Will he update all event items ( ex. Crystal Cove ) to level 30 with level cap increase ?
Will he update all event items ( ex. Crystal Cove ) to level 30 with level cap increase ?
What is the one build he worries that is overpowered ? What is the one build he worries that is too gimp ?
Would he take a look at mushroom drop rate vs. upgrade cost is TOEE 1 ? I believe cost is way to high vs. drop rate to upgrade weapons and armor. ( Rusty Gilled Mushroom and Epic Rusty Gilled Mushroom )
We already have customizable guild ships with hook poins, any thoughts about customizable dungeons, with customizable monster selection? just throwing some silly thing.
I would ask him when he is going to give me a raise.
Seriously though, I would ask him what updates and expansions he has planned for 2016
if has a budget of 1 million USD?
How about 2 million USD?
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Any chance on another Underdark adventure pack (with a more meaningful, but equally beautiful wilderness area)?
Any chance on an Adventure Pack/expansion set in Sigil?
Argonessen (mains):
Myriellah (Stargazer II), Xryn (Pale Master), Ryaleen (Air Savant), Mayeena (Assassin)
Leader and founder of the ShadowThieves guild
mob AI agro improvements such as archers that try to shoot through walls, mobs that agro a player in the back of the group around the corner instead of the players that enter the mob area, mobs that try to run through doors or walls to get to you, mobs aware that their neighboring party member is getting hit or killed.
mob attack improvements such as possibly increasing spell casters spell list, more melee attack options, increasing damage output, giving more mobs self healing and improve self healing for mobs that can do it, running away before they are down to 1 hit point.
basically asking if there is going to be a mob pass.
You are the one choosing not to play alts.
Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter
• Not asking for a promise, but what is the target or goal timetable for completing class adjustments? (End of 2016? Mid 2017? Sometime in 2020?)
• Technical and practical limitations aside, if you (Sev~) could simply "snap your fingers" to effect change in DDO, what would you do?
I would still like to see... Something that tests character versatility and player adaptability rather than character focus strength and quest knowledge.I play the quests for the content of the quests not just as an XP/min merry-go-round.Actual play experience is worth infinitely more than theorycrafting...
I read this question and I start to feel a sickly feeling inside. I agree with you - more people is better.
But since you have been here from the beginning, I think a more interesting question is - Any plans to undo all of the painful mistakes to the game to bring back the playerbase that left in droves? I long for the days of Mr.Cow.
I would love a reason to reloiad the game and I would gladly pay you to undelete my main, but no. I cannot even think of a metaphor that describes the trajectory of this game since MoTU.
Any new planned celebrity voice over content packs? Specifically, would love any of:
- ASH (Bruce "Two Chins" Campbell)
- Patrick Stewart
- Ian McKellan
- Keith Baker
- Tara Strong
- Vin D&Diesel
Casual DDOaholic
here you go:
Jägermeister Molasses Crinkles
Yield: 26 x 2 fl oz cookies
Prep Time: 20 minutes;
Ingredient volume mass (grams)
Shortening 1 ½ c 288 g
Sugar, white, granulated 2 c 400 g
Ginger, ground 1 ½ T
Cinnamon, ground 2 t
Cloves, ground 1 t
Cardamom, ground 1 t
Salt, kosher ¼ t
Egg, whole medium 2 each
Vanilla, pure 1 T
Molasses, black strap 1 c 340 g
Jägermeister 1 fl oz
Baking soda 2 t
Flour, all purpose white 4 ½ c 562 g
Sugar in the Raw ½ c 125 g
Pan release spray (if needed)
1. In an stand mixer whip shortening until soft and has the appearance of whipped butter
2. Whip in sugar until fully combined and is fluffy
3. Add ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, and salt
4. Whip in eggs and vanilla
5. Whip in molasses and Jägermeister
6. Turn mixer to slowest speed, and mix in baking soda
7. Slowly add 1 cup of flour at a time until all is thoroughly incorporated
8. Cover and chill for 30 minutes (can chill longer but longer chill time means less leavening)
9. Using a #20 disher (2 fl oz. or 65g) scoop and ball the dough,
10. Roll dough ball in raw sugar and place ball on spray or lined baking sheets
11. Bake in a preheated 350° F oven for 12 to 14 minutes; cookies should be a puffy light brown
12. Remove cookies and let rest on pad for 2 minutes before transferring to cooling rack
13. Cookies should be somewhat crunchy on the outside, and moist and chewy on the inside.
uses extra baking soda to counteract the weight of the molasses
Dough can be frozen.
bake for 3 minutes more for 'dunkers'
dough should weigh 1700g when completed.
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— Char Builder Lite — Ron's Character Planner — Smithy Alliance —
— DDO-ML — A guide for DDO-ML — How to Access Lamannia —
Just returning to the game? Want to catch up? Click Here
More Bank Space? Leomund's Secret Chest — Guild Management System (GMS) — Demi-God Reincarnation
— OzyMoronic Barbarian (INT Barb+Rog SK) — AirForged the last Firebender (BF Sorc 18 2 Pal) —
Spectacled Librarian with a BIG GIANT HUGE SWORD (INT Ftr+Wiz+Rog) — Koboldowar VetII Arty and Dog
LuKaSu's DDO Wishlist.
SSG, Thanks for a super-fun game!
Will we ever see cosmetic Tinfoil hats in-game?
Help us help the new players. Adopt a new player today!
Promote your guild the right way: Sponsor a Raid night on your server today!
— Char Builder Lite — Ron's Character Planner — Smithy Alliance —
— DDO-ML — A guide for DDO-ML — How to Access Lamannia —
Just returning to the game? Want to catch up? Click Here
More Bank Space? Leomund's Secret Chest — Guild Management System (GMS) — Demi-God Reincarnation
— OzyMoronic Barbarian (INT Barb+Rog SK) — AirForged the last Firebender (BF Sorc 18 2 Pal) —
Spectacled Librarian with a BIG GIANT HUGE SWORD (INT Ftr+Wiz+Rog) — Koboldowar VetII Arty and Dog
Last edited by Tilomere; 12-13-2015 at 06:24 PM.
- Any future exp. bonus coming to compensate for the raised 6.6=>8.25 exp cap?