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  1. #1
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    Default ToEE mushroom farming guide / tips?

    I'm just returning after a small hiatus and thus just getting to ToEE.

    I have armor and weapon blanks (from AH), but need to start the mushroom grind.

    I was hoping to get some tips for farming mushrooms. This would be for epic levels, and while I try to team up when possible I may end up needing to solo on occasion.

    Again, I have the blanks and just need crafting materials.

  2. #2


    Rusty gilled mushrooms: optional random chests and end chest part 1

    Yellow parisol mushrooms: end chest part 2, first part in part 2 optional random chests, chests from NPC rescues in the nodes in part 2

    Fly agaric: Fire node chests in part 2
    Oyster: Water node in part 2
    Earth star: Earth node in part 2
    Puffball: Air node in part 2
    (These drop in chests from red named optionals and in the random locked chests)

    Red cage: both end chests and all red named optional chests

    Stinkhorn: is a lie (dunno, same as red cage probably)

    As for farming...
    Gilled shrooms can be farmed by just searching for optionals in part 1. End chest has gilled guaranteed, but takes quite a bit longer. Check the map on the wiki for possible locations.
    For weapon upgrades just farm the node you actually need mats from. Each node can have 2 optional red named, check all the location they can spawn in.
    There are also some chests that need to be unlocked, bring a locker or bells.
    If you find the gem in a node, you can always get one guaranteed chest at the end of the node (where the way to zuggtmoy opens) from the red named there.
    I'd also advise to run EE if you can handle that. Drops way more.
    Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
    Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
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  3. #3
    Community Member lifestaker's Avatar
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    Default Mushroom Tips

    Rusty from part 1:
    • First floor
      • Personally I enter in the east (right) door.
        Head south for 2 possible spawns.
        North then east to Harpy room (harpy chest is not a mushroom chest) north and south of harpy is possible spawns.
        Continue north in main hall to gargoyle (again not a mushroom chest) and then north again to crypts.
        Do not enter earth temple but check around in crypt for several spawn points.
        If you find a spider egg mound, do not kill it unless you have found the frog keeper already.
        Return to south and make way up to the priest's chamber to get club (if not there no worries)
        Open door to earth temple and go in.
        Clear around outer temple and if you have the club, grab the earth key
        enter northwest door.
        I always find spell wards in this hall, so take the left and cut through the last cell if you want to avoid the risk of them.
        Take side path to get club if you had gotten the water note (return to get earth key), otherwise just continue to the ballista
        West from Ballista, clearing by the fireplace and south from there.
        take paths leading back to the center, and the south checking names in both locations prior to entering the air temple.

      The lower floor has always been bad luck for me, so I hit the fast wins, but here you go.
      • enter in fire temple, grab key, exit in NE door (eastern halls).
        Clear to the north, enter Hall of triumphal evil, go directly north to northern halls.
        Clear out however much of the area in northern halls. Have had up to 7 chests in there (not all mushroom ones)
        The underwater chest and the one behind the locked door do not drop mushrooms, so don't feel bad if you did not get them
        If able to find hidden door in throne like room then clear from shrine to hall of TE, but return taking the western hall door.
        clear western halls dropping the air priest and hitting the rune.
        go to air temple and get air key.
        enter water temple and get water key.
        exit water by north door entering the western halls.
        Proceed to the level 3 and the end.

    Part 2
    • yellow farm
      • You will most likely never need to farm these, but if you must then just run the nodes looking for 'lost NPCs' that need you to talk to them, or farming the upper levels (while farming red cage/octopus)

      • I find myself just looking for node gems and dropping the names along the way.
        Kill the named by the Zuggy rune for a chest if you/your party needs the mushrooms/armors from the node you are in.
        go to next node.
        Biggest thing when farming these is to just put out there that you need X element mushrooms.
        And do not be greedy, hand over the ones you do not need (even if you may need some time down the road) if someone actually needs them.
        Elemental mushrooms will come very fast when you farm sets due to needing 50 vs the 400 rusty for a set.

    Red cage/ Octopus farm.
    • Run far to many part ones to make the items you need, if you did not get a red cage then farm the clerics in part 2.
      I have only pulled the octopus in part 2 on the upper levels, not in any node (have been told they drop in nodes but no personal luck), and only on EE.
      Farming the front 2 rooms, dropping the clerics, and then looking down each hall can provide you a few chests/alters. (locked chests are not mushroom chests)
      If you get a good alter then then might as well keep going, if not then I call it, recall and rerun to farm.

    I normally find myself running only part of this, being to clear to the crypts, then going for the club, then rushing to each key and ending part 1. Part 2 I try not to enter the nodes unless I feel like doing them all, and finishing the quest. Just clearing the area prior to the nodes resulted in more then I expected in mushrooms.

    Unless it is the clerics chest or one of the end chests, standard chests (harpy, commanders, cook, locked ones, ect) have never pulled me in anything good, so in many cases I find myself running past them, more so if they are locked. Look mostly for named monsters, the random chests are the ones you want.

    Some of the doors in here seem to be around a 72ish search (epic if it needed to be said). Having that on some characters can be a bit of work, but can make running/farming a lot faster.

