 seconds (fort save for half). In addition, enemies may be slowed by 5% if they fail their fort save. Duration 18 seconds (modified by enhancements that increase song duration).
Specialy when most monsters either immune to negative or gets healed by it.
2.nd gives almost no benefit on dps bards, even epic moment:
Turn of the Tide: (Active Cooldown: 6 mins) Spontaneous Song (expend a song to activate). Turn of the Tide grants a full BAB, +3 to hit, +40% damage, DR 15/-, a +4 Charisma, and deals +5d10 +75 Sonic damage and +5d10 +75 Light damage per hit. (This magical damage does not affect Bosses.) While under the effects of Turn of the Tide, rolling a 1 on a Will save is not an automatic failure. Duration: 20 seconds (affected by lingering song and similar effects). Is too short and have close to no effect on bosses. Compare this epic moment for let's say blitz, which gives 70% damage +50dodge / 30 prr can be kept for long time as long as you attack and even reused in shorter times.

same boat as FateSinger 1 of worst ED in game with close to no use, with small buffs, little damage, almost non existing dc bonus.
1.st Magister ed should give feeling of dc increase if you waste 12 ap to get +6 score - (1/2 ap of total) to get +3 dc while exalted angel gets +3 pernament dc in core for free i call it bad design.
2.nd most of what this ed gives it's add penalty on failed spell casting to make other spells to land easier. Wait what is better? to get +3 DC to make 15% spell more effective on landing lets say or to make 25% better chance after failed cc spell which have it's cooldown and cost sp. You giving obvious choices and while raising dc and debuffing eats most ap in end you are worse in all aspects than exalted angel twisted dc caster who can twist as lvl 2 slot +3 single school dc bonus making +6 to certain schrool and adding +3 to remaining or even if hes cha based getting +6 to all and +9 to certain school


Primal avatar
is broken not usable ed with many drawbacks on use while druids can use draconic and get way better benefits than little frogs or small bonuses, and is usable only by exploits as 1 of biggest exploited builds in history which is still not fixed.
1.st give more choices to pick ir for caster, that even sorc would have choice between using it or draconic, ed must be challanging othervise everyone use same ed all the time.
2.nd If it has design for DPS make it again worth to take by giving better stuff than +5% damage on duals on T4 while LD provides 70% damage. +5% damage is joke at T4 while you give at T3 ability to knockdown with no saves - which is most offen twisted
3.rd cocon is broken BEYOND. There are in ed only 4 like this to heal up:
1) Lay on Hands limited uses Limited Power
2) Core sla on Exalted angel which force you play Ed
3) renew as T3 which heals less and targets only ally, not you unless you use Ed
4) this heals most of all, targets anyone, even gives shield, and is T1
You technicly say all zergers pick sense weakness/draconic burst as much damage as you can and leave last slot for 1 of best heals in game. This effect is way better than renewal which for some reason is T3, effect like this is as minimum T4 - AS MINIMUM, there should be reasoning to choose between damage and sustain now you give best ed damage effects to twists with on top of that free heal for anyone

Issues with spike damage, spikes to an orbit while most of times doing same as fatesinger ed user
1st Gives so much single button push damage making those 10w or slay arrows broken while also making simple attacks (better poke). Would be more wisely tune down damage by half and letting it use more offen than most of times waiting your next slay arrow or special attack which scales it to an orbit
2nd make it more rewarding on con str, rage duration or on survivability more, so it would be proper choice for melee
3rd same as energy burst is way too strong T5 barbarian gives 15% T4 on ninja while spending 26 ap gives less than 4th level slot twist. It as powerfull as leap, draconic burst whihc is twisted so offen becouse it's OP it's at least T5 level ability
Sense Weakness: Passive Bonus: You deal [10/20/30]% extra damage to helpless targets. Your melee attacks deal [1d8/1d8/1d8] extra untyped damage to enemies below 75% HP, [0/1d12/1d12] extra damage to enemies below 50% HP, and [0/0/1d20] extra damage to enemies below 25% HP. These are cumulative.

Ed which suits casters more than archers, Archers gets clsoe to non benefit from it.
1.st why throwable weapons only benefit from it? add missle speed at T5 making bow crossbow users to even consider it as choice
2.nd add ranged damage most of stuff it buffs is hit bonus and not damage why get another +10 hit bonus for archer while same ED gives 70% total damage boost
3.rd casters have 4-6 ED choices already i don't see reason why it should give bonuses to casters also while archers don't have any unique ed for them.

