In a lot of ways the Acrobat is a fairly advanced build. Unless you are really set on Acrobat, you would likely have as easier time with a different melee (Pally being the easy choice) However, if you are just planning on playing around heroics and looking for an interesting playstyle (and really want to play an Acrobat) it can work -- however, be prepared.. it will be a rough ride.
As Grail mentioned, you are really going to want a named quarterstaff -- Arlyn's or Chieftain's would be fine at low levels (and if all you get to is level 12 it will serve you fine up until then). If your willing to do some farming, the heroic Elemental Bloom is ML:7 and will carry you all the way to level 20
The other issue your going to have is healing. At Epic levels there are a number of options but low levels are more restrictive. While you should have enough UMD to whip out Cure Critical wands between combats, you are going to want a in-combat option (beyond just cure serious pots). For what your doing, it might be worth looking at a
Halfling Acrobat.
You can use the dragonmark of healing for emergency in-combat heals, extra sneak dice and saves, and halflings are cute
As you are mostly looking at low level heroics, pure rogue is simpler and better in a lot of ways vs the monk/rogue split. Feats will look something like this:
Base: Power Attack (1), Cleave (3), Great Cleave (6), Dragonmark of Healing (9), IC: Bludgeoning (12), Two Handed Fighting (15), Improved Two Handed Fighting (18), Overwhelming Critical (21), Greater Two Handed Fighting (24), Improved Sneak Attack? (27)
Drop 12 AP into Halfling for Greater Dragonmark; 41 AP into Acrobat, 6 AP into Harper (Know the Angles) leaving you 21 points to pick up Nimbleness in the Assassin tree.
Your likely better off with a Pally (considering your play time investment), but if you really want to run a Rogue Acrobat, the above should work.
Good Luck!