Axel, DDO Players News’ Draculetta & Antha join us for some discussion, tips and tricks on DDO’s seasonal events!

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Seasonal Festivals - 2:10
-Festivult - 4:20
-Risia Ice Games - 10:54
-Midwinter Festival - 17:24
-Festival of the Traveler - 20:06
-Treasure of the Crystal Cove - 26:00
-Mimic Hunt - 36:00
-The Night Revels - 44:41
News - 1:09:56
Lightning Post & Closing - 1:27:03

DDO Chronicle 166
Support Team Turbine Movember
Axel: Night Revels Review
Voodu: EE Mark of Death
DDO Players News 58
DDO Gamer: Night Revels Review
Ghallanda Secret Santa

-- Watch live at