Shadowdancer - 1 of most useless ed, which buffs assasins a bit which is at best only twistable for assasins. ED gives close to non options how to assisinate by adding little dc little skill bonus and some sneak, while giving evasion which isn't even needed for assasins couse htye have by this time imporved evasion
1.st Executioner's Strike/Shot: Active Ability: (Cooldown: 30 seconds) Melee or ranged attack. Perform an attack with +[1/2/3][W] damage, +1 critical threat range and +1 critical damage multiplier. On hit: You have a 35% chance to kill a living target instantly if the target fails a Fortitude save (DC 7 + Character level + DEX modifier + Number of Shadow Charges). Even on successful save target takes an additional [50/75/100] damage from this attack. Wait how it happend that assasins favorite ed give unique assisination which have 35% to even work out and there is on top of that save? If assisination worked like that no one ever would play it. If you already made OP ed like giving leap, 400% damage hits etc why assisination in ed is so terrible at T5???
2.nd getting charges is hard takes skill to learn how to gather them properly and manage time before mark dissapears, most of time if u try lasthit in group you will fail if somone hits monster first
3.rd Epic moment is loughable even fatesingers Epic moment is better and we already talked how bad it is.
4.th shadow form is weak, lvl 6 monk technicly gets same from ninja as ed T6 it could be better.

Legendary dreadnought - is solo top king of all dps ED, it gives HP, dc, all missing action boosts, even more Damage, Harper ping effect, damage reduction boost, Blitz - most broken effect which is if considered Epic moment have no other even close to its power (70% damage prr etc which have low CD, can be kept during all quest and on top of that dont require anything to be activated just to attack after activation)
not to mention Action Boosts gives 50% more damage on helpless. There is no other ed which favors DPS this much, other ed beats this only if user have no damage to begin with like tanks or swasbuclers dps. Even rogs with crossbows uses it to reach insane Ranged power and solo quests like FoT
1.st As tiwstable ed it gives close to no benefit comapred to other mmaybe DC and action boosts which leads to a point either dont use it at all other gives way more benefits or use it and be strongest of them all
2.nd It should focus more on weapon themselves not favor certain weapons like axes gets multiplayers and bludgeoning gets treat range. It should effect in some way piering slashing etc too.
3.rd Giving so much damage and resistance makes DPS OP in many cases specialy with fully stacked Blitz it should be something as Fury ED by constantly attacking getting charges etc, it's already have unlimited duration as long as you attack like no other does

Grandmaster of flowers - It's maybe fun on monks, but not fair that while there are 18 playable classes technicly entire ED focuses on that, while when there are artificers/rangers/mechanics/throwers have no real Ranged fight spec ed so i find it's unfair, but on top of that, this ed is not worth to be picked right now, at best twisted with maybe to use epic moment for fun. LD favors monks again way better by giving dozen of damage prr etc what this ed sadly don't do
1.st make it more based on multiple classes its favors only class in game and yet its worse than LD ed
2.nd Give some reasons why it should be picked as a martail ED choice what would be worth and unique compared to others

Conclusion would be Right now there are no Balance in ED
Magister < Exalted angel for dc
Any martial sphere even close to power of LD
There is no real unique ed for archers while there are more archers builds than monks ever was
Some ED are so bad they are not even considered playable, unless you troll or don't know much about ed
some twists are overpowered while others in same tear not even usable if you use that ED.
some twists are so weak they are not considered to pickable
some effects should be removed entirely or added to T6 as hard choice like leap of faith.
so effects should be moved up while being stronger than even higher tier effects in other trees while some should be turned down as being too weak even compared to lowest tear twists

To make any kind of balance with ED each time somone picks effect it should be reasoning better than "there is nothing better to be even pickable", There should be advantages and disatvatages like going more tanky resuts in less damage, while going damage results in harder time to survive, Except sentinental no other ed challanges LD so much on survivability, while LD already being best and only DPS option.
Draconic burst is way stronger have 2x less cooldown even unlimited use just by pool and twistable, compare that to breath
cocon being better effect than most T4 twists are and still being at T1 all this time
T1 abilities what gives same bonuses as Epic Feats are worst choices than other effects
Archamge T2 twist gives same DC as 3 feats combined
etc etc... all these are results of bad design
Even Capstones of cores and "epic moments" are so failed it's not funny when some epic moments are being so useless hardly anyone pick or use them while some capstones being so strong and are getted for free. (like compare shadowdancer epic moment to crusader capstone) 1 requires tons of investment and gives nothing just poke damage and another beats Blitz effect in short term. Some Ed misses epic moments some have too strong, some capstones are so weak no one even bother to use and others are too strong.
Epic moment on each ED should be signature of that ED itself being reason why to even use ED.

Give some thouhts on what you agree, disagree, and add more what i didn't mentioned