The evolution of DDO: Stormreach to Eberron Unlimited to Dungeons & Dragons Online
-1--2 -3 -4 -5--6 -7 -8--9--10 -11-12 13 14! 15 16 17 years & still spawning kobolds
From Turbine to SSG, who are the devs anyway? DDO Peeps Tracker
lol, so what? Stranger's Dangerous Permadeath Challenge? I already do this though : Stranger's Dangerous Dead Man Runs, only difference is you dont delete when you die, you just stay dead till end of quest.
decent question, is it the last person left alive at end of year? or just highest / most xp gained by player at end of year ( even if you die )?
And Dnrshattira fell again at lvl 5 helping Dnrthriftex in Delera part 2 on hard. It seems I'm not immune to lightning bolts cast by skeleton mages . My own fault for running a level 8 equivalent quest as a level 5 toon but I was bored and wanted company lol.
Anyway I've restarted at level 1 and did korthos village on elite with Dnrthriftex. Yes he's level 1 as well and party my fault cause I switched to my only other toon on Sarlonna that I made for a 500 favor run and went in von 1 with him. I got swamped by the mephits and he got swamped by everything else and by the time I was able to get to him he was dead, sorry Thriftex .
"Stand still, stop moaning and put the grape on your head son. I can do this with my eyes closed" William Tell's ill fated come back tour.
I my 2nd dnr > DNRLmbrjck died in necro 2 looking to get a completion for the silver flame necklace with deathblock, something in there is not WAI i dont think, and i would advise staying out of it / finding another deathblock item/armor. took 1 damage from something, but was instantly sent to -10 hp and dead, but there was nothing in the combat log, and nothing from dice rolls showing a faild save. curious i went back in on casual, and the same thing happened, twice.
really glad i made dnrstrangr a warforged, docent change speed is great.
be careful out there.
edit > i had deathblock armor on, and deathward activated at the time. and this was only on shadow king
Last edited by kemetka; 12-03-2015 at 10:44 PM.
This sounds like some kind of bug, can you be more descriptive as to what quest(assuming shadow king), where exactly in the quest did this happen, would like to test with a non pd toon to see if it is still happening, having nothing in the combat log is certainly very curious, are all your combat log notifications turned on, was it from a wraith/shadow draining one of your stats, they can dispel your deathward in their very quickly?
Guild: PD Halls of Valhalla on Ghallanda Level 63, Website:
Casualnarc Epic TR 2nd Life Level 9, Repentnarc 16, Gatlingnarc 15, Snipernarc 14, Banknarc 13, Airnarc 12, Braverynarc 11, Lednarc 11, Tempestnarc 11, Holynarc 9, Repeatnarc 6, Ebuttonnarc 6 <-ALL WITH ZERO DEATHS
yes, shadow king was the only quest this happened in, and yes it was a shadow that hit me, but nothing in combat logs, and from the number that popped up I only took 1 damage after whatever i would have taken was reduced due to MRR ( i assume ) and then i was just at -10, i tested it on a quick iconic, and it happened casual - elite, difference is the iconic did not have deathward. My only guess is that if a shadow hits you for str damage after your str is at 0 ( probably from ray of exhuastion ) then you instant die, but ive never heard of this happening before and its odd it doesnt happen in the other quests.
open broadcast was being a pain today, only wanted to record a black box though the sound was still there... odd.. anyway just wanted to share this, given the rules of the challenge i rather think that this is an accomplishment
Do you happen to remember what your starting Strength was, and was it a named shadow?
Congrats on Tempest Spine it will be the first Raid I run too, Demon Queen should be soloable as well, and of course chronoscope!
If you can get a second player with you there is no reason that both VON and Titan cant be done!!
Stormreaver can be done for sure, if you have someone brave enough to fly the spikes!
