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  1. #1
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Default Devs: For Goodness Sake Update the Epic Hirelings!

    Can we please get a Dev to work on the Epic Hirelings one by one {No over-arching bandaid that's supposed to fix all - Specific Buffs and changes to specific Hirelings!}.

    Some problems and ideas {Obviously I can't cover everything but this should help}:

    The Divines
    Add Albus to the Epic Hireling Vendors in the Marketplace and Eveningstar!

    Upgrade Wyoh to Lvl 21 and buff her Implosion DC.

    Upgrade Selis to Lvl 22 and swap out Death Pact for Destruction {Make sure she has an EH capable DC!}.

    Upgrade Luna to Lvl 24 and swap out Judgement for Mass Deathward!

    Upgrade Brec to Lvl 25 and swap out Renewal, Smite the Wicked and Heroes Feast for Blade Barrier, FoM and Heal Mass {Make sure he knows to cast Heal by himself - We can tell him when we need a Mass!}.

    Upgrade Andaro to Lvl 26 and swap out Firestorm and Judgement for Mass Deathward and Mass Spell Res.

    Leave Erytheia at Lvl 27 but buff her Implosion DC and give her the full Exalted Angel Light Spam layout while making sure she has the Light SLAs ready to be spammed!

    Upgrade Garrett to Lvl 28 - Give him Full Unyielding Sentinel Destiny + Twists from Exalted Angel: Endless Faith & Healing Power.


    Leave Lilo at 21 - She's perfectly fine as she is.

    Upgrade Mussassaba to Lvl 24 and swap out Haste Boost for Assassinate {Make sure his DC is high enough for Base Lvl 23 EHs and Base Lvl 22 EEs!}.

    Upgrade Cassandra {Acrobat} to Lvl 26 and put her in full Unyielding Sentinel with Lithe and Technician twisted in! {Make sure she has a Decent Staff - Give her Sireth if you have to!}.

    Upgrade Iessin to Lvl 28 and put him in full Shadowdancer - His Disable DC should be no lower than 90!, His Search DC should be no lower than 84!, His Open Lock DC should be no lower than 80! His Spot DC should be no lower than 70!


    Upgrade Rovegar to Lvl 22 and swap out Resilience and Great Cleave for Power Attack and Momentum Swing! {Cleave and Great Cleave should be on his spam list along with Trip!}.

    Sadiele is absolutely fine just the way she is - DO NOT TOUCH!

    Kieran needs to be in Full Unyielding Sentinel with Vigor of Battle always on!
    2x Brace for Impact
    3x Commanding Presence
    3x Shield Prowess
    3x Legendary Shield Mastery
    3x Strength of Vitality
    3x Hardened
    3x Ward against Evil
    Purify Weapon

    Legendary Tactics
    Purge the Wicked


    Upgrade Tarlov to Lvl 25 {actually Lvl 25 Ranger in full Primal Avatar}.
    Swap out Mass Camo and Stay Frosty for Coccoon and Summon Dryad!
    Twist - Fast Healing.


    Sledge is actually fine as he is.


    Upgrade Grobbin to Lvl 22 and swap out Sigil of Warding, Disjunction and Dominate for Greater Heroism, Haste and Rage!
    Give him Magic Missile, Chain Missile and Ice Storm to spam.
    Make sure he has the requisite Cold and Force Spwr/Crit Chances for his Level.
    Enhancements: Evocation Archmage + Harper.
    ED: Give him 12 points in Magister.

    Upgrade Lyvwen to Lvl 24

    Upgrade Shael to Lvl 26

    Upgrade Boltha to Lvl 28

    There should NEVER be any Hires of Lvl 29 or 30!

    Legendary Content should be marked as Hirelings not allowed!

    Raid Slayer Zones - Heroic SubT, Cannith Manufactory Raid Zones.
    Please Devs can you re-code these to allow Hirelings!

    With upgrading Wyoh to 21 you also have access to:
    Upgrade Klin to Lvl 20 {Don't give him any Epic abilities or add him to the Epic Vendors - He's just hit 20}.
    Upgrade Heystack to Lvl 19
    Upgrade Ayron to Lvl 18 {Yay we now get DV one level higher!}.
    Upgrade Natasha to Lvl 17
    That leaves Isadora at 16 still but now the highest Heroic Level to have two Cleric Hires will be 14 rather than 16.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 11-28-2015 at 05:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Xahtep's Avatar
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    While we are at it, make a epic version of Larafay on full exalted angel with necro specialist and energy burst (fire) twisted

  3. #3
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeonAureo View Post
    While we are at it, make a epic version of Larafay on full exalted angel with necro specialist and energy burst (fire) twisted
    Selis and Erytheia are Prime Candidates!

