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  1. #1
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    Default cosmetic doesn't look like the original

    Hey peeps,
    I don't want to wake customer support or ingame help since it is really not urgent but I made a cosmetic from the exoskeleton

    and it doesn't look like the exoskeleton. anyone got experience with that?

    Thanks for answers.
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  2. #2
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    Docents look different depending on your body feat. Are you Adamantine, Mithral, or Composite? I think mine looked like the the one on the wiki picture, except gray. I had an Adamantine body.
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  3. #3
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    All adamantine.
    But maybe the cosmetic looks diff on a bladeforged?
    I have to test that. next post coming soon.
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  4. #4
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    Yep, on my warforged caster it looks just like it should.
    Guess I will send that bug in.
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  5. #5
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    Thanks, will pass it along to someone on the art team. I would also recommend getting in touch with Customer Support, and explain that you purchased a Mirror of Glamering and the resulting cosmetic was bugged.
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  6. #6
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    TY, I'll do that.
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  7. #7
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    We did some digging on this, and it looks like something we'll need to get a systems dev to fix. Technically, there's a workaround until we fix it: If you equip the cosmetic with cosmetic visibility turned OFF, it'll display, but you'll need to re-equip it every time you toggle cosmetic settings or re-log. There's something in the Bladeforged "body override" that isn't playing well.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Ryethiel's Avatar
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    Default While they're at it.

    While we're on this Topic of Wonky Mirror of Glamering behavior, how about this? I Glamered a Divine Artillery

    On the left is the default Crossbow. In the middle and the right is the Glamered one. I used a Glamered Aura from the Store the to remove the Purple "Force" Aura.

    Allow me to explain what is going on here. I noticed some odd behavior with both the default Divine Artillery itself AND all other Glamered Crossbows that I have.

    Specific to the Divine Artillery itself, there is an odd thing about it, whether it's glamored or not, and it's to do with the Strings. They only sometimes show. For example, while in the Market, they just won't show, however, while in the Bank, they will. To note, there doesn't seem to be a pattern the behavior of the strings showing. I'm currently in the Market, and they're actually showing, but will disappear if I move into the Bank... :P

    Now, an issue specific to Glamered Crossbows, is that there is no Bolt visible in the Crossbow. Only when I'm showing a default skin is the Bolt visible.

    Another issue specific to ANY Glamered Crossbow that I wield, if I switch my Rune Arm, the Crossbow becomes invisible in my hands. The only way to get it showing again, is to either switch Crossbows, or just re-equip it. (Obviously, this doesn't happen if I just have a default skin showing)
    Last edited by Ryethielnas; 11-24-2015 at 03:31 PM.
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  9. #9
    Community Member rcmcneil's Avatar
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    Since this is a recent thread about bugged cosmetics, would it be possible to take a look at how glammered armors interact with the Shadowscale armor aura? It gets very wonky depending on how you equip/requip/toggle:

    -Can have the Shadowscale aura appear along with your glammered armor, obscuring it
    -Can have the Shadowscale aura not appear, glammered armor clearly visible

    Either of these effects can also show/not show depending on whether it's yourself doing it, or if you're watching someone do it. So you can see your glammered armor without an aura, but others around could see the aura, & vice versa. It can also happen when zoning into a different area

    The combo I used to test was Bladeforged with Adamantine body, Shadowscale Docent with DR30/Epic, & Glammered Docent of the Flames cosmetic. I would post pics, but I just recently TR'd & am unable to equip the level 28 docent.

    Possible solutions:
    -Have any glammered item nullify aura completely
    -Add in a paper doll toggle to activate/deactivate aura, similar to helm/goggles/armor toggles
    Last edited by rcmcneil; 11-25-2015 at 12:33 AM.

  10. #10
    Community Manager
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryethielnas View Post
    While we're on this Topic of Wonky Mirror of Glamering behavior, how about this? I Glamered a Divine Artillery

    On the left is the default Crossbow. In the middle and the right is the Glamered one. I used a Glamered Aura from the Store the to remove the Purple "Force" Aura.

    Allow me to explain what is going on here. I noticed some odd behavior with both the default Divine Artillery itself AND all other Glamered Crossbows that I have.

    Specific to the Divine Artillery itself, there is an odd thing about it, whether it's glamored or not, and it's to do with the Strings. They only sometimes show. For example, while in the Market, they just won't show, however, while in the Bank, they will. To note, there doesn't seem to be a pattern the behavior of the strings showing. I'm currently in the Market, and they're actually showing, but will disappear if I move into the Bank... :P

    Now, an issue specific to Glamered Crossbows, is that there is no Bolt visible in the Crossbow. Only when I'm showing a default skin is the Bolt visible.

    Another issue specific to ANY Glamered Crossbow that I wield, if I switch my Rune Arm, the Crossbow becomes invisible in my hands. The only way to get it showing again, is to either switch Crossbows, or just re-equip it. (Obviously, this doesn't happen if I just have a default skin showing)
    Quote Originally Posted by rcmcneil View Post
    Since this is a recent thread about bugged cosmetics, would it be possible to take a look at how glammered armors interact with the Shadowscale armor aura? It gets very wonky depending on how you equip/requip/toggle:

    -Can have the Shadowscale aura appear along with your glammered armor, obscuring it
    -Can have the Shadowscale aura not appear, glammered armor clearly visible

    Either of these effects can also show/not show depending on whether it's yourself doing it, or if you're watching someone do it. So you can see your glammered armor without an aura, but others around could see the aura, & vice versa. It can also happen when zoning into a different area

    The combo I used to test was Bladeforged with Adamantine body, Shadowscale Docent with DR30/Epic, & Glammered Docent of the Flames cosmetic. I would post pics, but I just recently TR'd & am unable to equip the level 28 docent.

    Possible solutions:
    -Have any glammered item nullify aura completely
    -Add in a paper doll toggle to activate/deactivate aura, similar to helm/goggles/armor toggles
    Thanks. Will pass along to the right folks.
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  11. #11
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We did some digging on this, and it looks like something we'll need to get a systems dev to fix. Technically, there's a workaround until we fix it: If you equip the cosmetic with cosmetic visibility turned OFF, it'll display, but you'll need to re-equip it every time you toggle cosmetic settings or re-log. There's something in the Bladeforged "body override" that isn't playing well.
    Workaround works fine, so basically I got 2 cosmetics - the intended and unintended - for the price of one. That's pretty neat. Thumbs up.
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  12. #12
    Community Member Gurei23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Thanks. Will pass along to the right folks.
    I've had a very similar problem with my gold sparkles on my yellow gelatinous cube companion. Once the sparkles stop, I've had to reapply them for the effect to (briefly) turn back on.
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