Actually probably not. It's all a matter of perspective. From where you sit you want maximum activity to assist in your vision of what the game wants, but that doesn't mean that is necessarily someone else's or DDO's in general. DDO is a business which stays in business by providing a service. Sometimes from a business' perspective the best customers are those that show up, pay their money and disappear as quickly as they showed up. In this model lag is lower, need for customer support is lower and other resources aren't stretched thin on dense populations. If any business can make the same revenue using fewer resources they will generally do it. That is why you see things like otto's boxes and the like needed to spike revenue. They don't sell these to you in their desire to help you level quickly...but because it has proved to be a reliable source of revenue.
Consider revenue booms at local gyms around the first of the year. Do you think they necessarily want every person that gets an annual membership in their gym everyday? What would that do to wait times for machines (ala lag)? Simply put, the best customer is the one that gives you it's money and asks the least of you. Those that don't go back to the gym until next January to renew their membership again are ideal!
Is this what DDO wants? I doubt exactly...but, I very much believe there is a customer segment that logs on infrequently that is willing to pay a premium for convenience. Businesses like these customers because they can sell their normal product while upselling benefits that maximize their revenue generated while in game (again, otto's boxes, timers, tomes, etc).
At the end of the day what is released, if something is released, amenities that accompany it, every aspect of the game exists as a method to maximize revenue...that is the nature of the beast.