Steel past Epic feats with DC's do not (last I tested) allow increasing via focus feats and gear so the question is will this take Evoc focus, gear Sorc past lives and evoc destiny DC bonuses (like the magister arcane augmentation?):
- Cone spell, deals 30d6 Cold Damage and freezes the creature. Fortitude save (20 + Highest of your INT/WIS/CHA modifiers) negates the freeze.
50-ish DC is not high enough by 25 for Elite level 25+ content, and it's not high enough by 45 (ish) for Devils* and presumably level 31 legendary content.
This same applies to spells like: Mass Frog, Forced Escape, Hellball, and also the Destiny spells Tsunami, Soundburst SLA, Draconic burst, and etc. Basically every Epic feat spell and every Destiny SLA currently that I've tested.
Also many of these spell where they have spell resistance checks seem to use your total character level for spell penn check and do not gain benefit from gear past lives or feats which means they are total wastes to cast against anything with spell resistance (at all because 28 Spell penn check might as well be zero).
* Just throwing that out there, I'm not convinced anyone knows the real DC needed to land stuff on oranges and higher fort mobs in the new content, my 92 stunning shield doesn't even make most stuff roll a save (last I tried which was pre-nerf update 28.1)... though I have for sure seen Frozen Fury land in DoJ so there must be some threshold at which the mobs actually roll a save and can fail it.