    Selis' Flavour text = A sibilant angel of an ancient snake cult, Selis has favored you for mysterious reasons of her own…
    Hardly the flavour text of a born Healer - Selis is Drow just like Larafay and Caraneth {the two out and out DPS FavSoul Hirelings} and considering her Death Pact is functionally useless it's an easy swap out for Destruction.
    With her only being Lvl 21 or with my proposed upgrade 22 however it might be a bit much to ask for her to be in full EA with perfect twists which would assume she'd E-TRd at least twice just to get to the Arcane Sphere and back.

    Erytheia's Flavour text = A Morninglord of Amaunator, Erytheia is a bringer of light to dark and shadowed places
    At Lvl 27 she would be a better bet for full Destiny + Twists but seems more Light Specced than Necro. {She does have Implosion so give her Evoc specialist instead.}.

  4. #4
    Community Member Jetrule's Avatar
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    There are several new additions to players choices recently and coming soon that beef up hirelings. I was wondering if the devs would like to see players builds for existing hires that include updated enhancement trees and feats. There is no reason that the level 26 fighter should be so paper soft that he cant survive e.n. quests at level.

    The bards have selections in their toolbar that don't work so do the rogues. The palis have old enhancements that stoped working and were there fore made weaker. Same with the barbarians. There are no monks druids warlocks and 1 ranger only.

    I would for example if the devs wanted make characters to any level they wished just send me a l.r. heart I will make it. Or for some up to lvl 15 any way I could do it with a iconic throw away. I would make a flavor build first lifer with pure class and no equipment. If epic only one destiny no twists set to the appropriate level. For example I might make the lvl 22 barb mostly ravager with some points in warforged and in occult slayer. and lvl 3.5 in furry of the wild. Focusing on healing amp and two handed weapon fighting and stunning blow.

    Or the level 15 bard with 58 action points almost evenly distributed in swashbuckler war chanter and spell singer. Feats in single weapon fighting and evo focuses for sla's with a maximized for his sonic burst spam. The best thing is his iron skin chant would actually work. His rapier would also benefit from swashbuckling.
    Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion

  5. #5
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jetrule View Post
    There are several new additions to players choices recently and coming soon that beef up hirelings. I was wondering if the devs would like to see players builds for existing hires that include updated enhancement trees and feats. There is no reason that the level 26 fighter should be so paper soft that he cant survive e.n. quests at level.

    The bards have selections in their toolbar that don't work so do the rogues. The palis have old enhancements that stoped working and were there fore made weaker. Same with the barbarians. There are no monks druids warlocks and 1 ranger only.

    I would for example if the devs wanted make characters to any level they wished just send me a l.r. heart I will make it. Or for some up to lvl 15 any way I could do it with a iconic throw away. I would make a flavor build first lifer with pure class and no equipment. If epic only one destiny no twists set to the appropriate level. For example I might make the lvl 22 barb mostly ravager with some points in warforged and in occult slayer. and lvl 3.5 in furry of the wild. Focusing on healing amp and two handed weapon fighting and stunning blow.

    Or the level 15 bard with 58 action points almost evenly distributed in swashbuckler war chanter and spell singer. Feats in single weapon fighting and evo focuses for sla's with a maximized for his sonic burst spam. The best thing is his iron skin chant would actually work. His rapier would also benefit from swashbuckling.

    A couple of the old enhancements still work on Hirelings {Shadow for instance makes great use of the old Rogue Mech Self Repair ability - Which I do NOT want removed! I only wish the Devs would put it back in for Rogue Mechs to take if they wish.}.

    As for player created Hirelings - It's a great idea and if the Devs asked me I'd happily donate one of my characters {so long as it was my choice which one} to become a Hireling.
    Hirelings only have 4 abilities usable by you and a small number of spammable abilities they can use themselves.
    So when working out enhancements for hirelings you're constrained by the need to push Passive Enhancements: No point giving Sledge, Cleave, Great Cleave, Supreme Cleave, Momentum Swing etc. etc. as you won't be able to tell him to use them and he can only spam 3-4 abilities.
    No point giving Kieran a bunch of Leg Dread Action Boosts either.

    In the OP I've had to place Kieran for instance in full US with a whole bunch of passive abilities that players wouldn't take as there's no point giving him TU abilities {He's a Fighter not a Pally or Cleric}.

