Since the goal of this build is to sacrifice DPS for survivability, I have an alternate proposal: swap ftr for pal for the up to +11 to saves from Div Grace, which IMO is more important than the +Dodge from Mobility & Spring Atk or +5 PRR from TWD. I also wanted to invest a bit more into ranged DPS than the OP's original build w/PBS + Combat Archery + Doubleshot.
Half-Pint Commando
12/5/3 Ranger/Wizard/Paladin
Lawful Good Halfling
Level Order
1. Ranger 6. Ranger 11. Paladin 16. Wizard
2. Paladin 7. Ranger 12. Paladin 17. Wizard
3. Ranger 8. Ranger 13. Wizard 18. Ranger
4. Ranger 9. Ranger 14. Wizard 19. Ranger
5. Ranger 10. Ranger 15. Wizard 20. Ranger
36pt Tome Level Up
---- ---- --------
Strength 6 +4 4: DEX
Dexterity 20 +4 8: DEX
Constitution 14 +4 12: DEX
Intelligence 16 +4 16: DEX
Wisdom 8 +4 20: DEX
Charisma 12 +4 24: DEX
28: DEX
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Concent 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23
Search 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 23
Spot 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 23
Diplo 2 3 ½ 1½ 4 4 ½ 1½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 23
Heal 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 22
Hide 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 13
Move Si 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 13
UMD 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 11
Balance 1 1 2 1 1 6
Jump 2 2
Tumble 1 1
36 5 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 11 11 11
1 : Precision
1 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Undead
2 Deity : Follower of: Silver Flame
3 : Point Blank Shot
6 : Dodge
6 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Giant
9 : Improved Critical: Piercing
12 : Improved Critical: Ranged
13 Wizard : Quicken Spell
15 : Empower Healing Spell
17 Wizard : Extend Spell
18 : Least Dragonmark: Healing (or Completionist)
18 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
21 Epic : Overwhelming Critical
24 Epic : Combat Archery
26 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
27 Epic : Epic Reflexes
28 Destiny: Doubleshot (or Elusive Target)
Base CHA 12 + 4 tome + 10 item + 2 Insight + 2 shipbuff = 30 (+10 to saves); if you can goose that to 32 to max your DG bonus, well, so much the better.
If feats are tight, APs for Enhancements are tighter. A max-melee-DPS rgr 12+ build is gonna want to spend 60+ APs into DWS+Tempest alone, which doesn't leave a lot of room for other things. So let's look at a couple of possibilities.
This AP spread focuses on survivability will still taking the most important T5 Tempest enhs; it also presumes Least DM of Healing, largely for Gtr DM (Heal) for emergencies.
Enhancements (80 AP)
Halfling (12 AP)
- Halfling Luck
- Jorasco Dragonmark Focus III, Cunning I
- Lesser Dragonmark of Healing, Break out the Leeches, Halfling Guile
- Greater Dragonmark of Healing
Tempest (35 AP)
- Shield of Whirling Steel, Tempest, Graceful Death, Deflect Arrows
- Improved Reaction III, Whirling Blades
- Improved Parry III, Improved Dodge III, Whirling Blades, Haste Boost III
- Storm Dancer
- Storm Tempest, Elaborate Parry III, The Growing Storm III
- Dual Perfection, Dance of Death III
Deepwood Stalker (6 AP)
- Far Shot
- Favored Defense I, Stealthy III
- Improved Weapon Finesse
Sacred Defender (6 AP)
- Holy Bastion, Sacred Defense
- Item Defense I, Durable Defense III
Harper Agent (8 AP)
- Agent of Good I
- Harper Enchantment, Traveler's Toughness II
- Know the Angles III
Eldritch Knight (Wizard) (13 AP)
- Eldritch Strike
- Improved Mage Armor III, Item Defense I
- Improved Shield III, Martial Training
- Arcane Barrier III
I really like Arcane Barrier; IMO it's the best part of EK, since it provides both a free defensive buff and a visual reminder when you need to heal. ![Wink](/forums/images/smilies/wink.png)
By comparison, here's a more DPS-focused AP spread, which ditches halfling & EK enhs for more Tempest & DWS enhs; this version presumes taking Completionist instead of Least DM.
Enhancements (80 AP)
Tempest (40 AP)
- Shield of Whirling Steel, Tempest, Graceful Death, Deflect Arrows
- Improved Reaction II, Whirling Blades
- Improved Parry III, Improved Dodge II, Whirling Blades, Haste Boost III
- Storm Dancer, Critical Mastery I, Whirling Blades
- Storm Tempest, The Growing Storm III, Whirling Blades
- Dual Perfection, Cuts: Many Cuts III, Whirling Blades, Dance of Death III
Deepwood Stalker (26 AP)
- Far Shot, Sneak Attack, Exposing Strike, Advanced Sneak Attack
- Favored Defense I, Stealthy III
- Survivalist, Faster Sneaking I, Improved Weapon Finesse
- Survivalist, Thrill of the Hunt II, Favored Hunter III, Aimed Shot
- Survivalist, Killer III
Sacred Defender (6 AP)
- Holy Bastion, Sacred Defense
- Item Defense I, Durable Defense III
Harper Agent (8 AP)
- Agent of Good I
- Harper Enchantment, Traveler's Toughness II
- Know the Angles III
IMO, Div Crusader is a better ED for a melee/ranged hybrid than Primal Avatar: PA has more innate Ranged / Melee Power; but DC's Celestial Champion + Zeal of the Righteous boosts ranged DPS while only PA's Stormrage affects ranged atks, AFAICT. Add in Blessed Blades for DR-breaking which is a nice perk. The problem with Avatar of Nature is its super-slow attack speed; it works better with a Cleave-centric build, not a TWF build like this. If this was strictly a melee build, then maybe I'd consider PA a better choice.
So one idea for DC setup:
Destiny (24 AP)
Divine Crusader
- Bane of Undeath, Interrogation, Purge the Wicked
- Consecration III, Flames of Purity I
- Sacred Ground, Blessed Blades
- No Regret, Crusade
- Castigation, Heavenly Presence, Celestial Champion
- Strike Down
Twists of Fate (30 fate points)
- Sense Weakness (Tier 4 Fury) or Symmetric Strikes (Tier 4 Primal)
- Balanced Attacks (Tier 3 Primal)
- Lithe (Tier 2 Shadowdancer)
- Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
In hindsight, I should've maxed Spellcraft to boost Consecration's dmg a bit. Oh well...