Guild: PD Halls of Valhalla on Ghallanda Level 63, Website:
Casualnarc Epic TR 2nd Life Level 9, Repentnarc 16, Gatlingnarc 15, Snipernarc 14, Banknarc 13, Airnarc 12, Braverynarc 11, Lednarc 11, Tempestnarc 11, Holynarc 9, Repeatnarc 6, Ebuttonnarc 6 <-ALL WITH ZERO DEATHS
starting str was a 25
not a named shadow, just random
yes but will you solo Tempest Spine on elite? :P Also, would Demon Queen be soloable on elite, given the parameters of the challenge? :P she hits like a sonofabirch, and those archers are absolutely no joke.
i would advice against chrono unless your looking at doing it WAY above level, i was in a group doing it at max level 10, all things were fine, ntil the end boss hit 50%, then we had an instant red skull, and red named demons running around, alas that was the end of my first attempt.
as for stormreaver, i'd pass on that, I'm not good at that puzzle and it would be a pain to wait for a group to do that, though the atmosphere on this server may be different.
Von for sure, I actually just finished flagging for that so i can -- hopefully -- hit it when i get into epics.
Just finished doing Threnal on elite, for the Mantle
Currently holding level 13, and debating farming for a fleshrenders or 2, pushing forward, or getting some xp from lower level quests to flush out the remaineder of the 1750 i need for the +2 tome from Nyx.
Also, I can't remember the last time i was so elated to have a Pendant of Time, the nostalgias...
I've noticed no one else is in the dnr chat channel anymore that spoonwielder suggested:
/joinchannel dnr dontdie
I'm guessing after folks die they forget to rejoin?
Also, was looting at the end of Proof is in the Poison and ignoring an acid effect ticking away on me, when I suddenly remembered I was permadeath and looked at my hp to see I was at 16; never gulped cure pots so fast!
Well DNRDan got to Level 5 but was felled by two champion orcs in Where There's Smoke... One champion is manageable on permadeath if I'm wary, but two champions is a bit too much, I discovered.
I realized I messed up his Paladin build anyway so rerolling isn't the end of the world.
Dnrshattira falls again.This time in a shortman chrono on elite. I know I'm crazy but all in good fun .
ranking is starting to go alot slower now, combinatino of me getting alot of lag on sarlona lately, + higher level elite quest monsters inflated hp, but still going strong at 14
Sadly part four of delares chain saw the demise of Dnrthriftex IV after a harrowing day of seeing Dnrshattria fall earlier in the day. Smelly situation for Dnrthriftex but good companions saw him fall despite it being an ignoble event of dying while searching for a trap box and the stinky trap was triggered by an enthusiastic fellow :-) No names mentioned to save the rep of the friendly players.
Still loving the event/challenge. Really gives one appreciation for what new players must go through having no bank or TR toons to fall back on for gear. Need to make this an annual event.
Thank you again for putting it up.
Alive and well at level 11 as DnrBoss. Avoiding elites seems to be the way to go. Hard streak all the way!
Using this melee build:
I tried it against elites and died most heinously at level 7 in STK by Hobgob champ. Another Dnr sent me a tell saying I was a "brave soul" for using a melee build. I was thinking "what u talkin bout? this is easy." and then whack! the hobgob champ got me... I blame the hire... why don't they heal!
Anyways, re-rolled the same build, took a day/two to get back to 7 and been cleaving my way through hard quests since!
and i'd still call you a brave soul for doing a melee build, cause it only gets worse, im just using a standard 2 rogue / arti build. with heavy repeater, still rocking the level 7 ToEE one i built up, and currently in the middle of the GH walkups when i was forced to take 16. but thats fine, i dont forsee me going past gianthold, will probably do that unitl epics, just to get some extra needed skill tomes, and the xp gems.
my weekend is coming up so we'll see if i cant make it to 20, but i'm soloing everything at elite - which oddly enough is safer than grouping with a party i've found - so it takes a decent amount of time to complete a quest.
picked up halcyonia from archon's trial, so im thinkin if i can manage to TR i'll burn that free +20 heart to shacke it up to a paly grab that PL and go for a vanguard cleric maybe.
awww yisssOriginally Posted by Pyed-Pyper