    We also don't need a whole bunch of new Hirelings {Druids, Artis, Monks etc.}.
    Most levels have multiple choices already and adding in new ones would just leave some hirelings seeing zero usage.

    I wouldn't complain about a couple more Hirelings in Epic Levels to fill in gaps but let's make sure they're done right.
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 11-28-2015 at 09:46 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Jetrule's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    A couple of the old enhancements still work on Hirelings {Shadow for instance makes great use of the old Rogue Mech Self Repair ability - Which I do NOT want removed! I only wish the Devs would put it back in for Rogue Mechs to take if they wish.}.

    As for player created Hirelings - It's a great idea and if the Devs asked me I'd happily donate one of my characters {so long as it was my choice which one} to become a Hireling.
    Hirelings only have 4 abilities usable by you and a small number of spammable abilities they can use themselves.
    So when working out enhancements for hirelings you're constrained by the need to push Passive Enhancements: No point giving Sledge, Cleave, Great Cleave, Supreme Cleave, Momentum Swing etc. etc. as you won't be able to tell him to use them and he can only spam 3-4 abilities.
    No point giving Kieran a bunch of Leg Dread Action Boosts either.

    In the OP I've had to place Kieran for instance in full US with a whole bunch of passive abilities that players wouldn't take as there's no point giving him TU abilities {He's a Fighter not a Pally or Cleric}.

    We also don't need a whole bunch of new Hirelings {Druids, Artis, Monks etc.}.
    Most levels have multiple choices already and adding in new ones would just leave some hirelings seeing zero usage.

    I wouldn't complain about a couple more Hirelings in Epic Levels to fill in gaps but let's make sure they're done right.

    Indeed I would give sledge stunning blow, rage, primal scream and boulder toss as activces. let him do his own cleaves and potion drink automatically. I would still make Kerian legendary dreadnought. with stalwart defensive stance, Masters Blitz, Stunning Shield, and For Cormyr! (pdk racial) as active choices. He would have lots of passives from the stalwart defender vanguard and pdk trees. He could self spam potion heals and great cleaves, His destiny l.d. would spend on con pionts and the passive enhancements and masters blitz. First life fighters would be hard pressed to be in full U.S. at lvl 26.
    Last edited by Jetrule; 11-28-2015 at 10:03 PM.
    Percivaul Dusol, BadRandall and Shortpact--The Silver Legion

  7. #7
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jetrule View Post
    Indeed I would give sledge stunning blow, rage, primal scream and boulder toss as activces. let him do his own cleaves and potion drink automatically. I would still make Kerian legendary dreadnought. with stalwart defensive stance, Masters Blitz, Stunning Shield, and For Cormyr! (pdk racial) as active choices. He would have lots of passives from the stalwart defender vanguard and pdk trees. He could self spam potion heals and great cleaves, His destiny l.d. would spend on con pionts and the passive enhancements and masters blitz. First life fighters would be hard pressed to be in full U.S. at lvl 26.
    Aye if he was 1st Life with no E-TRs.

    I'm pretty sure it's impossible for a first life Fighter to max US at 26 without E-TRing at least once.
    You have to max LD and GMoF just to get to US don't you?

    But let's consider that Lvl 26+ Content should probably be for players with at least an E-TR behind them and give the Lvl 26-28 Hires the benefits of having maxed at least one Sphere and be in the Destiny of their choice.
    You can max a Sphere {Martial in Kieran's case} by the time you hit 28 and he could have gone into US and stayed in it with twists from Martial on his E-TR.

  8. #8
    Community Member EnziteBob's Avatar
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    Keep Death pact on Selis. Don't know how many times having her pop back up long enough to throw a heal or rez has saved the quest.

  9. #9
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EnziteBob View Post
    Keep Death pact on Selis. Don't know how many times having her pop back up long enough to throw a heal or rez has saved the quest.
    That would be NONE!

    Because it doesn't work!

    And actually even if it did work it wouldn't be worth a bar slot on a Divine Hireling!

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    I'm pretty sure it's impossible for a first life Fighter to max US at 26 without E-TRing at least once.
    You have to max LD and GMoF just to get to US don't you?
    If you start in Legendary Dreadnought, you need to get level 3 LD (720k) and levek 4 GMoF (1080k) to unlock US. That means you can max it with 3,78,0000 which is firmly in level 25. If you also wanted Master's Blitz thst would be 4,980,000 which is still in level 26,

    A fighter could also start directly in GMoF (but you'd still need LD for Master's Blitz), so maxed US just after pinging level 25.

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