    Shrines in part 1 are a bit of a pain for a caster or healer, just be mindful of the ones you used. Try to focus on the archers if you can stop/kill them with a spell. The ogres seem to have lost some HP, but still hit hard, dance works on them if you can't just smash them fast like first. The medusa is still one the most annoying bosses in there, remember to rebuff after fighting her. Tempest (the air elemental in air node part 2) can be annoying, but think it has lost HP as well (though still high it is not well over the dragons HP anymore)
    I would have a sig, but Someone might be offended by it so I will just list characters.
    Vicinity, Proximity, and far to many bank toons too list.
    -Sorry to any bank toons that are offended by me not listing mine-
    Ravensguard, Ghallanda

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Thanks both for the tips.

    lifestaker - when you said you doubt I'll farm yellows, was that because I should get enough yellows while farming for other stuff?

    Regarding elemental farm. I'm not particularly attached to any specific element. It seems you can get all flavors of the weapons on the AH if you are patient. Any recommended? (for both best use for end game / future end game as well as easy of 'farmability').


  5. #5
    Community Member lifestaker's Avatar
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    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by RS-Makk View Post
    Thanks both for the tips.

    lifestaker - when you said you doubt I'll farm yellows, was that because I should get enough yellows while farming for other stuff?

    Regarding elemental farm. I'm not particularly attached to any specific element. It seems you can get all flavors of the weapons on the AH if you are patient. Any recommended? (for both best use for end game / future end game as well as easy of 'farmability').

    Yellows drop in far to many chests in part 2. Alters, all chests on upper level, end chest, NPCs lost in nodes, and I may still be missing some locations. They are also are unbound, and require only 100 (should get over 30 a run in part 2 with moderate luck). If you are soloing you will be farming elements for a hot minute, figuring on average of 2 chests per node, containing about 5 a each. These numbers are not 100% true for the averages in there but seem about fair from an EE run, lower on hard and normal.

    I have more then a few made on my account:
    • armor:
      • light acid with +2 mythic
        light electric with +2 mythic
        Med fire
        Med acid
        Med acid with +4 mythic
        Heavy electric with +2 mythic

      Offensive weapons:
      • Fire warhammer with +2 mythic (used on barb life)
        acid warhammer with +4 mythic (used on barb life)
        electric rapier (ranger and swf lives)
        cold rapier (ranger and swf lives)
        acid Shortsword with +4 mythic (various lives)
        Cold long sword

      Caster weapons:
      • Fire warhammer with +4 (warlock fiend pact)
        electric rapier with +2 mythic (made for sorc life and never used)
        acid rapier (made for warlock old one pact, but replaced come level 28 due to other gear)

    The weapons work great as an off hand one, though can be used in main I found TF being better in many regards. I use the fire warhammer on my warlock due to the mythic on it and the set, mostly due to him only needing the set bonus and the +4 mythic form it. The added spell power for colors is not bad either.

    End game weapon I would aim for cold personally, that or acid. Fire is not the greatest and electric has been less effective as of late. Armor wise go fire, unless you are going to run the 3bc boots, then go any (i have had low luck with armor pulls so i use what i have).
    I would have a sig, but Someone might be offended by it so I will just list characters.
    Vicinity, Proximity, and far to many bank toons too list.
    -Sorry to any bank toons that are offended by me not listing mine-
    Ravensguard, Ghallanda

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by RS-Makk View Post
    when you said you doubt I'll farm yellows, was that because I should get enough yellows while farming for other stuff?
    Yes. You'll have plenty of those.
    I crafted 5 weapons and 4 armors so far fully upgraded and have 2.5k yellows spare.

    By the way, if you do elemental nodes, that's where the armors drop. Those still go well when traded. You might find someone that will trade you gilled shrooms for an armor set.
    Thelanis - Ethforged - Etherar - Fjirty --- Mitis Mors
    Ghallanda - Ethrayne - Ethryne --- Omnipresence
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  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Thanks for the advice.

    I started farming and it’s looking good. I ended up farming some of the gilled mushrooms on part 1.. got a bit tired and ended up getting the rest of what I needed from the AH so I could focus on the part 2 stuff (part 2 is a lot more fun for me). I focused on air element (****.. those air elementals suck..), and now have the 50 air mushrooms I need, as well as the 100+ yellow ones and about 25 of the other elemental mushrooms (maybe I’ll farm them also so I can craft a few weapons). I had to do most on EH.. I was mostly soloing and my pure ranger can’t quite handle the EE solo (EH is no problem, but on EE the large mobs & the archers kick my butt).

    I’d like to try to farm a mythic mushroom. What I started doing last night was just going into the front area of TOEE Part 2, checking to see if there are chests on those 2 rooms (don’t even have to go in to see if there is a chest.. just hit ‘q’ a few times as I scan from outside and it shows if there’s one in there or not), and if there’s chests, I pop the door and pull out the named (just hit him a couple of times with the bow.. I can handle the named 1 on 1…) so I can fight him without pulling the mobs to me.. then sneak in and get the chest. Recall – reset. I seem to get Senshock often, Hedrack some. No mythic mushrooms yet, but collecting a bunch of yellows and a bunch of the TOEE weapons.

    A question – is this a reasonable approach to farm a mythic mushroom?

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