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like he said, serious downsides, you'll need serious grinding and a proper build to support it, assuming you wish to contribute in endgame.
Each fighting style has it's up and downs
2hf is relatively simple, less stats juggling, less grinding, easier to deal with DR/X, less but bigger hits handles DR better, often cleaving they ignore attack speed debuffs. Often forgotten by the devs in terms of loot and new feats. Double strike is pretty useless for cleavers. Hitboxes are easier to reach
2wf: lots of grinding, dr breakers become essential, more dps, from sneak attack, fighter feats, attack speed boosts etc, double strike only works for the main hand, has a small hitbox.
Swf, cheap, less grinding, super fast attacks with back up from doublestrike, dr breakers are important, but cheaper because you only need 1. feels like you're a bird, pecking away, really fast but small numbers.
so yeah
2wf can still make an impact, the biggest problem i see a lot of melee's have these days at endgame is staying alive, can your 2wf build handle the incoming damage? enough saves/evasion/mrr/prr/hp/healamp/etc?
a pure ranger without proper saves is a backpack filler in EE ToEE, a wrongly build barbarian trusting on healing from his T5 will quickly be overwhelmed if he skips on heal-amp, a rog that get's surrounded by the ogres in ToEE ends up with his head on the wall like a trophy.
Build, play style, gear and player skills are a strong factor in making a mere decent melee.
Update 29 is coming as well, many of the feats are already presented broken, gimped, use impaired and overly caster orientated.
However, as a 2wf you do have a unique opportunity to test the earth, wind&fire scion feats (yeah water too), a ToEE set grants 20 MP, your offhand weapon could be a cheap upgrade to those feats, +156 fire/electric/cold/acid spellpower, Spellcasting Implement +21.
Where no self respecting 2hf would sacrifice a slot for an element (since good/heal/repair spell power and meteor star already compete for the spot), you however have the opportunity to use the ToEE base weapon to boost the damage on the scion feats, those elemental scion feats will boost your defenses too.